Ascended Grind?

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better than an exotic i can buy to keep consistent with the latest content is pretty poor design?

Any idea if this is going to be addressed soon or ever?

If not is it smarter to just move on again?

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ariurotl.3718


I wouldn’t bet on anything changing, tbh.

As for the grind… I dunno, by the time I decided to deck my main in ascended gear, I already had, like, 70-80% of mats I needed. Now I’ve got two chars in fully ascended, 2 pieces away from the third (and the big fat achievement)… and it didn’t feel much like a grind at all. Though I did buy most of the mats for the subsequent chars.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

It is good news that only fotm and raids are needed for ascended, i have a few trinkets but no agony resistance as i cannot just add it right? I must jump through hoops for that too if i remember correctly?

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SyDragon.5136


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

It is good news that only fotm and raids are needed for ascended, i have a few trinkets but no agony resistance as i cannot just add it right? I must jump through hoops for that too if i remember correctly?

You should be able to add the versatile simple infusions to the trinkets without infusing them. They can go into the same slot as the offensive/defensive infusions.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Will +5 be enough?

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SyDragon.5136


Will +5 be enough?

+5 probably won’t get you terribly far, but you can probably pull off Difficulty 20 with it easily enough. +10 would get you into the early twenties and +20 could get you into the early 30s. You can test how much damage agony does to you by walking into the red cloud in the fractal hub. The chart here shows you how far you can get with a certain amount of agony.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Fractals were originally intended to be an endless grind for those seeking that kind of endgame. The amount of agony resistance required to nullify the mechanic scales with the level. If you don’t care about higher level fractals, 0 is enough. If you want to reach the end, you’re going to want 150 max. See the wiki for a scale.

There are no current plans to nerf ascended acquisition. Ascended gear will become easier to acquire over time however (like with expansions) simply due to ascended becoming more common of a reward. As ascended becomes more common however, something else will simply take its place. The original plan for example was to offer progression through infusions, which you can see where they started, but didn’t continue.

Higher level fractals are the only content where ascended is legitimately required simple due to agony. Raids were supposed to be balanced for ascended, but people do them with less than the maximum amount of players.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belenwyn.8674


Some changes would be nice. You still can’t change the stats on on pieces of jewelry. That should be introduced. Another thing is the clunky method to change the stats. It is very stupid that you have to visit the Mystic Forge. Arenanet finally learnt that it is stupid to visit the trainer to change traits. Now it is time to to apply the same lesson to ascended items.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

It is good news that only fotm and raids are needed for ascended, i have a few trinkets but no agony resistance as i cannot just add it right? I must jump through hoops for that too if i remember correctly?

Well if they kept adding new gear level on a regular basis you would have a point. But they added ascended gear years ago. The first trinket were added to the game like 2-3 months after the game was release and we knew then that the full ascended gear will eventually become available. The armor, the last pieces of ascended gear was added to the game like 2 years ago.

Like other said, it’s only needed in fractal. Raid can be done with exotic and Frankly as long as you have ascended trinkets and weapons you will be ok for raid. That said, it will be harder to find pugs without a full ascended gear. Simply because why should pug take you there is 10 people with full ascended gear next to you.

As for the grind. The fact that you stopped to play for 2 years don’t really help you since you didn’t accumulated material in that time. Just to give you an idea. If you buy everything on the market crafting an ascended armor will cost you 550 gold. There is plenty of ways to gain about 10 gold per hours and you can even go up to 20 gold per hours. So it should take you about 55 hours at max to have enough gold and material to craft a full ascended armor.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


As much as I might like to see some changes come to ascended acquisition (among other things), I’m not holding my breath. We were essentially told once that they don’t classify ascended as a “grind” by their definition of what grind is. Granted, this could change, but, like I said, not holding my breath.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

Well, honestly…GW2 has failed on this part. I haven’t really played in 1-2 years. Whenever I do come back and look around, I do not have access to previous living story content.

I.E. I missed out on the breadcrumb content of the past because I didn’t sign in at least once during it. I.E. I am behind in lore. I.E. I am behind in achievement points. I.E. I am behind in any materials and resources that were rewarded for the events/LS.

