Ascended Gear to Kill Builds and Alts?
fun is another topic….
This topic is on whether ascended gear will kill builds and alts….
I’ve seen posts in some of the Ascended threads in which people were asking that there not be another tier after Ascended, so that these players could “…finish my character and go back to having fun.” Say what you want about “fun,” but fun is entirely subjective.
So, since the process of getting Ascended is at best fun-neutral (doing dailies for laurels, assuming I was going to do stuff like that anyway; doing Fractals if you were inclined to do them anyway) or a chore (making sure to log in today to make T7 mats), the only fun associated with it is the rush of getting an Ascended piece and being closer to done. This may float some peoples’ boats, but it sinks mine.
fun is another topic….
This topic is on whether ascended gear will kill builds and alts….
Yes, but not for those people who don’t care if they have the best stats.
False again. Colin was talking about endgame and leveling, as I said before. You’re already at endgame — the “fun stuff”.
So I can play HotW with my level 17 mesmer without having to grind to 80 ? Or with my level 9 Guardian ?
Again, you take it out of context. “Fun stuff” is all around you as you level. Go play WvW, do jumping puzzles, world exploration and things around areas made FOR YOUR LEVEL and lower. Please, get your head out of your kitten and stop posting before you make me spell it out for you. Perhaps then you’ll understand.
Nothing out of context. That stuff is not fun for me. I have to grind my way to 80 in order to get to the fun stuff. You know, exactly what was stated would not be the case. I understand perfectly. Do you need me to spell out the words, “that is not fun,” for you ?
That’s a personal choice of someone who’s obviously very hard to please. ArenaNet isn’t going to make content for you because you feel entitled to it. Entitlement is a sickness in the online gaming industry, and you sir, are the embodiment of it. You’re one in 3.5 million. Stop acting like they owe you the world. YOU. An ant.
You may want to revisit your post. It is filled with inaccuracies and blatantly manufactured falsehoods.
1) I did not make any personal choice to find certain elements of the game to be not fun. In fact I tried to enjoy them. I spent many hundreds of dollars supporting the game while making that effort.
2) I never asked Anet to make content for me (with perhaps the exception of casually posting in the occasional thread with a title of the, “what would you like to see added at some point,” sort.)
3) I never claimed, nor do I feel, that I they owe me the world.
4) You are misusing the word and concept of, “entitlement,” in the context here. People are entitled to receive what they pay for. People are entitled to expect that advertisements for a product accurately reflect what will be delivered. Beyond that, not so much.
You claimed that it was a fact, not an opinion, that one does not need to grind (as in Anet’s chosen definition of the word) to get to the fun stuff. I pointed out that the claim was not as factual as was being claimed. I understand that your feelings were hurt when you discovered that others had noticed your failure to use fairly simple words like, “fact,” accurately. My apologies.
I’m beginning to wonder if Anet has even considered the impact of all of this “vertical progression”(read: time sink). Ascended weapons will no doubt have higher stats than normal weapons, but they will also probably have higher base damage. This has an even greater impact on the differences between someone geared in full exotics vs full ascended gear.
The issue with this is what happens when you want to change your build? What happens if you dual wield 2 sets of weapons so you need 4 for just 1 build? What happens if you play more than 1 character? 2 characters? 3 characters? There have been other changes that haven’t been alt-friendly and that’s fine, but I think this is becoming too much. I can’t keep up with gearing all of the characters or builds that I play.
I realize people are just going to say “you don’t HAVE to get ascended gear”, but I like to play WvW and it’s silly to think that people are running around in gear that is 10-20% more effective than mine just because they play 1 character and I play 7.
I think you have some wrong number there.
Effectively Ascended gear is only 10% better than exotic gear and if you compare an exotic weapon for instance (power, toughness, vitality) + soldier crest with an (upcoming) ascended weapon ^PTV aswell that difference will like +3 power +3 toughness +3 vitality, i can’t see that ruining wvw experience for anyone, unless u think these +3 stats on every piece will make that much of a difference, anyways i get your point and completly understand your sideAnyways just in case you wanna check it out but you have probably already done it
No, he is right particularly with ascended armor also incoming. A player in full ascended armor once it arrives, weapons, and jewellry will likely be a fair bit more powerful than one in exotics.
