Asc. gear, guild missions.
gw2 will leak players until its about the same size as other mmos.
it was a super fun experience as a one shot game, but maybe the replay value isnt there.
we are feeling the game starting to put emphasis on “daily work to do” and “vertical grind”.
the problem is that gw2 tries to be everything :/
why games like dota2 will be so popular, and why gw2 cannot keep a steady flow (leaking now i think).
because its a themepark!
and thempark need vertical challenging content aka raid and gear grind etc.
gw2 does too many things, but nothing perfectly.
im lost. i grind my daily and log off.
is it a farmers game? because there is no high challenge.
then pvp, isnt dota2.
anyway, im just going bananas,
but theres something missing somehwere in this game at “endgame” and i cant define it.
Let me give you my opinion on your concerns, again let me make it very clear it is my opinion and what I do personally in game regarding what is bothering you with he game features. Regarding focusing everything into main characters I do not believe it is the case, what I do is pick one (or two) to run FotM and I am gearing only those with ascended items. Those are the only ones that really need said armor since are the only ones that are going to need Agony Resistance. I am totally fine with the currencies that this game has, it allows me to progress to meet my goals by doing a certain type of content that I choose to. The only thing I wish is that there would be a way to store them in the collectibles tab in the bank. The guild mission system I like it as it is right now for two reasons; first, it adds a sense of progression to the guild meaning that they didn’t just add content they also added the idea that guilds have to do things together to unlock new mission types. In my guild we have been doing events, dungeons, fractals, WvW and of course guild missions more often because we are saving influence for the unlocks. Second, it gives them enough time to expand on the system by adding new missions and mission types that can be unlocked and played through the current system. Overall my point is that there is a greater view and just because the content is not designed to be consumed in 3 hour timespan it does not make it a bad content update.
You’re not alone in this. Everyone with two eyes and a working brain is aware of the treadmill/calendar gating. Everyone has their own rationalizations for playing.
Mine goes to the tune of “They might make the game better in the future somehow and I don’t want to be behind so I’ll just log in and get my laurel and a few dozen ecto’s.”
I’m now on full exotics and I couldn’t care less about ascended. Maybe I’ll go for a legendary in a year or so when there’s other ways to get a precursor, already have 250g and some mats. By that time, I’ll probably also have enough laurels for ascended gear or whatever is the best equipment tier then. I totally don’t miss anything, I’m still awesome in PvE and WvW and in PvP it doesn’t matter at all. So whatever you’re ranting about, it’s absolutely your personal choice. If you want to grind, feel free to do so. Everybody else just plays the game at absolutely no disadvantage.
(edited by Iruwen.3164)
i come from GW1 where you had bunch of toons and played all of them with different builds and specs, and it was great.
Did you forget about character bound achievements?! In Gw1 you could have more then one character and that’s true. But still… You had to get all the achievements with ONE character.
The gating is just poor design. They need to put in some dynamic events/dungeons that are hard but also reward really well. Currently the major flaw in this game is how poorly it rewards you for doing anything. Dynamic events reward you less money than it takes to use a nearby waypoint. The karma you gain from events is pretty much worthless since it seems they aren’t going to do anything with it. Skill points are pretty much worthless for anyone not after a certain crafted weapon/legendary. Dungeon gear requires grinding a dungeon over and over again for tokens(a pair of dungeon pants takes 5 paths! In other games I could run a dungeon 5 times and have pretty much all the loot I wanted from there barring a rare drop).
They need to take out the grinding of currency and actually give rewards. Expand the stats, create new stat combos(CD, toughness, vitality!). I would rather they go the route of diablo 2(getting too much loot) than going the eastern MMO route(grind for everything). I’m waiting until the next patch to make my final decision considering that I like WvW. If they mess up that patch and add further gating I’m done.
make a better pvp/wvw experience.
take inspiration from moba
something more along the line of the eternal battleground jumping puzzle.
I never cared about achievements, besides, those achievements weren’t getting you anything except titles, so it was in line with horizontal progression thing, if you cared about it > you do it and get your titles and it doesn’t affect anything at all, if not, then you just ignore it, just like i did. Gear is different, it tied to your performance one way or another.
