Ascended gear...

Ascended gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bullwinkel.7839


Is the worst thing to have ever happened to GW.

For starters, I have no problem with a new gear tier if it were reasonable to obtain like exotics. My beef with the new tier system is it takes an incredibly long time to acquire one piece for one character let alone enough gear to outfit my two two alts. There is no way in hell I’m going to be able to get ascended amulets on my main let alone my alts anytime soon.

The thing that bothers me the most is the very limited way in which we have to acquire the new gear. If it were my choice, the new ascended gear would have retained the same stats as exotics but have included an additional upgrade slot for infusions. The new gear would only be used as a method to progress further in fractals. Instead of developing new gear that takes an eternity to acquire, devs should instead be focused on polishing the game as it stands now.

Ascended gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

My initial beef wasn’t the fact that ascended armors/weapons/trinkets were on the way, but the assumption that more tiers may appear afterwards introducing power creep.

However, the way they say they are doing it and what has shown itself already, well, I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Maybe the panic helped make decisions on how this stuff is released.

Sure, the early introduction made LA the zone to be in to spam for groups (wasn’t it like this for dungeons anyway), but the gear itself doesn’t change up a whole lot. A backpiece, a few rings and now the new stuff doesn’t make a huge amount of difference in large scale battles. Even if the armor was out today in full, there’s no way of knowing what you’ve been beaten by in WvW (which is the place I think, imo ofc, has the most legitimate concern when talking about increased tiers). I think each team would probably have the same ratio of players wearing ascended gear anyway. No different than going from 1-80 and going blues to exotics.

Imo, as long as gear isn’t gating content and is reasonably easy to obtain, not a huge issue. I mean if you can take underleveled folks into fractals, I don’t think it’s a large problem currently. If we get to the point where power creep has indeed surfaced with a thousand and one tiers, then I think the masses would have left this game anyway.