Though, I like the MMO style of putting on stronger gear. He is right that Anet’s style of making it take weeks/months to get this gear will hurt alts and multi builder runners though.
If the new ascended gear isn’t trivially easy enough for someone who only plays 2-3 hours a week to get, then Anet has quite deliberately kicked their entire GW1 fanbase in the nuts, again.
I’m not surprised, I’ve hit the point I’m not even depressed. What does upset me is that as soon as another, grindier game comes out, the wowgrindboys will move onto that, and the people who wanted to enjoy GW2 are going to be left with the clusterkitten caused by trying to please the grinders.
Because the attack to defense ratio isn’t skew’d enough already? We’re all virtually paper as it is…..
You don’t, in fact, grind to get to the fun stuff.
I do, “in fact,” have to grind to get to the fun stuff.
False again. Colin was talking about endgame and leveling, as I said before. You’re already at endgame — the “fun stuff”.
I would consider Fractals to be one of the few endgame activities GW2 has, and that most certainly requires grind to continue doing. If you wish to continue doing higher and higher levels, which is “the fun stuff” for quite a few people, you need ascended gear. To get this gear you’re going to have to grind.
Doing Fractal levels below your own level could be considered grind, because it’s not what you want to be doing, but you need to in order to get more agony resistance.
Doing the same dailies day after day for laurels. They rotate, but after only a few sets of dailies, you’re going to have done them all. Then it’s back on repeat/grind mode.
Want to do Fractals on an alt for variety. Guess what, you have to grind all of this all over again for that character to catch up to your main.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I will say the one thing I HATE ABOUT THIS GAME AND ASCENDED.
The time gating. For a company that was so so so against grind and just having fun they sure did make EVERYTHING about grinding. Time gated materials, time gated laurels, time gated this and thats. Everything is based on this simple fact. If you want to progress in GW2 you must login every single day and do your daily, complete your monthly every month, go around and gather your ONCE a day materials, DO YOUR ONCE A DAY CONVERSION at a place of power etc etc. Want those achieve points for chests and account bonus’s? Guess what more time gated content weeeeeee how original -.-.
The time gating in this game is extreme, and lets face it a flat out grind.
Had they introduced ascended as something that didn’t require users to login every single day for a month for one accessory it would probably be accepted a little better.
Please follow the simple instructions in this video and everything will be fine.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Will you trolls ever learn to read statements all the way through rather than taking things out of context?
People will ease up on taking it out of context when it stops getting this kind of passionate, emotional reply. It’s very good bait to work people up and fog the issue, distract people from addressing the actual heart of the argument and only focus on details.
It’s a known, accepted, debate topic.
… Pretty sure that whole Manifesto argument was quelled when Vayne told everyone off with multiple sources to official dev interview and statements, even a blog post addressing the manifesto shortly after it was created, before the game was even out.
It wasn’t quelled, because the sources that Vayne mentioned did not say what he claimed they said. Some of them even directly contradicted what he claimed they said.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Will you trolls ever learn to read statements all the way through rather than taking things out of context?
People will ease up on taking it out of context when it stops getting this kind of passionate, emotional reply. It’s very good bait to work people up and fog the issue, distract people from addressing the actual heart of the argument and only focus on details.
It’s a known, accepted, debate topic.
… Pretty sure that whole Manifesto argument was quelled when Vayne told everyone off with multiple sources to official dev interview and statements, even a blog post addressing the manifesto shortly after it was created, before the game was even out.
It wasn’t quelled, because the sources that Vayne mentioned did not say what he claimed they said. Some of them even directly contradicted what he claimed they said.
I think at this point it is fairly obvious what they say and what they do are 2 different things now. They probably didn’t want to add in this kind of time sink, but they don’t have the right content(horizontal progression) to keep people interested, and this is basically a cop out.
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Bedroom Knights. [Sock]
Sea of Sorrows
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Those were for skins. For max stats you could just get the regular stuff for 1 plat.
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Those were for skins. For max stats you could just get the regular stuff for 1 plat.
true, very true, but who is fine with being a mindless zombie, one of the hoard XD
Bedroom Knights. [Sock]
Sea of Sorrows
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Those were for skins. For max stats you could just get the regular stuff for 1 plat.
true, very true, but who is fine with being a mindless zombie, one of the horde XD
I guess the point is that we won’t even have that choice in GW2 since we will have to grind for max stats(ascended).
