Armor looks

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Am i the only one thinking there’s a lack of design or research in the making of armor and outfit? like if they just spend few hours to make them?
I mean, the concept are wonderful, everything proportioned, everything is covered in metal or something, but then the 3D model we get is full of empty spaces between shoulders and harms, in the thighs parts (especially in the metal armor) where you can only see sometimes a skirt or a metal plate texture on your leg…

All the armor that ends with a skirt are made in a horrible way! like if it was a 3D cylinder (glued to your hips) that can’t move, so when you walk it starts to float all around your character and transforming you in a Disney princess or in a 18th century french girl.

Lets make an example, barely no armor has any sort of elbows protection or knees protection —> just a piece of something that starts from your hands and ends before the elbows, leaving all the space from there to the shoulders covered just by a texture.

Shoes in every character (asura and charr apart) are so small i wonder how can my character even stand still without falling by gravity to one side or one other

Most of the boots just cover you shins leaving the knee out
Most of the legs protection (leggings) cover the sides and not the front of your body

And an other problem is this: all this spaces of your body with nothing on makes the whole armor looks incomplete
But i think the worst part is the disney princess effect.


(edited by Vespero.6180)

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


not a surprise that you can see a lot of phalanx armor around, it’s the only one covering everything and showing a little logic.
Probably the best “cosmetic armor” ever made by Anet. and the most sold too


Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Disney princess effect, present in mostly every skirt and trench coat


Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tringsh.2380


Try running female Asura with light armor.

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


…try making a charr that does not look like a tent on legs in medium armor

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

not a surprise that you can see a lot of phalanx armor around, it’s the only one covering everything and showing a little logic.
Probably the best “cosmetic armor” ever made by Anet. and the most sold too

have you seen female version of it?

not that covering and logical anymore :P
[as a set I mean]

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arahzor.1832


…try making a charr that does not look like a tent on legs in medium armor

That made my day haha!

On topic how ever i fully agree that the “disney princess” is really really annoying.

Arahor Aure [DVDF]

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Disney princess is just THE WORST
it ruined every single trench coat or skirt in the game, trust me, it’s impossible to see your character running around with it.

it’s like “i must slow down or i’ll start to fly”

Even Lineage 2 had not this problem with coats and it’s 8 years old. (maybe more?)

yes ofc i was talking about male armor. i think the problem lies on the human body model not on the armor, if you notice every character has super large booty with a 30cm long waist