I’m not particularly interested in a dmg meter either personal or allround… I do not fear weakness of my builds, only my personal skills… Being an old geezer I think I have seen a lot of games… I’m slower then 30 years ago when I started gaming…. Though I’m not useless….
Most of the problems arise from the fact dmg is not only your doing.
Damage is a collective effort…
If you’re running a condi build and you make a combo on someone else’s field and it added dmg, and vice versa if you lay down combo fields and people trigger it, will it add to your damage or not? Should vulnerability, might and fury and banners be included in your dmg assesment or just the raw dmg?
There is a good chance vulnerability is not the spearhead of your build, or might or fury, and you’re dependant of 1 or more other players to provide those, if so the number of your DPS/DOT only show the effectiveness of group play not the effeciveness of the builds. Also based on these numbers could you make a decent assesment of you need to split up and you’ll lose a good deal of your DPS/DOT if your party is well, not balanced? will you die when split up cause you no longer have acces to certain boons (protection, regen?)
Be sure to know most figures are only valid if you could outright copy all instances exact in movement and cast times not only for yourself but also for others… This was also the main reason for stacking… boon sharing and maximizing effectiveness at all times…. with 10 ppl 1 stack dooesn’t work, most boons are for 5 ppl. so groups should be max 5 ppl.
Shouldn’t your observations be more then DPS alone?
Well the boss is a HP bag and you have “t” seconds to kill it.
So HP/t = required minimal AVERAGE total DPS & DOT
Average total DPS & DOT / players = USELESS
But it should give a nice figure…. or does it?
The function of builds could imply they have a less ideal setup for DPS due to the need of certain weapons/skills, causing the need for High DPS and dedicated (potentially) lower DPS builds co-oping…. of course the HIGH DPS will need to trade safety for DPS and the lower will not function to replace them, in the end requiring all of them to fuction as a team…
Problem is these theoretical values are useless when you need to dodge/ heal/res/use other skills with no DPS cause it will reduce “t” and therefore raise AVERAGE DPS. Down time of players will aggrevate this a LOT….
The numbers are an illusion cause you are not capable of extrapolating data while playing. Yes your DPS can go up and down, but why? cause of might? fury? vulnerability? banners? buff fields?, is the goal you set for DPS still relevant if 1 goes down or 2 go down?
Understand if you have 6 DPS builds doing 66% of the dmg and 4 doing the remaining 34% and 2 DPS-ers go down: all players need to up DPS by 22%… and while ressing if one of the low DPS ppl goes you’ll need 30.5% and if one of the remaining 4 DPS -er goes you’ll need 33% added dmg to maintain the same average DPS you started with to maintain DPS…. for the 1st res and 19.5 and 22% respectively during the second res…or if both go to res you’ll have 41.5% engaged in rubbing people but only half time As these values are mostly impossible to compensate I’d be very mindfull of actual deaths….
Understand a DPS meter is -mostly- a limited tool ( especially when only DPS/s), and I find the most usefull tool should be your own intelligence and I’d say just use your head instead. Your tool can say you are doing our calculated minimum number, but it really doesn’t matter if you lose oversight
I expect a lot more people will die when a DPS meter is added mostly because they aren’t watching the game, making it only usefull when rewatching your fight, in which case a realtime DPS meter would save you trouble in your recording but it would be ueless in the fight.
Making a recording will show you way more then just a statistic… Maybe I feel it’s a bit like driving a car while only looking at the speed-o-meter….. I see this happening and it would be a big reason for fails….
Maybe you should try to work out:
- Did you keep up might, fury, vulnerability, buffs, enough stacks of DOT,
- Could you (get & stay) melee when it was possible/needed,
- Did you help people by buffing,
- Did you help people by healing them,
- Did you help people by cleansing them,
- Did you break the boss when needed,
- Could you fullfill your role? Or were you forced in a role you do not have a build for?
- Did you go down, and why?
- How much time did you explore the wonderous world of ants and daisies,
In the end regarding DPS:
If any time would be left afer completing: it would open up the party to other builds with lower DPS as long as the lower DPS players can provide other benefits, using a less effective weapon for CC or Heals for example, or when a certain boss drops way faster then other bosses, maybe you could use 1 less player on a certain boss so it’s more balanced.
DPS is probably the last and least interesting factor… Most engagements are done with minutes to spare on timers, if this happens: clearly the overal damage was more then enough.
If all were max dps and full glass and you would have 1 or 2 seconds to spare (or short) ,it would imply the engagement with your foe wouldn’t be completable with other builds then max DPS, as you already maximized uptime, buffs, DOT, and so on. It would also mean you cannot finish it on 99% of the available builds… showing it’s time for a nerf hammer. making the DPS meter once again useless.
A personal dmg meter is a brag system: Look at me! I did -fill in numer here- dmg and -fill in other number here- DPS! Leaving the -personal- soon to be forgotten… But it would bypass all other things, ressing somebody would cause a loss of DPS, especially long term (average) DPS would suffer but you did add a player back and it’s corresponding DPS/DOT/CC/Heals/Buffs and so on. The problem being the brag thing… either on screenshots, video’s, Vlogs and so on….
Bragging makes people come out in the open with numbers, removing personal from personal dmg meter, again only showing “polished numbers” again creating hype’s about meta’s and builds and team setups then again needed for fastest completion… Which is exactly what the OP wants to avoid….
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)