Personally, I barely did any of the pve in GW1 and mainly just did PvP so I wasn’t a big skin fiend in the first place. Also, I feel like GW2 has a lot of the same armor designers from the first game and most of the time they get hung up on gimmicky cartoonish ideas for armor instead of making them look like proper sets of armor. They should hire some fashion designers and not cartoonists.
or someone that doesnt have a weird leather trench coat fetish or male armors with small skirts…. (medium armor complaint)
well ill tell you one thing, the medium armor, most (if not a little less than half) is actually pretty good, this comming from someone who has all 3 medium classes and only 1 light class XD the heavy armor, yes, a bit on the wonky side, the light armor……..are we either all kittens, or are we going to a huge ball? XD albiet some of the light armor is really nice, but if im going to dress like a kitten, i want to atleast look like if we had sex i would have to kill you afterword, thats kind of my motto, if i look good, i have to look dangerous at the same time XD medium armor on the other hand, has a lot of good themed armor, not too much of its cartoonish, its definitely fantasy which is good, but not cartoony in my honest opinion, now some of the stuff, like cough rugged cough now that is a bit over the top XD sooooooo huge ._. i look like some kind of person whos going out to war cause the leather is so thick XD
Bedroom Knights. [Sock]
Sea of Sorrows
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Those were for skins. For max stats you could just get the regular stuff for 1 plat.
true, very true, but who is fine with being a mindless zombie, one of the hoard XD
Getting the armor and weapon skins you wanted in GW was time consuming. Getting a max weapon or max armor was considerably less so. Those statements were true of GW2 at one time, but the game is moving away from that state.
“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. " -Smiles
I love being right.
Remember back when Guild Wars wasn’t synonymous with World of Warcraft.
Time to guess the next gear tier set for 2014? $200.00 on Transcended.
Will you trolls ever learn to read statements all the way through rather than taking things out of context? Colin was talking about combat and leveling when he mentioned grinding. You don’t, in fact, grind to get to the fun stuff. Ascended gear isn’t fun. It’s a purposeful tier to bridge the gap between the necessity of ascended and legendary gear.
It is you that doesn’t understand context, at least in this case. I believe you are referring to the manifesto and it’s clear that the statements on grinding follow the section on combat. Look at the written manifesto. The grinding comments have absolutely nothing to do with combat and everything to do with how the game was going to play out as a new kind of MMO. Anyone who has MMO’d in the last 10 years understands perfectly well what Colin was referring to when he talked about grinding. Yes, context is important, but not generally; you actually have to have the right context.
fun is another topic….
This topic is on whether ascended gear will kill builds and alts….
I have fun playing different builds and alts. Not sure how fun doesn’t relate to the topic, unless there is another reason besides fun to play a game?
Ascended gear isn’t going to literally kill my alts, but it may as well, because it’s a bit hard to have fun staring a years long grind just to get BACK to BiS gear in the face.
YMMV of course. I’m sure it’s a good change for some people. Just not for me or those like me.
I think at this point it is fairly obvious what they say and what they do are 2 different things now. They probably didn’t want to add in this kind of time sink, but they don’t have the power to make those type of design decisions, the executives at their parent company tell them what to do.
fixed (well, maybe anyway, but that’s my theory given past experience with f2p style MMOs from the area of the planet where Anet’s overlords live)
(edited by Thrashbarg.9820)
Having watched the livestream, I have to say that yes. this will kill both build variety and alts. I didn’t see the recipes very well, but it looks like it will take about 5-10 days to craft a weapon, minimum.
Don’t worry guys, Anet is making sure this game will be like every other korean MMO. You get 1 character at max level and 1 set of gear. Then you never play a 2nd character unless you buy a 2nd account.
Guild Wars 1 be dammed.
There was a lot of things I didn’t like about GW1, but I did love not having to grind my kitten off for gear.
what? you had to grind your kitten off for gear in gw1 too………kurzick? luxon? obsi? some of the other ones that had high material lists? XD
Those were for skins. For max stats you could just get the regular stuff for 1 plat.
true, very true, but who is fine with being a mindless zombie, one of the (horde) XD
Given how many black-dyed obsidian armor wearers I saw with Chaos Gauntlets just hanging around showing off their expensive stuff?