So yeah, I would take the notion that you can take a break and come back without feeling behind with a grain of salt. Obviously I am behind in several areas that are directly related to living story.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

Well, honestly…GW2 has failed on this part. I haven’t really played in 1-2 years. Whenever I do come back and look around, I do not have access to previous living story content.

I.E. I missed out on the breadcrumb content of the past because I didn’t sign in at least once during it. I.E. I am behind in lore. I.E. I am behind in achievement points. I.E. I am behind in any materials and resources that were rewarded for the events/LS.

So yeah, I would take the notion that you can take a break and come back without feeling behind with a grain of salt. Obviously I am behind in several areas that are directly related to living story.

To be fair, the statement about not being left behind was only made in regards to level caps and armor tiers. Attempting to apply it to any other component (story, rewards, etc) is asinine because it could never be true in those instances unless the game remained absolutely unchanging (which would kill it).

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keadron.9570


That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

It is good news that only fotm and raids are needed for ascended, i have a few trinkets but no agony resistance as i cannot just add it right? I must jump through hoops for that too if i remember correctly?

Well if they kept adding new gear level on a regular basis you would have a point. But they added ascended gear years ago. The first trinket were added to the game like 2-3 months after the game was release and we knew then that the full ascended gear will eventually become available. The armor, the last pieces of ascended gear was added to the game like 2 years ago.

Like other said, it’s only needed in fractal. Raid can be done with exotic and Frankly as long as you have ascended trinkets and weapons you will be ok for raid. That said, it will be harder to find pugs without a full ascended gear. Simply because why should pug take you there is 10 people with full ascended gear next to you.

As for the grind. The fact that you stopped to play for 2 years don’t really help you since you didn’t accumulated material in that time. Just to give you an idea. If you buy everything on the market crafting an ascended armor will cost you 550 gold. There is plenty of ways to gain about 10 gold per hours and you can even go up to 20 gold per hours. So it should take you about 55 hours at max to have enough gold and material to craft a full ascended armor.

What exactly are these gold making ways? Obviously I’m doing it wrong as I don’t get crap for gold

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


What exactly are these gold making ways? Obviously I’m doing it wrong as I don’t get crap for gold

There is plenty of video on youtube that will give you more ways and more information about them, but here some basic info. Gathering material is one of the best ways to make gold without playing the TP. A rich iron vein will give you about 35 silvers in profit. If you need the iron for crafting it’s even higher since you don’t waste the 15% TP fee. With 9 character you can do almost 40 gold per day in like 2-3 hours once you know the routes. You can buy craft ascended material each day. It’s used to be a lot more profitable because of legendary weapons, but right now you can do 3.75 gold of profit if you buy everything on the TP and craft them and it take a couple of seconds. You can farm the molten duo in fractal at level 40. You can make between 15 and 20 gold per hours with a good group. Especially if you have karma buff and know how to transform that karma into gold. Some low level dungeon because of the crafting material spike in price with HoT used to give about 15-20 gold per hours a couple months back. I think the price dropped a bit so I don’t know right now, but it might be hard to find a group these days.

Keep in mind that you don’t always receive gold directly. But materials, items and other currency can be transformed in gold.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better

Probably not, there are many ways to get ascended currently, and one of the main goals was to create a gear set that took a bit of work/time to get.

That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

Wait what? You’re feeling left behind? Ascended is only slightly better. Getting accesories is pretty easy, armor takes a bit more time.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


meh, i need the elonian leather to drop in price before I can start doing more.
Still need it for my last piece of armor… and then there is the legendary first tier collections (which just is annoying).

Then the silk…. so much silk for H.O.P.E. just because of some honey…

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AndyJo.8794


There is not such a thing as an “ascended grind” – it’s only a grind if you make it one. I’ve been playing for 3 years, I saw the introduction of Ascended equipment. In about a month, I had my first set. I didn’t change my behavior at all – I just salvaged literally every blue and green and white drop like I already had been doing. Now 7 of my characters have ascended sets, and a couple of them have more than one. I didn’t go out of my way to make them; i just made my dailies and traded types with guildmates.