I was really ok with the guild missions until I found out that you can only get 2 comms a week MAXIMUM. different mission types DON’T actually award more comms. you get 2 per week, that’s it. It will take 12 weeks of grinding to get 2 items… that’s even more of a grind then wow.
Everybody else just plays the game at absolutely no disadvantage.
This is false in regards to WvW, one piece maybe nothing, but they do stack up eventually, so in case you have a main, this toon, when equipped in full ascended jewelry and backpack, for example, will have en edge over full exotic character in terms of stats.
I never cared about achievements, besides, those achievements weren’t getting you anything except titles, so it was in line with horizontal progression thing, if you cared about it > you do it and get your titles and it doesn’t affect anything at all, if not, then you just ignore it, just like i did. Gear is different, it tied to your performance one way or another.
So what did you care about in gw1? But please be specific.
I half expected this when they made level 80 the cap at release, they’ve made leveling and stat chasing a very significant portion of the game just like many other MMOs. Now they’ve introduced a power creep, people can agree to disagree on the percentage increase but its already there and they will add more pieces.
I know some people who didn’t care about titles in GW1 (maybe to get a skin at best) and those title skills weren’t usable in PvP and quite frankly only enabled you to play differently in PvE, a skillbar could be just as, if not more potent without using them, not the same as raw, general stat increase like whats been added (post release no less) with the Ascended debacle.
In the end people are concerned with what kind of game this will be as its already strayed from what was marketed and if they should bother investing their time and that is totally legitimate.
GW1 was truly casual in terms of time consumption and schedule. All my toons were equally developed in terms of gear and skill, i could choose whoever i liked or needed at any given moment in the game. Thats what i cared about in GW1. With how things turning out with ascended gear currently in GW2 it’s no longer the case. I don’t mind at all when there’s some shiny thing like legendary out there which requires you to grind for it for a very extended period of time (although it is yet another example of a really bad and lazy game design), but when it becomes like a routine, like a daily activity, when they suggest that i should spend months to equip just 1 toon in bis gear… it’s not a GW anymore, it’s some kittening horrible version of WoW. Guild mission are already like raids in WoW, they’re so restricted, so gated, that you need to have guild-scale schedule in order to do them, log in on some kittening specific time and day.
totally my problem with the game and why my playtime is reduced a lot.
im casual (i think) 15h a week average.
i pumped one toon to lvl 80 with good gear, ascended etc, but i had only 55% map.
when i tried to go to other lower level maps to complete i found myself being way too op to the point of the game being.. much less fun.
i wanted to do an alt, do the rest of the content with this guy, and eventually brin him to 80 and redoing higher end zones after a break from it.
+ i would learn another toon.
but in the end, i find myself forced to always use my main toon to be able to keep up with the power creep… :/
so i faceroll dailies in low level zone and as soon as i click to get my laurel i disconnect.
if i have 2h at once to play, id like to be able to try pvp and wvw, but i do my daily, takes me 30-40min, then im like “bah… dont feel like starting something else, ill be back for the daily farm the next day”
and im skipping more days as time goes.
started dota 2 to get a good pvp fix. even if it isnt as good, i play 2-3 games and i quit and when i comback its the same thing.
but for whatever reason, its starting to take more of my time and gw2 less….
i think the issue is; wvw and pvp arent fun enough, the mechanics are just “bleh”.
dunno why.
maybe the moba formula is just cooler for pvp.
but the gw2 “combat” and graphics are imo much better, so the problem must be the " fun factor design" is being replaced by “daily grind” and this is wrong.
Lol are you guys kidding me.. if ascended gear is so hard to get, then don’t get it? There’s nothing wrong with adding currency to get new content, it’s pretty standard in fact. Guild missions do take some kind of huge amount of players to get the basic stuff though.. that’s the only real issue here imo. Not easy to fix though!
Everybody else just plays the game at absolutely no disadvantage.
This is false in regards to WvW, one piece maybe nothing, but they do stack up eventually, so in case you have a main, this toon, when equipped in full ascended jewelry and backpack, for example, will have en edge over full exotic character in terms of stats.