A lot of people are fine looking entirely the same.
My theory is that ANet wants to keep as many as possible playing, and that their decision-making process is reactive rather than proactive. Virtually every change they make, even balance changes, have been a reaction to player complaints of one kind or another. Thing is, you cannot please everyone, and every decision made to please one group angers a different group.
- I think there are changes that benefit everyone playing the game as a whole. Performance improvements, bug fixes and adding useful quality-of-life features are some of them. Then there are changes that are obviously controversial. Adding power creep and vertical progression to please the addicts is going to leave players with multiple characters unhappy. Carrot-in-a-stick type gameplay is highly disrespectful to the player. Like we’re some rats in Skinner’s box who have nothing better to do than go through the hoops to keep up with the shallow content.
This lecture by Jonathan Blow changed how I view the game industry these days:
My theory is that ANet wants to keep as many as possible playing, and that their decision-making process is reactive rather than proactive. Virtually every change they make, even balance changes, have been a reaction to player complaints of one kind or another. Thing is, you cannot please everyone, and every decision made to please one group angers a different group.
- I think there are changes that benefit everyone playing the game as a whole. Performance improvements, bug fixes and adding useful quality-of-life features are some of them. Then there are changes that are obviously controversial. Adding power creep and vertical progression to please the addicts is going to leave players with multiple characters unhappy. Carrot-in-a-stick type gameplay is highly disrespectful to the player. Like we’re some rats in Skinner’s box who have nothing better to do than go through the hoops to keep up with the shallow content.
This lecture by Jonathan Blow changed how I view the game industry these days:
Yes, EQ/WoW were worst thing that happened to MMOs and conditioned so many people. Its really sad GW2 is on the same path as those now.
Build variety – dead
Als – RIP
AH well, thats a lotof free time for me now.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Now is just wait and see what will happen in the game… I hope this don’t obrigate us to get ascended weapons or at least isn’t insane to get as ascended trinkets… (heavy laurels, live in fractals or the guild thingy)
Sadly, I was building both my Warrior and my Necro (Guard is my main)…
We’ll call this game Word of Guild Wars? (Wait to see)
(edited by Mikau.6920)
If the new ascended gear isn’t trivially easy enough for someone who only plays 2-3 hours a week to get, then Anet has quite deliberately kicked their entire GW1 fanbase in the nuts, again.
I’m not surprised, I’ve hit the point I’m not even depressed. What does upset me is that as soon as another, grindier game comes out, the wowgrindboys will move onto that, and the people who wanted to enjoy GW2 are going to be left with the clusterkitten caused by trying to please the grinders.
Black Desert will have NO level cap, and there are many other upcoming brainless-grinding-games. So let’s hope that when all of them will be released, Gw2 devs will be FORCED to turn back
- Mike Obrien
No, 1v1 Fights where this would most be seen at will still be decided entirely by Builds and not gear.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
This latest livestream and news/blog post pretty much confirm everything we’ve been thinking, and it’s even worse than we were thinking, in my opinion.
This is a convoluted and confusing timesink of new materials and upgraded old materials. And to top it off, it’s adding even more uses for the current T6 mats, which is going to drive up the cost of making exotic gear and stifle the build variety in that tier because because of the higher costs. If you’re going to add a new tier, it needs an entirely new set of materials, not using an already overused set of mats.
Congrats on driving up the costs of exotics and legendaries, while at the same time adding even more timegated grind to your new tier. Oh, and I almost forgot…now we get to use Laurels to buy the recipes for this junk. Because I’m totally done gearing up my 8 chars with multiple sets of gear, and have a massive pile of unused laurels…oh wait….only a couple of them have because I can only earn 1 per day.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
This latest livestream and news/blog post pretty much confirm everything we’ve been thinking, and it’s even worse than we were thinking, in my opinion.
This is a convoluted and confusing timesink of new materials and upgraded old materials. And to top it off, it’s adding even more uses for the current T6 mats, which is going to drive up the cost of making exotic gear and stifle the build variety in that tier because because of the higher costs. If you’re going to add a new tier, it need an entirely new set of materials.
