Ascended Armor
The best bet besides crafting is to run a set of scale 51+ Fractals every day. You should have a roughly 10%-15% chance of an Ascended Weapon/Armour doing so. This, of course, requires you to have 70+ Agony Resistance, more if you want to do the triple swamp most people do. But presumably you have some Agony Resistance already, because why else would you want Ascended Armour?
Also if you can raid with a good group you can farm the currency and purchase ascended
No AR yet. I just want the stats. Cuz I’m weird. Good to know on raid, managed to do a full Vale Guardian kill in around 6 minutes. Or 5. Idk, it had 2 minutes on clock- failed on Gorse though. So 51+ fractals or raid spam, or pray. Awesome
If you’re not doing Fractals at all yet, then I recommend you take your time to stop and consider the stats of Ascended Armour carefully before going for them. You’re looking at hundreds of gold of investment to get less stat points than a simple level 80 food buff would give you. Do you always use food when you’re playing? If you don’t, starting to do so will give you more noticeable effects for a fraction of the price.
Weapons and Trinkets are a bit different, they’re worth upgrading to. But Ascended Armour truly gives miniscule stat boosts over Exotic…
No AR yet. I just want the stats.
Cuz I’m weird. Good to know on raid, managed to do a full Vale Guardian kill in around 6 minutes. Or 5. Idk, it had 2 minutes on clock- failed on Gorse though. So 51+ fractals or raid spam, or pray. Awesome
How did you get into a raid without full ascended? I have yet to see that allowed by any group, whether through LFM spam in VB, or in guild chat.
I got in because they were laid back, we honestly thought we wouldn’t make it. I think two people were full ascended, most of us were just trinkets and maybe a weapon or two…
You can definitely do daily 50+ fractals without ascended armor.
Awesome. How do I set up my agony resist? I have 0 ar atm, and idk if I should buy any since I can’t afford much agony at all :c
I only invest enough AR for 20+ and to an extent, 50+ fractals for my main. If you have all ascended weapons and trinkets, it effectively equals to 8 + 7 versatile infusion slots, 56 AR. Attuning 2 ascended rings, and put a + 10 in each which is cheap and easy give you another 20 AR. Infused backpiece is costlier, but gives another slot for + 10 which is suffice. So far I’m running around with 86 AR and do just fine in 77 Mossman.
If you get lucky with shard drops, you can infuse your rings for more slots. It’s definitely more favorable when you factor in the 800+ gold cost of a full ascended set.