As the story unfolds...
I too want the Labyrinthine Cliffs to return, but I guess I’ll play devil’s advocate here.
First of all, it was introduced during LS1, where things didn’t stay.
Second, it was a festival area, much like SAB. And much like SAB, it has a lot of jumping mechanics for such a small zone. Remember how they said that changes in the game made it hard to bring SAB back? Well, the same very likely holds true here. The zone would need a rework to bring it up to the current game’s speed.
Third, is that the aspect crystals would be gone. Given that you needed those to move around, they would have to be replaced with something else. But what? What would they use to fill in the gaps, and would it still feel like the same zone when they were done? I’ve suggested Asuran devices to replicate the effects of the crystals, but it really wouldn’t have the same exotic feel. Asuran devices are everywhere.
Fourth and finally, the airships are gone. The entire top of the zone would need to be replaced, and the crystal hunt would need fixed. By this point, they’re going to be basically remaking the whole zone, nearly from scratch. It might be worth it if the Living Story went back there for some reason, but otherwise it’s resources better used to make a new map for the LS.
Now, before you say that points 3 and 4 don’t count if they set the zone back to before LS2, I must point out that any lingering LS1 content was moved up to the end of LS1/start of LS2. Southsun is a prime example of this. They won’t deal with Point 2 just to go backwards on this.
I would dearly love for them to bring the cliffs and the vendors there back. They had a great solution for “worthless” items there, and the zone was fun. It’s just that it will take a lot of work and time to get it back. Our best bet is to remind them of how we enjoyed the area, and hope they find a reason to refresh it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Sure, use logic.. >.< LOL
That said, many areas of little or no importance exist. And places we loved, are gone. Another MMO I played solved this dilemma. They took such areas and made them accessible by talking to an npc. They were like time capsules.
The biggest problem with some areas being gone is telling people about them and they want to go and experience them, and can’t. IT’s very off putting to new players to hear about Scarlets raid on LA, the battles. But they only exist in memory. and yes that is how real life is, tales of days gone by. But this is a game, we come here to give reality the brush off. If reality is needed here, bring in rent, utilities etc.. I guess TO ME, the LS idea doesn’t work. I want to be able to go back thru those times on each new character. So much about this game is amazing, LS.. not so much sorry guys.. just not a fan of the format sigh
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
Thought occurs, change crystal search for gliding achs?
Regarding the map assets themselves, ANet actually has a lore reason to not change that much of it, really. Based on the listings of years of events in the Story Journal, it’s now been three years since the Dry Top incident so the Zephyrites have had ample time to return to the Labyrinthine Cliffs (which acted as a trading area long before the Zephyrites showed up there) to rebuild their ships. Besides, not all of the Zephyrite fleet crashed back then; only the Zephyr Sanctum and the two or so ships it hit while going down so most of the fleet is still intact.
The only changes ANet would really need to make lorewise: add a few NPCs repairing stuff here and there as well as remove the NPCs Aerin and whatever other named NPC casualties were seen or referenced in Dry Top, have new Master of Peace and Master of Sun NPCs to replace their predecessors, and possibly take out some dialogue and add new, relevant dialogue referencing the passage of time and them moving on from the tragedy they experienced.
Hopefully the Labyrinthine Cliffs will return someday in some form. It’s a fun, beautiful map to explore, and it would be a shame if newer players never get to experience it and all the rich lore it offered.
Thought occurs, change crystal search for gliding achs?
Interesting, you’re suggesting a mastery line to learn the crystal skills? I suppose there could be “residue” spots where crystals once lay that those in the know can trigger to jump and soar and dash.
Regarding the map assets themselves, ANet actually has a lore reason to not change that much of it, really. Based on the listings of years of events in the Story Journal, it’s now been three years since the Dry Top incident so the Zephyrites have had ample time to return to the Labyrinthine Cliffs (which acted as a trading area long before the Zephyrites showed up there) to rebuild their ships. Besides, not all of the Zephyrite fleet crashed back then; only the Zephyr Sanctum and the two or so ships it hit while going down so most of the fleet is still intact.
