

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blake.3609


How come every piece of armour i find has Crit/power, shouldnt it have Crit/prec sense precision affects crit damage. I am a warrior and i want to use 2 hand sword and Axe/shield. My warrior is lvl 45.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


You’re not the only one pondering this. There is that anomaly in the mid tier armour stats, then again at final tier where Valkyries set provides +crit but no +precision. Crit damage is pointless without precision unless you’re one of the few classes that can stack significant crit chance bonuses through traits and abilities.

At the final tier of items you have Berserker’s set though which is the powerful glass cannon Power/Precision/Crit holy trinity.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theik.9340


How come every piece of armour i find has Crit/power, shouldnt it have Crit/prec sense precision affects crit damage. I am a warrior and i want to use 2 hand sword and Axe/shield. My warrior is lvl 45.

You sir are wrong, precision does not affect crit damage. It affects crit chance.

Crit chance is how much chance you have to critically hit. (So 50% = crit once every two hits), where as crit damage is how much damage you deal extra when you crit.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


level 45 itemization is important.

Look ahead 15 levels, and you’ll have 3 stats to be disappointed in.

And hey, this “armour” is created by Armorsmiths. Drop the u!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SilverMonkey.7249


level 45 itemization is important.

Look ahead 15 levels, and you’ll have 3 stats to be disappointed in.

And hey, this “armour” is created by Armorsmiths. Drop the u!

Just a heads up. -our is proper for english, American english is -or So technically Armour and Armor are both correct.

Good Judgement comes from Experience, Experience comes from Bad Judgement. – Anon


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


One armor combination I’m really wondering about is the power/crit/vit, since, if you have no prec, idk how you can get much crit % to make good use of the +crit dmg.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ariannaid.5201


One armor combination I’m really wondering about is the power/crit/vit, since, if you have no prec, idk how you can get much crit % to make good use of the +crit dmg.

To make best use of that armor, you have to be one of the classes that can stack crit chance via traits, ideally in conjunction with raw precision from the relevant trait line. Thief is probably the biggest beneficiary, since they can get a trait effect for 100% crit chance on any hit made from stealth, but Guardian and Engineer can stack a pretty significant amount as well (maybe others, too, but those are the ones I’m most familiar with).

Alternatively—or additionally—you could mix Valkyrie gear with other gear like Rampager’s, Berserker’s, or Knight’s, depending on whether you want to emphasize survivability even more or sacrifice a bit for damage of some sort.