RIP 7.5 of my 8 characters. I include the half because I guess changing builds isn’t going to be realistic anymore, either.
fun is another topic….
This topic is on whether ascended gear will kill builds and alts….I have fun playing different builds and alts. Not sure how fun doesn’t relate to the topic, unless there is another reason besides fun to play a game?
Ascended gear isn’t going to literally kill my alts, but it may as well, because it’s a bit hard to have fun staring a years long grind just to get BACK to BiS gear in the face.
YMMV of course. I’m sure it’s a good change for some people. Just not for me or those like me.
People were getting off topic… look at that you were on topic and mentioned fun, cookie for you!
Totally kitten about this whole ‘update’.
Time gated equipment and now time gated ascended gears/weapons whatever.
wvw ranks not account bound, so you fall behind there too.
RIP alts – almost all of mine don’t even have fractals type stuff (but I do have 2.5m of karma, remind me what i can use this for- most temples are contested 99% of the time), and now we are getting YET MORE time gated (laurels) non-tradeable type stuff.
Add to that the fact that exotic prices will go through the roof (I think i got one drop in wvw the entire time I have played it) and this patch is not looking good.
For those that pay attention will find that this update actually solves the alt problem. Before you HAD to wait to get any ascended. Now this actually reduces the time to get ascended.
What I got from the TWITCH stream was that the results of what you make from the account bound time gated items are tradeable in the trading post.
So theoretically you could make your ascended armor without any timegate it would just cost you more.
If you do want to make it yourself however it should take about 2 weeks per piece.
NOTE: This is a good thing. It makes crafting useful after you got the armor/weapons you are looking for. Can’t have everything.
The weapons are account bound.
I just saw the livestream, and I’m sad that most likely will say good bye gw2. I’m not really fan of grind and even less of time gating. I was just begining to build up my alternative chars, but I cannot becouse I’ll have to build even (a lot more) my main. For only a single build (considering several weapons, I’m sorry for warriors) will take the eternity… Were really fun during this time and I was believing that this game were the best game ever made, but I’m wrong. I’ll wait a little more to see, but most likely I’ll leave the game.
Welcome to the World of Guild Wars 2!
For those that pay attention will find that this update actually solves the alt problem. Before you HAD to wait to get any ascended. Now this actually reduces the time to get ascended.
What I got from the TWITCH stream was that the results of what you make from the account bound time gated items are tradeable in the trading post. theoretically you could make your ascended armor without any timegate it would just cost you more.
If you do want to make it yourself however it should take about 2 weeks per piece.
NOTE: This is a good thing. It makes crafting useful after you got the armor/weapons you are looking for. Can’t have everything.
I’m a little more happy! Do the weapons will be account bound after equiping them? Even transmutating them (I hate the GS look and wanna keep my GS look)? I really hope so.
Lot of over reacting in this thread.
The difference between Exotic and Ascended is incredibly minor…
Fights will still be determined by Builds, Luck before Stats ever come into play.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
I just saw the livestream, and I’m sad that most likely will say good bye gw2. I’m not really fan of grind and even less of time gating. I was just begining to build up my alternative chars, but I cannot becouse I’ll have to build even (a lot more) my main. For only a single build (considering several weapons, I’m sorry for warriors) will take the eternity… Were really fun during this time and I was believing that this game were the best game ever made, but I’m wrong. I’ll wait a little more to see, but most likely I’ll leave the game.
Welcome to the World of Guild Wars 2!
I want to see just how bad the economic damage from this is, but I expect it to be just as bad, or worse, than I’m thinking. This new tier is relying way too heavily on T6 materials, and even weapons, with ascended weapons requiring materials that can only be acquired by salvaging exotics.
Curiosity will keep me around just to see the fallout, but I’m done with GW2 beyond standing around in LA and using it as a means to socialize with some friends. WvW had been what kept me interested in GW2 the most. Account bound wvw ranks were a huge blow to that, and these new weapons, with their wide-spread economic impact, are the final hit.