The only changes ANet would really need to make lorewise: add a few NPCs repairing stuff here and there as well as remove the NPCs Aerin and whatever other named NPC casualties were seen or referenced in Dry Top, have new Master of Peace and Master of Sun NPCs to replace their predecessors, and possibly take out some dialogue and add new, relevant dialogue referencing the passage of time and them moving on from the tragedy they experienced.
Hopefully the Labyrinthine Cliffs will return someday in some form. It’s a fun, beautiful map to explore, and it would be a shame if newer players never get to experience it and all the rich lore it offered.
+1000000000 I would live there. Like I did before lol. Oh and maybe this time Marjory will wear a swimsuit as well.. lol
Thought occurs, change crystal search for gliding achs?
Interesting, you’re suggesting a mastery line to learn the crystal skills? I suppose there could be “residue” spots where crystals once lay that those in the know can trigger to jump and soar and dash.
Or Oakheart. Have a quest to bring a seed from Draconis Mon to spawn a plant in Labyrinthe. You complete the quest, unlock the use of a Oakheart Node there and you have a new way to use older content. Because of the seaside climate the vines are not as stable and do not last as long or shoot as high as they do on DM. Plenty of ways to remove the easy button aspect of Oakheart.
Or (ideas keep coming lol) Make a questline to help them return to Labyrinthe. You round up those wishing to go back, and guide and guard them on their return trip.
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
Or (ideas keep coming lol) Make a questline to help them return to Labyrinthe. You round up those wishing to go back, and guide and guard them on their return trip.
Sounds like a decent setting for a current events questline in the same spirit as the Caladbolg quests.
They could even add in leyline gliding. Dwayna knows it is a very under used skill for such a high tier skill. And updrafts, a cliff based seaside area would surely have updrafts. There are sooooo many possibilities with the current games abilities.
Oh man, talk about homesick, I can see that place, every nook, every perch. Gliding from the top areas to the bottom.. WANT!!!
Anet, more unique and fun things to do with existing content, is a CFO’s dream. Less investment, it’s already there (Please say you didn’t remove it permanently, as in code etc is gone. Even if it never returns don’t take away the dream) it could remain open. (Heck Southsun does and it is a ghost town. (Seriously, if you need map space to bring back Labyrinthe nuke Southsun, sink it, res the Vizier he loves sinking places).
Ok ranting but if nothing else, you really created a wondeful place. All that work. Just gone. Make it the headquaters of Dragon Watch. Come on, something.. -.-
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
I’d personally would prefer if Dry Top changed and turned into the new area for the bazar, but that’s just me i guess.
Same with Southsun, would love it if changes would occur there because living story returns to the area and shows how it was affected.
Instancing would be great for this, then again, that maybe would need some sort of party leader to work in groups…
I’d personally would prefer if Dry Top changed and turned into the new area for the bazar, but that’s just me i guess.
Same with Southsun, would love it if changes would occur there because living story returns to the area and shows how it was affected.
Instancing would be great for this, then again, that maybe would need some sort of party leader to work in groups…
No, I get it. We all have favorite places. Me, I prefer the look of LA at launch, but time moved on. And the battle was epic. Man, they need to do that again. Have an attack on that scale somewhere. Jormag could go after Hoelbrak.
AETHERBLADES!!! They try to take over Labyrinthe, DW goes there to see what or who is behind it. I even know a way to bring back.. SCARLET. When her ship went down in LA harbor, admidst the old ruins of gw1 LA there is a tunnel leading up to a cave… (grab your swim fins it really is there guys) She dragged herself out of the water, her henchman secreted her away. NO, renegades from the Nightmare court secreted her away, and she has begun looking for a new ally. 4 more Elder Dragons right? Heck, bring back Shiro. He died and came back over and over in GW1. LOL
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)