Ascended - Account Bound?

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baroness.9506


I have played this game since day one, and I will continue to play it for as long as possible. It is the first game i have had to literally grind in. I do nothing but WvW and have only recently got into a little bit of PvP due to the new system.

My account is almost up to 5000 hours playing time. I can tell you, a great deal of time was spent grinding for Ascended items and daily crafting to make up the resources needed to create my armour and weapons. On top of that I had to make sure to complete dailies, monthlies, and even do a spot of PvE to make up extra laurels needed to craft what i needed.

Please imagine my position of disgust and betrayal, when my 3 main characters are as follows;

Asura Guardian
Asura Warrior – Roamer
Charr Warrior – Large Commander

All these classes use heavy armour, and basically the same sorts of set ups with some minor changes such as runes and sigils. So to powerhouse, along with many of my friends, we grinded like crazy to make sure our characters have the upper hand being decked out in full Ascended. As a hardcore WvW’er and GvG enthusiast as well, it was necassary to give each character other sets of Ascended trinkets/weapons etc to fit the situation at hand.

So long story short, I am extremely upset because i geared my chaarcter in similar gear, and then you come out and make Ascended account bound instead of soulbound. Meaning the hours upon hours upon hours of time i soaked up getting 25 Laurels and 250 WvW Badges plus the extra 5 Laurels and 125 WvW Badges for the WvW Infusion just for ONE ring alone, was completely and utterly wasted.

I am now left with 3 sets of Ascended Soldiers armour, as well as COUNTLESS amulets, rings and accessories that dont need to be used due to the change from soulbound to account bound. Off the top of my head i have wasted AT LEAST 300 laurels on Ascended items no longer in use because of the rule change. Not to mention the gold. On top of that, being a very well known commander from the start of the game, it was essential to have a commander tag on every character so i could lead my server, and still do to this day, but yet again, you changed the rules and the several characters i spent a whopping 100g on for the blue dorito should have never needed to purchase that.

I am so upset that i have been a victim to the change of rule sets. You really have no idea the amount of time and effort was wasted because of all this. Surely there has to be some sort of system where we can trade in Ascended items or sell them. It just isnt fair to pigeon hole players like myself who work hard for our items and then have them almost stripped from our bare hands


Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.6403


What’s done is done. The game is more user-friendly when that horrible grind is not repeated for every character of same armor class.

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


If you grind for ascended items then I wonder what Legendary is for you.
I assure you that crafting ascended is a piece of cake – I have played for 1400 hours and I own 6 classes fully geared in ascended sets along with multiple ascended weapons for each of them.

Did I grind it?
Nope. I was casually doing what I wanted, starting from pve as dungeon runs and ending on pvp like Arena and WvW.

Also, Account bound ascended items are for longer than a year by now?
What’s your point of raging now?

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Ascended/legendary gear was made account bound ages ago, to thunderous applause I might add.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


You just noticed this now? I was this way since the May update.

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


  1. You are unhappy because others can now get something “cheaper” than you. Instead of being happy for others, you get mad because you can no longer be a “special snowflake”. I think that’s egoism (sorry) and I do not approve of it.
  2. As stated in similar situations many times before, you grinded to have it then, before everyone else. You had that advantage and used it for some time. It’s like getting a new smartphone now when it just got released and is more expensive, and not when it gets on sale. Or like buying GW2 on a 25 dollar sale and with a free gemstore skin set – would you be willing to scrap your account at the moment for this “advantage”? No.
  3. A lot of people still craft multiple sets of identical gear (or buy identical Salvage-o-matics, gathering tools…) for the convenience of using it on multiple characters. You already have that convenience.
  4. No one knows what ANet gonna do with ascended in the future. It can work as precursor for legendary gear, it can receive switchable stats and runes via craftable upgrades for further horizontal progression.
20 level 80s and counting.

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


You seem to forget there is also the skins. You might have all standard ascended skins. But when you want personal skins 3 sets could come in handy, but I can imagine you would have liked at least one other set….

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Ascended - Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


I don’t see the reason for complaining…
you had the advantage of all-ascended on all your characters earlier than others, so that’s totally fair. Just be happy that new people will now perform as good as you in your raid even more early, so it does not take ages for a newby in your guild to wreck havoc together with you.

and about the badges:
you spend 300g for 3 badges, that you could use on all your main characters
others have to grind 300g now to even start using them.
also people who had more than 3 badges on their account got a refund. 100g for every badge more than three.
you got fair treatment, and your farming was rewarding to that time. Also you still posses the convenience to not have to send your gear per mail every time you relog onto another character.

From my POV there is no reason for this thread, other than " I hate that other people have a more easy access to the game than I had in the beginning"

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