Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous
You can buy the mats and inscriptions. Trade gold for time.
You don’t need it. Yes, the answer really is that simple. I am perfectly fine with it being time-gated, it should feel like an achievement for every single piece you are crafting. If you are so impatient, you can still spend a ton of money and buy it immediately. I only have asceneded gear on my main, on all alts i run exotics and they are doing well with it.
Nope, sorry, but YOU’RE WRONG is not an argument
Ascended is a long term goal with a less than 5% stat increase. You can complete all content (apart from lvl 50 FoTM), in exotics – heck, even rares, or even do naked Teq and Wurm runs.
Invest time or money or deal with it. Sincerely, a person who’s lazily gearing his 4th character in full ascended by playing in evenings after work and haven’t bought gems for a year.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
I agree with Tsunami, you don’t “need” it unless you plan on doing high level fractals. Every dungeon can easily be completed with full EXOTIC gear, the stat gain on ascended is small enough that it hardly makes a difference.
You “WANT” the best stats you don’t “NEED” them to play in over 99% of the games content.
Finally as others have said, if you can’t wait for the time gate just buy the mats and put it together.
You can buy the time-gated pieces off of the TP for a small premium and just make them in one day.
You don’t need ascended gear for anything in the game. One can still achieve the AR requirements necessary for level 50 fractals on the accessories alone, which are basically free from logging in via laurels. I’m going to guess you haven’t actually looked at the stat increases of using ascended versus exotics. The gains between the tiers is the smallest difference in the game. You’ll end up with a whopping… ~+25 to your primary stat from an entire set, and negligible increases to defense.
You act like this equipment is necessary except that it isn’t. Like it actually isn’t and this entire post in your own words is WRONG.
All of the materials can be found in various parts of the game, and are not restricted to WBT and the few examples you have provided. Please do more research.
If you’re truly a competitive min-maxer, then getting BiS gear should be an obstacle you’re used to overcoming. The slower and more difficult acquisition makes it just have more prestige than anything.
Frankly, I only made my ascended armor for the use of omni infusions. You want to talk about cost? 1500 T6 bloods later for +30 power is the reward. It’s actually cheaper to make the armor set than get the infusions, and the stat reward comes from the infusions and not the actual armor. I made the stuff only to retain my title as one of the hardest hitting thieves in the game/maintain the fact I have hit the absolute power ceiling to the absolute finest measurement.
And weapons are dirt cheap. It’s like 60g per weapon which is a few days of running dungeons, anyways. BiS gear should rightfully take a little time for its prestige, seeing as the stat difference is so negligible.
Its seriously not that long of a grind. Even people who casually play can get it. I’m more limited by the laurels then anything else to be honest.
If anything timegating it is the “grind” and you can get around that by buying the timegated mats (it costs slightly more then doing it yourself).
Run dungeons if youre strapped for cash. Ac1-3 is stupid easy and gives 5 gold.
Ascended is meant to be something you build up over time. Also you can share the pieces because it is account bound, never soul bound. Only the bolt of damask is expensive still, the other ascended ingredients are pretty low if you want to skip the time gated process.
Exotics are completely fine. If you “only play dungeons” you certainly don’t need ascended.
4 hours of silverwastes last night got me 12 dragonite ingots, half a dozen empyreal stars, and more bloodstone dust than I could handle (deleted like a half dozen stacks). As well as gave me quite a bit of supplies and cash.
Basically with that rate, 2 hours of SW farming plus a bit of cash and you could make any ascended piece…2 hours.
The Ascended gear grind is pretty easy IMO.
Also, you don’t need ascended weapons, the stat increase is tiny. You can play the game with exotic weapons and do fine.
Ascended weapons are pretty cheap. It’s only the armour that’s particularly costly.
And most complaints about ascended mats (bloodstone dust, empyreal fragments, dragonite ore), for the past year or two, are about having far, far too many of them and no way to get rid of them. Keep playing 6 months and you’ll feel exactly the same way. If you do want to get lots quickly but don’t like world bosses, try the train in EotM. I seem to get a lot from the Silverwastes too.
