Ascended Weapon stat change
Yes, you will get a new skin if the stats you switch to provide a new skin.
I’ve never done it, but from what wiki says, it takes your weapon and the items and you get a new weapon with the new stats. Which is why all upgrades are lost, since your getting a different weapon than what was put in there.
In the example given they put in an Ebonmane’s and got a WupWup, so the weapon should have that appearance.
ANet may give it to you.
When I changed an ascended longbow stats to berzerker (I dont honestly remember which stats it had before) I ended up with both colors of the weapon unlocked.
Ooh, I’ve never thought of that before. Sounds like a very nice cheap(er) way to obtain all colors.
Ooh, I’ve never thought of that before. Sounds like a very nice cheap(er) way to obtain all colors.
it is. i changed to wupwup because the skin fit my char’s dye theme better, then changed it back.
If I were to change the stats on my ascended weapon, would I obtain the new skin for the stats? For example, I currently have Grizzlemouth’s claymore. It has a slight orange and black appearance. If I were to change it’s stats to knight’s, which would be Beigarth’s claymore, would I get the green claymore skin that comes with it?
Yes, you get the other skins unlocked.
Yeap. I spent about 100g the other night, was able to do 4 swaps with that amount on 4 different weapons so now I have the blue/white/yellow/red versions of those 4 ascended weapons. Blue seems one of the harder ones cause you can only buy the inscriptions (Sentinel or Shaman). White I was able to do Cleric (Totems) and Yellow I was able to do Rampager (Venom Sacks).
Hardest one I imagine for most people would be Wupwup’s signature pink/purple as each one you do is Celestial Inscription which is 5 charged quartz (time gated).