I did not buy GW2 to be sent on a year long grind to get new weapons, but this is exactly what Anet’s pandering to fans of other games has done. Enjoy your new grind “loyal” fans till they get their single character/build a new weapon and move on to a game with even more grind, they’re going to be all you have left when you’re done destroying what used to be the best MMO on the market.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
Lol, i just did a little counting on actively used weapons across my alts. Seems that to regear to stuff that i actually use (instead of just keeping in inventory just in case) it would take me over a year. Good job Anet. I guess that i can fully expect for something to invalidate all that work before i’ll even finish, right? You were saying something about level cap raise, after all…
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Lot of over reacting in this thread.
The difference between Exotic and Ascended is incredibly minor…
Fights will still be determined by Builds, Luck before Stats ever come into play.
Full zerk builds will do ~+20% of damage. How minor is that?
The difference between Exotic and Ascended is incredibly minor…
First: the difference between a single exotic piece and a single ascended piece is minor indeed. When you start to add first 2 rings then 2 accessories and so on with 1 amulet, 1 backpack, full armor and the weapons, gaps keep getting wider. Also, for the weapon in particular there is a bump in “Weapon strenght” too, which added to increased stats means that ascended weapons are that “little” better of exotics twice. Also, upping stats of 5% doesn’t mean upping dmg of 5%. It’s more. (compare rare/exo)
Second: gear with stats, which have a direct impact on your character build effectiveness, was already a hinderance to alts and build liberty with exotics. Trinkets made it a pressing and glaring issue. Now things keep getting worse. You will need 2 weeks for a single weapon, which doesn’t sounds too bad. Then you realize that on average every class has 5 to 10 different weapons, including the need to double some of them for dualwield. That you can’t change the stats so your build using a certain weapon will be set on that. That if anet sweeps and nerf the c*rap out of a weapon, you can’t even pass it to another char able to use it better. That thinking of gearing out more than 1 char in ascended weapon is just a mirage.
Third: there is still no words about keeping skins of current weapons. Forcing players to buy Tstones for it. Not cool at all.
Fourth: RNG involved in the (account bound) mats gathering. Salvaging exotics. I was literally speechless.
Fifth: …well i’ll stop here, feels so much wasted time and typing (manly cause anet has set this and nothing will change it). Could go on. But will not…
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
I just saw the livestream, and I’m sad that most likely will say good bye gw2. I’m not really fan of grind and even less of time gating. I was just begining to build up my alternative chars, but I cannot becouse I’ll have to build even (a lot more) my main. For only a single build (considering several weapons, I’m sorry for warriors) will take the eternity… Were really fun during this time and I was believing that this game were the best game ever made, but I’m wrong. I’ll wait a little more to see, but most likely I’ll leave the game.
Welcome to the World of Guild Wars 2!
I want to see just how bad the economic damage from this is, but I expect it to be just as bad, or worse, than I’m thinking. This new tier is relying way too heavily on T6 materials, and even weapons, with ascended weapons requiring materials that can only be acquired by salvaging exotics.
Curiosity will keep me around just to see the fallout, but I’m done with GW2 beyond standing around in LA and using it as a means to socialize with some friends. WvW had been what kept me interested in GW2 the most. Account bound wvw ranks were a huge blow to that, and these new weapons, with their wide-spread economic impact, are the final hit.
I did not buy GW2 to be sent on a year long grind to get new weapons, but this is exactly what Anet’s pandering to fans of other games has done. Enjoy your new grind “loyal” fans till they get their single character/build a new weapon and move on to a game with even more grind, they’re going to be all you have left when you’re done destroying what used to be the best MMO on the market.
Why did not they just created more weapons skills, utility skills, traits, MORE DIVERSITY? Do they really want to blow this game up with no reason? I just wonder where the “horizontal progression went”…
Ascended gear has killed this game. It went from potentially epic…to niche. Way to go, ArenaNet.
Great! (sarcasm)…. so i want five items (2 daggers, 1 pistol, sb, sword), ~10 weeks… or i could buy (shortcut) mats via TP for i would guess as high as 10-20g? perhaps i should load up on some gems… (kitten no)
crafting had its place for crafting for yourself out of mats you found, if you choose to.
cool. i’m still 10-20% stronger than you wearing my fancy ascended gear.
