Armour Skills (Frost, Chaos, Fire, etc.)

Armour Skills (Frost, Chaos, Fire, etc.)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiri.6728


Is it me or are most of the armour-type skills like mesmer staff 4, water dagger 4, fire focus 5, and so on really underwhelming? I never even like them when I get them from combo finishers (usually when I blast someone’s ice field instead of water it’s a “ kitten #8221; moment.) They require you to get hit, which you should be avoiding most of the time, and they just add conditions at a length no different to applying them normally. Plus, for a lot of them (fire shield, chaos armour) you can’t really tell what they’re doing even if they do work, so it feels even weaker than it already is.

Armour Skills (Frost, Chaos, Fire, etc.)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


magnetic aura absolutely rocks – sends projectiles back to the ‘sender’, especially funny when a large plains wurm throws a rock at you and it bounces back. If you can get it up before a highly damaging projectile hits, its just amazing (think wvw, when a glass-cannon ranger uses the multi-arrow skill over a few seconds. he can kill himself with that)

but yeah, the rest don’t seem to be making a big difference, but they do help a bit.