Also, if you want to bypass time-gating, you can buy the final part off the TP. As in, Lumps of Mithrillium are time-gated, but are used to make Deldrimor Steel Ingots, and the latter is tradable. Same of the equivalents in wood, cloth and leather.
In any case, ascended gear is meant as a long term goal. Don’t stress so much, especially if you don’t play very much, and are trying for a large number of things all at once.
wow… as in go back… 0/10 non epic troll post
Pretty clearly trolling… not even funny, either. What a shame.
I agree with every reply so far!
I can only play a few hours a week after work, and making my ascended gear was what kept me busy for a long time, every piece I made was a story of countless kills, events, world exploration, wvw… etc. I felt accomplished for every piece I crafted. (thanks Anet for turning crafting into something viable and worth every minute of my gameplay)
I really enjoy going out to gather wood, metal and plants…. found a few hidden events (like that creepy strange old man in a lost graveyard), jumping puzzles, player in need of some help and odd NPC’s all around Tyria during my journeys.
It’s all about the journey right?
(Anet could you add crafting animations btw? )
I have one set of armor and several weapons. I don’t plan on making any more, because they’re simply not worth the grind. If ascended stuff had multiple reliable acquisition methods (dungeon tokens/relics, karma, etc), I wouldn’t really have a problem with it, but as is it just feels unnecessarily tacked on top of the base game to gate fractals and provide grind.
I have 18 characters, 16 of which are at 80. I want to provide ascended armor for most of them, but it’s simply not possible without dedicating all my time and more to activities I hate, so kitten that. And kitten whoever said we’d have best gear by reaching level 80.
I agree with every reply so far!
I can only play a few hours a week after work, and making my ascended gear was what kept me busy for a long time, every piece I made was a story of countless kills, events, world exploration, wvw… etc. I felt accomplished for every piece I crafted. (thanks Anet for turning crafting into something viable and worth every minute of my gameplay)
I really enjoy going out to gather wood, metal and plants…. found a few hidden events (like that creepy strange old man in a lost graveyard), jumping puzzles, player in need of some help and odd NPC’s all around Tyria during my journeys.
It’s all about the journey right?
(Anet could you add crafting animations btw?)
Oh look a saving grace for this troll post, I feel like you do , and am also thankful ascended armor is account bound now, so I can share with my other characters if I want, only having to make 3 weights to pass around… OH you can do that with weapons too? /thread
I know this is old (inb4 old news is old), but I recently came back to Guild Wars 2 after a long break and discovered how much of a grind Ascended gear is, and feel like writing a rant (deal with it).
It takes me 5 days to craft one Ascended weapon!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? And that’s assuming I already have all the materials required. Oh, but it only costs 500 of this and that and that. Yeah, that’s only 3 weeks of grinding dungeons, bosses, events and what else you got. For one weapon. Are you kidding me!?
So, if I have one character that uses like 6 weapons, it takes me at minimum a full month to craft all his stuff. But that’s without taking in account the time it takes to grind the Gold and the 1000s of Dragonite Ores and Empyreal Fragments required to craft them. And that’s only for one character that only uses 6 weapons. Then what about my other 4 guys, that use 6+ weapons each? I’m not even going to do the math for that.
And what if I’d like to change my character’s build at one point… what if I get bored of a certain playstyle and want to try something else without sacrificing my stats? Tough ****ing luck because you’ll have to grind another 3 months just to get your single character fully equipped again (that’s even ignoring the ridiculous amount of Transmutation Stones required if I’d want to keep my old look).And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? By that logic we would not need any gear at all since people can solo dungeons not wearing any armour whatsoever. Like, durr, why do we need any armour in GW2 at all when we can clear content in our underwear?
Whichever gear gives the best stats is what we NEED.“But you get all the stuff you need while playing the game, no grind required.” Again: WRONG. What if I like playing dungeons? That doesn’t give me any Dragonite Ore (seriously, who came up with that name, anyway?) What if I don’t like world bosses? They’re just one giant lag fest making me feel like I’m watching a Powerpoint slideshow and don’t offer any satisfying gameplay since it’s just “stand in 1 place with the 100 other peoples and auto-attack away”.