PvE wise I dont think new ascended gear will be a problem my main concern is the effect it will have on WvW. My suggestion would be to keep the new ascended gear a pvE thing only and upon entering WvW the gear would be scaled down to exotic stats. I know that lots of wvwers current builds are based on using ascended trinkets so that would remain the same.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
I just saw the livestream, and I’m sad that most likely will say good bye gw2. I’m not really fan of grind and even less of time gating. I was just begining to build up my alternative chars, but I cannot becouse I’ll have to build even (a lot more) my main. For only a single build (considering several weapons, I’m sorry for warriors) will take the eternity… Were really fun during this time and I was believing that this game were the best game ever made, but I’m wrong. I’ll wait a little more to see, but most likely I’ll leave the game.
Welcome to the World of Guild Wars 2!
I want to see just how bad the economic damage from this is, but I expect it to be just as bad, or worse, than I’m thinking. This new tier is relying way too heavily on T6 materials, and even weapons, with ascended weapons requiring materials that can only be acquired by salvaging exotics.
Curiosity will keep me around just to see the fallout, but I’m done with GW2 beyond standing around in LA and using it as a means to socialize with some friends. WvW had been what kept me interested in GW2 the most. Account bound wvw ranks were a huge blow to that, and these new weapons, with their wide-spread economic impact, are the final hit.
I did not buy GW2 to be sent on a year long grind to get new weapons, but this is exactly what Anet’s pandering to fans of other games has done. Enjoy your new grind “loyal” fans till they get their single character/build a new weapon and move on to a game with even more grind, they’re going to be all you have left when you’re done destroying what used to be the best MMO on the market.
Why did not they just created more weapons skills, utility skills, traits, MORE DIVERSITY? Do they really want to blow this game up with no reason? I just wonder where the “horizontal progression went”…
It went to vertical progression.
You see, its mch easier to slap few more stat points on weapon/<insert item name> make it take forever to aquire than get new skill for all classes.
Problem is that players are tired of it and even WoW which perfected it is losing players at staggering rate and any MMO after WoW built on it failed miserably.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
PvE wise I dont think new ascended gear will be a problem my main concern is the effect it will have on WvW. My suggestion would be to keep the new ascended gear a pvE thing only and upon entering WvW the gear would be scaled down to exotic stats. I know that lots of wvwers current builds are based on using ascended trinkets so that would remain the same.
People have been saying this for ten months. ANet doesn’t care.
I just saw the livestream, and I’m sad that most likely will say good bye gw2. I’m not really fan of grind and even less of time gating. I was just begining to build up my alternative chars, but I cannot becouse I’ll have to build even (a lot more) my main. For only a single build (considering several weapons, I’m sorry for warriors) will take the eternity… Were really fun during this time and I was believing that this game were the best game ever made, but I’m wrong. I’ll wait a little more to see, but most likely I’ll leave the game.
Welcome to the World of Guild Wars 2!
I want to see just how bad the economic damage from this is, but I expect it to be just as bad, or worse, than I’m thinking. This new tier is relying way too heavily on T6 materials, and even weapons, with ascended weapons requiring materials that can only be acquired by salvaging exotics.
Curiosity will keep me around just to see the fallout, but I’m done with GW2 beyond standing around in LA and using it as a means to socialize with some friends. WvW had been what kept me interested in GW2 the most. Account bound wvw ranks were a huge blow to that, and these new weapons, with their wide-spread economic impact, are the final hit.
I did not buy GW2 to be sent on a year long grind to get new weapons, but this is exactly what Anet’s pandering to fans of other games has done. Enjoy your new grind “loyal” fans till they get their single character/build a new weapon and move on to a game with even more grind, they’re going to be all you have left when you’re done destroying what used to be the best MMO on the market.
Why did not they just created more weapons skills, utility skills, traits, MORE DIVERSITY? Do they really want to blow this game up with no reason? I just wonder where the “horizontal progression went”…
It went out the window the moment Anet decided they wanted to be “bigtime” and try and cater to a large mainstream audience. Many players that came from other mmo’s more or less demanded they wanted certain things like “Progression” which in their minds is only vertical gear progression because that is how they have been trained like Pavlov’s Dog. Anet pandered and voila this is what we get.
My exotic corrupted transmuted daggers will feel like trash to me.
Why do they introduce even more boredom to the game? Crafting with cd, more grinding, and even timegated crafting. What a joke
You sure know how to kitten up your own game.