Which isn’t the case as of now and if you just collect laurels you’ll be able to get that ascended gear too without much hassle, or by any other ways they’ll add in the future. And if you’re not a regular player the worst thing that’ll happen is that you won’t have ascended gear for every slot. And again the difference is marginal.
Lol are you guys kidding me.. if ascended gear is so hard to get, then don’t get it? There’s nothing wrong with adding currency to get new content, it’s pretty standard in fact. Guild missions do take some kind of huge amount of players to get the basic stuff though.. that’s the only real issue here imo. Not easy to fix though!
I think the problem is that there is clearly a preferred way to get the ascended gear and if you don’t want to do it that way you have to pay through the nose. Don’t want to grind fractals, spend 35 days grinding dailies. Can’t do guild missions, do 40 dailies and pay 13+g in ectos.
OP, I feel you.
Gw1 player here, and stopped playing, waiting to see what they really want to develop
- Mike Obrien
Which isn’t the case as of now and if you just collect laurels you’ll be able to get that ascended gear too without much hassle
For ONE toon. You keep missing the main point.
And i wouldn’t mind the hassle, if this hassle would be about challenge, but instead, right now, it’s about time you invest/sacrifice. Currently, if you think about gearing up all of your toons equally good, it actually feels almost like a lifetime commitment. It’s just wrong, on so many levels.
PS. And not only one toon, but one toon with a single spec! …. Even wow is better than this.
(edited by wasted.6817)
Well yeah, then give everything to everybody for free. I don’t have enough time to work an a second exotic set too, so I’m bound to using the condition spec I’m running now. Boohoo. And WoW is worse in almost every way you can possibly imagine, I played that long enough.
Well yeah, then give everything to everybody for free. I don’t have enough time to work an a second exotic set too, so I’m bound to using the condition spec I’m running now.
Yes, getting BiS in GW2 to be as easily acquirable as top stat gear in GW1 would have been a good idea. Unfortunately, i don’t see devs doing that, so i can at least hope that they will correct the most outstanding (and unreasonable) examples of stat grind the ascended are now.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’ve asked you what did you like to do in gw1 and to be specific about it and your answer was: blah gw1 was great blah asc gear is bad blah… This isn’t even close to the answer I was expecting. Sadly.
(edited by HiddenNick.7206)
They need to take out the grinding of currency and actually give rewards. Expand the stats, create new stat combos(CD, toughness, vitality!). I would rather they go the route of diablo 2(getting too much loot)
Agree with this that approach also works for the Borderlands franchise they are the only games that have really motivated me as far as loot goes.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
PS. And not only one toon, but one toon with a single spec! …. Even wow is better than this.
And swtor in this particular instance. The GW2 time gating is too extreme, like someone said a few days ago it doesn’t allow most players to just sit back and enjoy the game.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I’ve asked you what did you like to do in gw1 and to be specific about it and your answer was: blah gw1 was great blah asc gear is bad blah… This isn’t even close to the answer I was expecting. Sadly.
Oh, please, really. You asked me about what i CARED about in GW1. And i answered exactly that, in essence. I actually was considering just enumeration of my activities in GW1, but i thought that it wasn’t what you asked about. And in the end you treat me like that? Lol. AB, HA, Deep, UW, FoW, Urgoz, TA, missions with friends. Happy now?
No one said anything about getting anything for free. Challenge is welcome, dumb time sink without much challenge and fun — is not.
(edited by wasted.6817)
Oh, please, really. You asked me about what i CARED about in GW1. And i answered exactly that, in essence. I actually was considering just enumeration of my activities in GW1, but i thought that it wasn’t what you asked about. And in the end you treat me like that? Lol. AB, HA, Deep, UW, FoW, Urgoz, TA, missions with friends. Happy now?
Unfortunately I’m not happy… What I want to know is what made you play: Deep, UW, FoW, Urgoz? Was it one time thing and after that you were done?
And about AB, HA, TA. Their counterpart in Gw2 is SPvP. Character equipment in those is detached from PvE so that can’t be the problem.
PS. Sorry for misleading you(english isn’t my native).
