Armors in my opinion

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bodycult.4516


Graphics in this game : 10/10
PVE : 10/10
PVP: 4/10 (need a big work on this)

Character look (armor) : 1/10

Really….. my chicks is not sexy at all :S Look like she wear male outfit… wtf Anet. Where is skin ? legs ? mini skirt ??? ;( Only this make this game rated below all bad game that have sexy outfits to me…

Bad game + sexy outfits much better THAN good game with unsexy female character … no ?

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Not sure if troll.
But i agree with him none the less and good night peoples.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


This game indeed needs more mini skirts, I hope mods are reading this

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bodycult.4516


not trolling… just sending my opinion… really no one else notice that armor are ugly ?? Especially for women character ? where is my sexy female warrior with bikini plate armor like Xena ?

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


Armor is not armor if it does not protect the wearer. I hated how heavy armor class’s somehow had less armor and protecting far less. I don’t care if its imbued with magic, all magic in games have its limit.

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Graphics in this game : 10/10
PVE : 10/10
PVP: 4/10 (need a big work on this)

Character look (armor) : 1/10

Really….. my chicks is not sexy at all :S Look like she wear male outfit… wtf Anet. Where is skin ? legs ? mini skirt ??? ;( Only this make this game rated below all bad game that have sexy outfits to me…

Bad game + sexy outfits much better THAN good game with unsexy female character … no ?

Gawd, another prepubescent spotty fella who is crying into his milk and cookies because the gals FINALLY get to cover up for a change in a cliche ridden MMO market

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Noir.3804

Artemis Noir.3804

This feels like a troll thread… Seriously.

Anyway… I hope, if you succeed in finding “sexy armours” that your “hawt” set of pixel porn is capable of casting stoneskin or something similar…

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Graphics in this game : 10/10
PVE : 10/10
PVP: 4/10 (need a big work on this)

Character look (armor) : 1/10

Really….. my chicks is not sexy at all :S Look like she wear male outfit… wtf Anet. Where is skin ? legs ? mini skirt ??? ;( Only this make this game rated below all bad game that have sexy outfits to me…

Bad game + sexy outfits much better THAN good game with unsexy female character … no ?

Gawd, another prepubescent spotty fella who is crying into his milk and bookies because the gals FINALLY get to cover up for a change in a cliche ridden MMO market

What do you have against mini skirts? Do you hate America?

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bodycult.4516


Oh….. its not real life armors…. its a virtual world where fantasy is possible… you already saw a mesmer or an elementalist in real life ? No….. then why plate bikini should not exist in this nice virtual world ?!?

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cod Eye.1632

Cod Eye.1632

Some ppl need to get a real girlfriend, then ask her to dress in a sexualised fashion and wait for the reaction.

“Hey I swung a sword, Hey Hey I swung a sword again,”

“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greenbuddhas.4508


im confused…there’s a lot of half naked armor sets out there? where have you been?

all though i do agree with you, im lvl 75 and i’m wearing the same armor set i wore at lvl 20 LEVEL TWENTY!!! that is unacceptable and lazy. I can crap out armor ideas right now for them if they’d give it a shot but nope, they just decided to take the lazy route in that department.

(edited by Greenbuddhas.4508)

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

I have saddly to agree with that.

95% of the light armor are just ugly as possible. At least GW1 had really many excelent looking light armor.
95% of the heavy armor on female just look as any ugly can of food.
Only the medium armor are not so bad.

Also, the Female Human hair cut, except 4 of they they are all awfull, terrible, ugly.
How can you have such wonderfull “world” designer, and so bad artist for the armor look / hair look.

this part is desapointing without any doubt.
( like just look at Vindictus game, female armor / look are just extremly awesome )

EDIT : Also good looking armor DONT mean half naked armor ( at least for me )

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Noir.3804

Artemis Noir.3804

Some ppl need to get a real girlfriend, then ask her to dress in a sexualised fashion and wait for the reaction.

I think right here lies the problem… A pixellated girlfriend they can fantasize over is the closest they’ll ever get. :P

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bodycult.4516


Hehe, thanks for editing my topic name -.- UGLY

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Oh! Oh! How about a g-string as a gem shop item?

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordKozuke.1259


I dont mind more skimpy armors but come on… this game really makes me hate coats almost 80% of medium armor are just coats.

Can we get more upper body clothes like a jacket even a shirt will be fine…

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dedara.7064


Needs better body types like in TERA
Edit: even better, sliders for certain body areas just like the face detail section.


(edited by Dedara.7064)