I’m not sure where the concept that asc. armor is difficult to get came from.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I’m not sure where the concept that asc. armor is difficult to get came from.

It’s not difficult, it’s just time consuming/costly or a bit of both.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


There is not such a thing as an “ascended grind” – it’s only a grind if you make it one. I’ve been playing for 3 years, I saw the introduction of Ascended equipment. In about a month, I had my first set. I didn’t change my behavior at all – I just salvaged literally every blue and green and white drop like I already had been doing. Now 7 of my characters have ascended sets, and a couple of them have more than one. I didn’t go out of my way to make them; i just made my dailies and traded types with guildmates.

I’m not sure where the concept that asc. armor is difficult to get came from.

Now see, I do much the same thing. I saw the introduction of ascended. I didn’t alter how I played, except maybe doing a bit more wvw for dragonite. I have always salvaged pretty much everything… and yet I never seem to have enough cloth.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


I can’t help but think that if you spend 2 years away from the game you should probably expect to be a bit behind.
Just play the bits of the game you enjoy and save up for the ascended stuff.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

Well, honestly…GW2 has failed on this part. I haven’t really played in 1-2 years. Whenever I do come back and look around, I do not have access to previous living story content.

I.E. I missed out on the breadcrumb content of the past because I didn’t sign in at least once during it. I.E. I am behind in lore. I.E. I am behind in achievement points. I.E. I am behind in any materials and resources that were rewarded for the events/LS.

So yeah, I would take the notion that you can take a break and come back without feeling behind with a grain of salt. Obviously I am behind in several areas that are directly related to living story.

I was referring to character level and equipment, since that’s what the topic was about. Most MMOs add new levels and/or equipment (or an equivalent form of progression) on a regular basis.

For example in my other MMO (Elder Scrolls Online) if I’d reached the original maximum level (50) and got a full set of Best-in-Slot equipment, then quit for 2 years I’d now be missing 16 ‘veteran levels’ which each have a more significant impact on your character than normal levels, a few hundred champion points which add additional stats and abilities, several new skill lines and I’d need at least 1 full set of new equipment (probably more than 1 since trying to play Veteran level 5+ content without veteran equipment is apparently not advisable) just to get back to the same point, equivalent to other players, I was at when I left.

Whereas in GW2 someone could have gotten to level 80, gotten a full set of exotics and then quit within the first week and if they came back now they’d be ready to jump straight into playing HoT content, or PvP, or WvW or any other ‘end game’ area. Yes they might well want a different stat combination, depending on what they had, but that’s not remotely the same as having to upgrade everything because new and better stuff has been released.

Even if they wanted to do Fractals they’d have to work their way up the levels before agony becomes an issue, and in the meantime they’d be getting laurels, potentially ascended drops and definitely agony infusions so they’d be able to play the higher levels when they got to it.

Of course the game isn’t going to have stayed exactly the same while people are away, but the point is you can go straight into doing the story, achievements etc. you missed instead of having to spend hours levelling up and re-equipping your character in order to be ready to start playing the content you missed.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better than an exotic i can buy to keep consistent with the latest content is pretty poor design?

Any idea if this is going to be addressed soon or ever?

If not is it smarter to just move on again?

Move on.

It’s only grindy if you rush to complete the gear. You can even buy all the time-gated mats you need, make your ascended now, and then produce your own time-gated mats after — if you buy and sell aggressively, you can even turn a slight profit (assuming the market cooperates); worst case is usually a small premium over crafting your own initially.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ticky.5831


Ascended trinkets are all you really need and they’re really easy to get. You should probably also bring your ascended elite spec weapon too, and work on your weapons first.