(edited by HiddenNick.7206)
I absolutly hate this new model when we are forced to do stupid easy things many many times. Instead of beeing rewarded for hard things. I have very little joy of playing GW2 now, i dont do daily anymore because its sooooo boring i cant stand it its always some stupid events in some kitten low-lvl zone, or some smiliar things iam really tired of this. Give us the option to get ascedent gear from something else then doing stupid dailys for 8yo kids i dont have a big guild for guild missions so what i have to wait 80 days to get 2 stupid pieces??? I will farm legendary sooner then that….
Atm. every new thing thats been recently introduced in GW2 is midnless time sink without any real challange and i must say i really dont like where GW2 is heading…
And about AB, HA, TA. Their counterpart in Gw2 is SPvP. Character equipment in those is detached from PvE so that can’t be the problem.
Thats accualy 2nd thing i hate most in GW2 i dont know why i cant equip my awesome armor and my expensive weapons in PvP i will never play it beacuse i hate that after so much work i have to wear that fugly armor and weapons…Dont know why we cant use just the visual side of our gear in PvP…Things like that and finishing ppl on ground is just something i will never understand i just think this game would be waaaay better without those 2 wierd mechanics.
I know GW2 wants to be different MMO but guess what some things in MMO are done prefecly and better, so why do something different just take the good idea and work with it, nobody cares if it was somewhere else first….
(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)
Atm. every new thing thats been recently introduced in GW2 is midnless time sink without any real challange and i must say i really dont like where GW2 is heading…
Fotm is challenging as the Guild Missions (especially Guild Mission CHALLENGE – as I heard). You can’t expect any single player content to be challenging and the real challenge comes from cooperative play – it’s a multiplayer game after all. This is how it is in all MMO’s.
PS Or maybe the revamped World Bosses will be something for you (but I really cant tell you what you can expect from that).
(edited by HiddenNick.7206)
Atm. every new thing thats been recently introduced in GW2 is midnless time sink without any real challange and i must say i really dont like where GW2 is heading…
Fotm is challenging as the Guild Missions (especially Guild Mission CHALLENGE
– as I heard). You can’t expect any single player content to be challenging and the real challenge comes from cooperative play – it’s a multiplayer game after all. This is how it is in all MMO’s.
PS Or maybe the revamped World Bosses will be something for you (but I really cant tell you what you can expect from that).
I have over 150 pristine relics, maximum AR, capacitor fully upgraded so i have no more interrest in Fotm (i would love if they add more fractals i would start playing them again for sure). I have prettier models then fractal weapons, so even if i gotten them i have no use for them basicly i do fractals for gold farm. Also i did Fotm sooo many times theres almost no challange, only fractal which i consider hard is shaman and thats only because there is high chance that my teammates will fail (no offence to anybody i play thief so shaman is fairly easy for me with so many evades, smoke screen and daggerstorm).
My guild is small so theres no way for me to even try out guild missions. I have no pleasure in doing daily and for me i just want to have best item in every slot thats basically my goal in games like this. So me getting ascedent gear through daily system is incredibly frustrating. WvW atm is mess, culling abusing everywhere, also i have no joy in spaming cluster arrows into zerg i dont feel like iam doing anything and theres literally no purpose or reward in WvW right now. Only thing i do now is collecting T6 mats and gold on my legendary because thers literally nothing else left to do…
(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)
The laurels and merits are not very alt friendly.
FotM takes some of the edge off of getting rings for alts, but it is only one method.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Out of all the methods, FotM seems to be the most alt friendly…but it’s still pretty horrible, and you can’t get amulets or earrings from it. It’s fastest, though it’s still 10 days per piece, plus the chance of RNG luck speeding that up. It’s not bad, if you play only one character.
Unfortunatly, I don’t play just one character, I actually enjoy playing all 8 professions. It could still take months to get just the rings for them all (16 rings at 1 every 10 days). Even getting half of them with RNG luck, that’s still 80 days for only 2 slots. And since I like playing all of my characters, I don’t want to be forced to always play just one for Fractals, but that means I have to get each up to level/difficulty 10 in order to get rings/tokens to drop.