So, I need to do 20 hours of world bosses for a single Ascended weapon. And you call that no grind. LOL!?!?What exactly happened to this no-grind philosophy? Why wasn’t Exotic gear good enough as a final tier of gear? It’s not like people were unable to clear any content with Exotics anyway. Ascended serves no logical purpose other than to **** off those people who don’t have the time to play 28 hours a day, 450 days a year.
While you were off to a long break, those that stayed needed something to do.
Dont expect the game and everybody in it not to move on, while you are gone.
Why should they reward your absence with faster progression?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
5 days for one ascended gear is not a lot really, i remember getting amulets for days
or getting CoF exotic PPC set for days.
it’s like people just want things handed to them now. idk
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there?
By the same reasoning you also have to use blue, green and even white gear, it’s also there.
I happen to play WvW, even there you don’t need it. The difference is practically nonexistent.
If you think you need it because you make yourself a slave to the notion of “BiS”, then there’s the way to go. But even then it is not a grind by the definition of ANet, since there are various different ways to acquire the necessary resources.
I’ve never liked ascended gear, but the only real complaint here is that I can’t have it NAO!
There are so many ascended mats floating around that Anet had to make special things to eat them.
Yes, at first it seems like it’s very hard to make. After a while, you can make at least ascended weapons almost at will. I made one today just because I didn’t have an ascended torch on my guardian and I use a torch sometimes.
You can make 500+ of each of the 3 ascended mats by spending an afternoon in the Silverwastes.
You will get quite a bit of gold and the Obsidian Shards for refinement as well.
I couldn’t care less about the time gate, I think its fine to have something to work towards long-term, but the ridiculous costs are the reason I don’t have a single character with a single piece of ascended gear (beyond trinkets and such that you can buy, anyway).
Every single one of my characters has at least 2 sets of armor and usually 2-3+ of each weapon type (meaning my Guardian has 3 Scepters, 2 Staffs, 2 GS’s, ect). Because I’m a skin / aesthetics hog and I like to have multiple weapons and armor sets using different skins that I can swap between. Multiple sets so that I don’t have to constantly waste transmute charges, of course. No way in heck am I pulling in the amount of gold needed to replace all that exotic gear with ascended, and if I were to just have 1 ascended weapon per type or 1 ascended armor set then I’d feel pressured to always use that one over the others (not to mention even if I did just do 1, I have 6 characters so it would STILL be pretty insane cost-wise).
Thankfully, I don’t do fractals or WvW, which are really the only places ascended matters (arguably not even WvW except maybe in roaming / duels), so… yah. I’ll just stick to my exotics.
what does “OTT” means?
and about ascended craft – if you were not skipping some stuff you should have nice stock of ascended mats before even reaching level 500 of craft….
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
what does “OTT” means?
and about ascended craft – if you were not skipping some stuff you should have nice stock of ascended mats before even reaching level 500 of craft….
OTT = Over the top. Least I think it does o.O
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
And if we could all gear up every one of our characters with 6+ weapons and full acended gear in a week what on earth would we have to work towards? One month to fully gear a character with the best gear in-game is not that excessive. Think of any other MMO, to get all the best gear in game would take a lot longer, by average standards, gw2 is so so far from grundy.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I agree with the OP. I do not craft in MMOs and have had one ascended drop over the last 2 years. It was an item I cant use for any of my characters but lets assume that it was useful. One item per 2+ years means 12 or more years to equip one character with one set of armor for one build. To complete outfitting my main in BiS gear for his three main builds will take approximately 36 years.
36 years of regular play to fully outfit one character is over the top in my opinion.
To clarify, that is for armor. Should I expect another 20-30 years to get the weapons needed to finish one character ? I have not seen a single ascended weapon so extrapolating the time rquirement isnt really possible.
(edited by Ashen.2907)
i only have problem with 2h vs 1h cost of mats why 1h main weapon have same material cost as 2h? why 1h main hand cannot have 50 or 75% cost of 2h?