If people object, just say “timegate /shrug”. Link some account-bound ascended mats to show you’re working on it.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


All anet finalyl needs to remove is the god awful stupid time gating from ascended crafting and the prices for craftign these thigns would finally quickly normalize themself, due to the offer of goods rising then a bit faster in the TP and if there offer rises, while the demand stays nearly the same, will prices normally fall automatically due to sellers having to undercut themself more so that people will buy from them instead from the competion on the market thats also tryign to sell the materials…

Also anet should improve the ways on how people can get on the ascended materials that are required to craft ascended items.
the Wvw and Dungeon reward System absolutely need complete overhauls and would be the best candidates to reduce the grind for equippping your characters with ascended gear, makign this game again more multiple character friendly like it was at release date when exotic gear was BIS gear.

there should be removed some junk from the login reward table and be replaces with better and more useful stuff that actually helps in reducing the grind of this game back to a normal level. Seriously, who the hell needs LUCK from the daily login rewards? remove that crap and replace it with more MATERIAL bags with 1 or two of them being bags that can give you a ascended material of choice.
That woudl be a valuable and useful login reward for that it would be 100% worth it to login for to get it, because it actualyl reduces your grind in the game and helps you reaching a bit faster the required amounts of materials you need to craft something you want.

World Bosses like Tequatl and Tri Wurm need to get their reward systems FINALLY OVERWORKED, so that they grant you 100% sure always for every kill a BOSS KILL TOKEN, so that you can use the collected Boss Kill Tokens to trade them in for actually useful rewards like Ascended Gear chests or items with the unique skins, like tequats unique Sunbringer Skin Weapons to reduce the freaking stupid grind of this game and to remove ridiculous RNMG remachnics out iof this game which should have gottend banned out of this game already a long time ago to make this game again more fun and less of a hell of a stupid grind for skins far worser andm ore terrible designed, than in any kind of classical asia grinder MMORPG ever before.
people want to work towards somethign they want and they want to see a clear PROGRESS on somethign they work on and not grind somethign a million times and still dont get what they becausne, just because an god awful reta peep RNG system doesn’t ever make it happen that you get what you want …

people would instantly play these world bosses for example far more, when they knew that they can actiually work on what they want and that if they don’t have the luck to get what they want dropped as loot from the reward chest, that they can at least slowly work towards their goal until they have enough tokens for the item they want to use them to trade them in for what they want.

Same thign should also exist for Precursors!!
if you aren#t the type of player who wants to doe some kind of craftign journey, then there should exist for players, which still have after years of playing no single precursor drop exist a way in the game, where you just can collect some kind of special token that allows you to use them to trade them in for precursors of your choice, so that there exists finally a way that guarantees players that have simply no luck and that aren#t interested in crafting to work this way towards their precursors steadily over time, until they have enough tokens for a trade in for them collected.
these tokens should come in from receive Achievement Chests, like every 1000 AP players should receive (retroactively) bags of tokens that can be used to trade precursors in for them if you have enough of these tokens.

Say 100 tokens are needed for a trade, 10 tokens do you get pr chest, would mean, a player with 10000 AP would be guaranteed to receive their first precursor, if that player had until this moment no luck in the game or isn’t simply wealthy enough to craft one ect. pp.
This way would receive also all the year long veterans in this game which play this game sicne release and had no luck until today some precursors. (gettign this way a precursor should automatically complete the fittign achievements as if you would have done them all to the point, where you need to make thigns ingame to turn the precursor into the legendary)

And with rising higher and higher in ASp, it naturally becomes harder to rise even more highr, thus gettign pres from every 10k Ap naturally slows down also very quickly and naturally takes also much more time… it took poeople over 3 years to get over 30k AP just to say, so enough Ap worth to get just 3 pres out of way more than 20 possible ones currently!!!

So this is no non plus ultra solution, but one that would make may unhappy players at lease for once very happy, if they actually do something in the game for thenm also by collecting AP, thus making collectign AP instantly also much more valuable and useful, because you’d finally get somethign good for collecting also alot of AP over all the years

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

wtf are you doing that makes it take you months to get one ascended weapon?

Anet make Rev great again.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


meh, i need the elonian leather to drop in price before I can start doing more.
Still need it for my last piece of armor… and then there is the legendary first tier collections (which just is annoying).