The time restrictions on Laurel/Commendation-purchased items is just ridiculous. A month for every amulet? That’s an automatic 8 month wait for me, and it’s safe to assume even more ascended gear pieces will be added before that time is up. Then add in the fact that I don’t always use the same gear/build. Then my (original, at least) intention of eventually starting a second character of some professions to see other race stories and have more build variety without having to retrait or fill my bags with gear sets. It quickly becomes obvious that the “alt friendly gameplay” hyped pre-release is quickly being removed in favor of waiting (it’s not even a grind, it’s a forced wait) to gear up a single “main”. I don’t mind having to work for my gear (I kind of like that), but this artificial time sink/delay is simply unacceptable and completely against some of the design principles so heavily flaunted before release.
I still love the game, but the entire idea of trying to please everyone with ascended gear is just horribly implemented. I essentially have to ignore the top tier of gear if I have want to keep enjoying the game. I’m not picking a main because I shouldn’t be forced to. That’s not playing my way.
For reference. Over 2500 hours played, not a single piece of Ascended gear, and it’s staying that way until this mess is fixed.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
I have over 150 pristine relics, maximum AR, capacitor fully upgraded so i have no more interrest in Fotm (i would love if they add more fractals i would start playing them again for sure). I have prettier models then fractal weapons, so even if i gotten them i have no use for them basicly i do fractals for gold farm. Also i did Fotm sooo many times theres almost no challange, only fractal which i consider hard is shaman and thats only because there is high chance that my teammates will fail (no offence to anybody i play thief so shaman is fairly easy for me with so many evades, smoke screen and daggerstorm).
My guild is small so theres no way for me to even try out guild missions. I have no pleasure in doing daily and for me i just want to have best item in every slot thats basically my goal in games like this. So me getting ascedent gear through daily system is incredibly frustrating. WvW atm is mess, culling abusing everywhere, also i have no joy in spaming cluster arrows into zerg i dont feel like iam doing anything and theres literally no purpose or reward in WvW right now. Only thing i do now is collecting T6 mats and gold on my legendary because thers literally nothing else left to do…
So you are playing a lot… In that case you should play more then one game at a time.
Also consider games other MMO’s as in most of them the end-game content is for large coordinated groups.
Need more sources of ascended as account bound drops for alts.
The rings are in a pretty good place and we need more stuff like that.
In one year you will have 500 laurels and wont know what to do with them.
You are not supposed to gear up every toon yesterday.
Keep cool and enjoy the process.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
In one year you will have 500 laurels and wont know what to do with them.
You are not supposed to gear up every toon yesterday.
Keep cool and enjoy the process.
I’ll have just under 500 Laurels in a year if I don’t buy anything. It would take 1440 laurels to get a set of ascended jewelry for every character. This is not including any infusions. This would be getting all gear through laurels only, which is the only viable/“desireable” option for many. Those in small guilds, or those of us that do not want to do Fractals every day.
The minimum laurel requirement would be 240 for the 8 amulets. Add another 160 to get the infusions for those. That’s 10 months, for just the amulets, or 7.5 months if you do every monthly as well.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
Cant argue with that. Not bc you are right and I am wrong. Just cant.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Also consider games other MMO’s as in most of them the end-game content is for large coordinated groups.
I have no problem with content that requires large coordinated groups but since iam in small guild and theres no function to look up for ppl for this kinds of stuffs (in mmo game so many months after release? Mindblowing!!). For example why not make some queue function on those hughe events, client would put them together into some large group and they could go.
Now it feels like Anet is just dealying everything with this once per day/week system and influence unlock and thats whats kitten me off…
Now it feels like Anet is just dealying everything with this once per day/week system and influence unlock and thats whats kitten me off…
That’s the exactly the reason for it…artificial time sink. Delaying those of us with the time to play several hours daily to prevent getting ahead of those that don’t, and trying to keep playing longer with a low-speed treadmill. This “problem” didn’t even exist before Ascended gear invented the issue and made the “fix” necessary. Exotics took some effort to get, but you weren’t forced into waiting months to gear a single character unless you had very little playtime. And those of us that had more playtime just had the option of working on alts or getting more costly vanity gear.
The time gap between acquiring exotic gear and ascended gear is absolutely massive Now everyone is forced into the slow progress on a single character playstyle. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you play, it’s a forced wait to get every piece of gear.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I have no problem with content that requires large coordinated groups but since iam in small guild and theres no function to look up for ppl for this kinds of stuffs (in mmo game so many months after release? Mindblowing!!).