Then the silk…. so much silk for H.O.P.E. just because of some honey…

5 damask is a minor irritation compared to the amount of deldrimor ingots you’ll need

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better than an exotic i can buy to keep consistent with the latest content is pretty poor design?

Any idea if this is going to be addressed soon or ever?

If not is it smarter to just move on again?

Well, if it makes you feel better, due to how damage is calculated and weapon damage serving as the base number for exponential increase, the difference between an exotic and ascended weapon is actually pretty big with the damage difference being I think between 20-30%.

(But the armor still kind of sucks)

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenix.5478


Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better than an exotic i can buy to keep consistent with the latest content is pretty poor design?

Any idea if this is going to be addressed soon or ever?

If not is it smarter to just move on again?

Well, if it makes you feel better, due to how damage is calculated and weapon damage serving as the base number for exponential increase, the difference between an exotic and ascended weapon is actually pretty big with the damage difference being I think between 20-30%.

(But the armor still kind of sucks)

Exotic Greatsword lvl 80 raw damage: 995-1100 = 1047.5
Ascended/Legendary Greatsword raw damage: 1045-1155 = 1100

=> [1-(1100/1047.5)]*100= ~5.01% raw damage increase

Ascended also provide higher stats:

Exotic greatsword total stats distribution (3stats): 581
Ascended Greatsword total stats distribution (3stats): 609

=> [1-(609/581)]*100= ~4.82% stat increase

Keep in mind that the 4.82% stat increase doesn’t translate to direct damage increase as there are additional factors to consider like base stat allocation, traits,
also power > to precision/ferocity (usually) for raw damage, traits/utilities that increase power/precision/ferocity, the equations given on gw2 wiki and the list goes on :P

I would guess smth like a 2-3% damage increase at best from stats (if u swap every slot for ascended and not only the weapons) and a 5% raw damage increase (from the weapon only), so the weapon is by far the most important slot for me (for direct damage dealers not condi ones). So for a power build you can just craft the weapons and acquire the trinkets with laurels/gmissions/fractals. I would also leave armor slots for last or not make them at all. Except if I am missing smth important

(edited by Phoenix.5478)

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


It’s unlikely to be changed because ascended was introduced specifically to appease people who complained that exotics are too easy to get and then they have nothing to work towards. If they made it easier it would defeat the point.

But the only things you need ascended for is high level Fractals where you need the agony resistance and possibly raids (although I’ve heard raids are balanced around having ascended trinkets and exotic armour and weapons).

That is also highly unlikely to change – GW2 was designed to be a ‘casual friendly’ game where you can take breaks or focus only on the content you’re interested in without having to worry about falling behind and being unable to do new things because you haven’t got the necessary equipment.

Well, honestly…GW2 has failed on this part. I haven’t really played in 1-2 years. Whenever I do come back and look around, I do not have access to previous living story content.

I.E. I missed out on the breadcrumb content of the past because I didn’t sign in at least once during it. I.E. I am behind in lore. I.E. I am behind in achievement points. I.E. I am behind in any materials and resources that were rewarded for the events/LS.

So yeah, I would take the notion that you can take a break and come back without feeling behind with a grain of salt. Obviously I am behind in several areas that are directly related to living story.

Yes i agree here, i’m in that boat too..

Does anyone know if the upcoming patch is going to address the ascended weapon gear grind at all, months to make an item slightly better

Probably not, there are many ways to get ascended currently, and one of the main goals was to create a gear set that took a bit of work/time to get.

That may have been the original design but as a returning player after two years i’m finding i’ve been very much left behind, my fault i guess for leaving but still left behind..

Wait what? You’re feeling left behind? Ascended is only slightly better. Getting accesories is pretty easy, armor takes a bit more time.

I meant story and game play wise, missed opportunities with content being removed etc..

wtf are you doing that makes it take you months to get one ascended weapon?

Leveling my new Revenant in solo open world content? I guess, i’m not seeing any Ascended drops from my map completions..

(edited by Dante.1508)

Ascended Grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


All anet finalyl needs to remove is the god awful stupid time gating from ascended crafting and the prices for craftign these thigns would finally quickly normalize themself, due to the offer of goods rising then a bit faster in the TP and if there offer rises, while the demand stays nearly the same, will prices normally fall automatically due to sellers having to undercut themself more so that people will buy from them instead from the competion on the market thats also tryign to sell the materials…

Also anet should improve the ways on how people can get on the ascended materials that are required to craft ascended items.
the Wvw and Dungeon reward System absolutely need complete overhauls and would be the best candidates to reduce the grind for equippping your characters with ascended gear, makign this game again more multiple character friendly like it was at release date when exotic gear was BIS gear.

there should be removed some junk from the login reward table and be replaces with better and more useful stuff that actually helps in reducing the grind of this game back to a normal level. Seriously, who the hell needs LUCK from the daily login rewards? remove that crap and replace it with more MATERIAL bags with 1 or two of them being bags that can give you a ascended material of choice.
That woudl be a valuable and useful login reward for that it would be 100% worth it to login for to get it, because it actualyl reduces your grind in the game and helps you reaching a bit faster the required amounts of materials you need to craft something you want.

World Bosses like Tequatl and Tri Wurm need to get their reward systems FINALLY OVERWORKED, so that they grant you 100% sure always for every kill a BOSS KILL TOKEN, so that you can use the collected Boss Kill Tokens to trade them in for actually useful rewards like Ascended Gear chests or items with the unique skins, like tequats unique Sunbringer Skin Weapons to reduce the freaking stupid grind of this game and to remove ridiculous RNMG remachnics out iof this game which should have gottend banned out of this game already a long time ago to make this game again more fun and less of a hell of a stupid grind for skins far worser andm ore terrible designed, than in any kind of classical asia grinder MMORPG ever before.
people want to work towards somethign they want and they want to see a clear PROGRESS on somethign they work on and not grind somethign a million times and still dont get what they becausne, just because an god awful reta peep RNG system doesn’t ever make it happen that you get what you want …

people would instantly play these world bosses for example far more, when they knew that they can actiually work on what they want and that if they don’t have the luck to get what they want dropped as loot from the reward chest, that they can at least slowly work towards their goal until they have enough tokens for the item they want to use them to trade them in for what they want.

Same thign should also exist for Precursors!!
if you aren#t the type of player who wants to doe some kind of craftign journey, then there should exist for players, which still have after years of playing no single precursor drop exist a way in the game, where you just can collect some kind of special token that allows you to use them to trade them in for precursors of your choice, so that there exists finally a way that guarantees players that have simply no luck and that aren#t interested in crafting to work this way towards their precursors steadily over time, until they have enough tokens for a trade in for them collected.
these tokens should come in from receive Achievement Chests, like every 1000 AP players should receive (retroactively) bags of tokens that can be used to trade precursors in for them if you have enough of these tokens.

Say 100 tokens are needed for a trade, 10 tokens do you get pr chest, would mean, a player with 10000 AP would be guaranteed to receive their first precursor, if that player had until this moment no luck in the game or isn’t simply wealthy enough to craft one ect. pp.
This way would receive also all the year long veterans in this game which play this game sicne release and had no luck until today some precursors. (gettign this way a precursor should automatically complete the fittign achievements as if you would have done them all to the point, where you need to make thigns ingame to turn the precursor into the legendary)

And with rising higher and higher in ASp, it naturally becomes harder to rise even more highr, thus gettign pres from every 10k Ap naturally slows down also very quickly and naturally takes also much more time… it took poeople over 3 years to get over 30k AP just to say, so enough Ap worth to get just 3 pres out of way more than 20 possible ones currently!!!

So this is no non plus ultra solution, but one that would make may unhappy players at lease for once very happy, if they actually do something in the game for thenm also by collecting AP, thus making collectign AP instantly also much more valuable and useful, because you’d finally get somethign good for collecting also alot of AP over all the years

I really wish Anet would listen to people such as you and less of the hardcore raiders/pvpers..