Blizzard added raid finder to WoW after years not months from release and the raid runs your put in from that are toned down version of real runs.
It’s because finders doesn’t work for things that require large coordinated groups.
I have no problem with content that requires large coordinated groups but since iam in small guild and theres no function to look up for ppl for this kinds of stuffs (in mmo game so many months after release? Mindblowing!!).
Blizzard added raid finder to WoW after years not months from release and the raid runs your put in from that are toned down version of real runs.
It’s because finders doesn’t work for things that require large coordinated groups.
Oh comon dont kid yourself guild events dont need any coordiantion whatsoever they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it. I dont think guild missions are anywhere near to how coorianted you have to be in end game dungeons in WoW so the comparison there i dont know about that….
Only reason behind this mechanic is to slow down players who dont play anets “social game” with jumping puzzles, living events, influence earning and all that kitten we dont care about but are forced to do if we want any progression. Sorry but iam not fine with beeing forced to play anets way, whats next?? every new gear for laurels? so i should dump all my gold into gems because gold seems pretty worthless atm….
(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)
Only reason behind this mechanic is to slow down players who dont play anets “social game” with jumping puzzles, living events, influence earning and all that kitten we dont care about but are forced to do if we want any progression.
Actually, it’s those that play Anet’s “social game” and like to play this game to the fullest that are slowed the most. The grinders are affected the least by this new mechanic.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The grinders are affected the least by this new mechanic.
Without laurel system i could buy anything and i had mulitple options to get gold. Now i cant i have to do some idiotic dailys or join some horde of ppl i dont know and dont wanna know so i think iam kitten alot by this new laurel system.
Iam scared that all new gear is going to be somehow linked to lauerls and that screws me big time…
Oh comon dont kid yourself guild events dont need any coordiantion whatsoever they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it.
Which one of the guild missions can be completed this way?
Oh comon dont kid yourself guild events dont need any coordiantion whatsoever they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it.
Which one of the guild missions can be completed this way?
Bounty, you just track 2-6 npcs and kill them thats it how is this something i need to be with 40ppl on ts? Just let ppl spread out and say where they are and go. Its not really a rocket science¨, you just need alots of ppl to kill them before time expires…
(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)
Well yeah, then give everything to everybody for free. I don’t have enough time to work an a second exotic set too, so I’m bound to using the condition spec I’m running now. Boohoo. And WoW is worse in almost every way you can possibly imagine, I played that long enough.
I love how you totally just ignored his point. He even responded with “I want challenge” and, typical ANet apologist reply you say he’s expecting things to come freely. Lol.
Calendar gating is not a measure of player skill or developer creativity. I don’t even know what it is besides maybe someone one day deciding arbitrarily that they want to annoy everyone every day.
Oh comon dont kid yourself guild events dont need any coordiantion whatsoever they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it.
Which one of the guild missions can be completed this way?
Bounty, you just track 2-6 npcs and kill them thats it how is this something i need to be with 40ppl on ts? Just let ppl spread out and say where they are and go. Its not really a rocket science¨, you just need alots of ppl to kill them before time expires…
First of all most of raids are done with much less people then 40…
“they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it” – so how are you going to kill 6(2 and 4 are for smaller groups) bosses in different places when all your teammates are in the same place? You need to know where they are and coordinate your efforts.
Guild Bounty is not about killing bosses (ie. it’s not about boss mechanics) but about killing spread out bosses in 15 minutes.
PS Raid description with your words: “you just kill 2-6 npcs and thats it how is this something i need to be with 40ppl on ts?” lol
“they just need alots of ppl in same place thats it” – so how are you going to kill 6(2 and 4 are for smaller groups) bosses in different places when all your teammates are in the same place? You need to know where they are and coordinate your efforts.
Yep, you need to split into 6 smaller groups and send them at each boss separately. That is however the end of coordination – each kill is in reality just a zerg in action. And this is good, because it would be practically impossible to coordinate it even further (imagine trying to micromanage 6 battles at once…).
Remember, remember, 15th of November