Technically, ascended gears give like 5% boost of stats compared to exotic gears so you don’t really need them. If you are a working guy who can’t spend too much time but you really really want them, just buy a straight legendary, or log in everyday to kill some World Boss for Dragonite and buy the rest of the mat.
Ascended gear is one of several systems put into the game because ANet’s vision of players repeating content endlessly because the content is fun met the harsh reality of players unwilling to repeat content endlessly without sufficient incentive to do so. Like it or not, MMO’s require a large population to make money in amounts that are sufficient for their upkeep and potential growth as well as profit for their backers. To maintain larger numbers, the segment of the population that would depart without long term goals must be catered to. Legendary weapons were supposed to serve as that incentive. However, I believe that ANet underestimated just how single-minded some players would be in pursuing their in-game goals.
I despise the way that Ascended weapons and armor are acquired. Then again, I don’t care for using spreadsheets to keep track of whether I have enough virtual materials to virtually make other virtual materials so I can then make more virtual materials and eventually make a virtual gewgaw. The process is boring. On the other hand, I like that the game is still around, and given the way Ascended was added to the game, I believe that ANet believed is was necessary for the health of the game.
The time gate is there for economic reasons too.
As stated by devs (and common sense), high-level crafters should be able to make money out of it – in this case, by providing their service of daily crafting on TP. That’s important since almost everything else drops in excessive amounts and can be bought cheaper than the materials you’d need to craft it.
Time gates are actually an anti grind mechanism.
It makes crafting these items a long term achievement without forcing people to grind crap for hundreds of hours.
Ascended gear is one of several systems put into the game because ANet’s vision of players repeating content endlessly because the content is fun met the harsh reality of players unwilling to repeat content endlessly without sufficient incentive to do so. Like it or not, MMO’s require a large population to make money in amounts that are sufficient for their upkeep and potential growth as well as profit for their backers. To maintain larger numbers, the segment of the population that would depart without long term goals must be catered to. Legendary weapons were supposed to serve as that incentive. However, I believe that ANet underestimated just how single-minded some players would be in pursuing their in-game goals.
I despise the way that Ascended weapons and armor are acquired. Then again, I don’t care for using spreadsheets to keep track of whether I have enough virtual materials to virtually make other virtual materials so I can then make more virtual materials and eventually make a virtual gewgaw. The process is boring. On the other hand, I like that the game is still around, and given the way Ascended was added to the game, I believe that ANet believed is was necessary for the health of the game.
I felt so bad for ARenanet at release. Because the players proved within 2 weeks that their vision of the game was extremely flawed and that players don’t care about content but simply want rewards.
I remember in Orr within a week people were running COF and orr continously for hours, got the full set within a week and promptly began whining at end game content. Legendaries that were suppose to be hard was also done within a couple of months because players just farmed the kitten out of the Asura even Orr.
The first few months of guild wars 2 was simply adjusting the game to meet the reality. A lot of people l ike to whine how they strayed from their vision. What those players don’t realize was that it was either kitten off a vocal few or eventually start firing people like other companies do.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
U kids these days. Just hit the console button add the code for the item u want and thats it.
U can have all u want after your 1 year break, in just 20 seconds, then u are bored again.
If that doesnt work hit Shift+Del on the gw2 folder and take another break.
I agree with the general consent that it’s not that bad as it fulfills the purpose of long term goals better than most things in this game. I am still not happy about it myself, and wish they hadn’t gone back on their initial plan of BIS being easily gained by anybody.
That being said, it irritates me that people still claim that it is only 5% better, or this many stats better, ergo it is not an increase or that it is not BIS. Come on people, an increase is an increase, no matter how trivial you find it. You can say its trivial if you like, but don’t try to distort the facts.
The way I look at it,in a really good fight, the fights you give your best and barely won or lost, 5% is the game changer. And that’s why I’ll eventually get it…eventually.
ITT: fanboys who equally hate the time gate but can’t figure out how to disagree with anet.
I’m a fanboys, I equally hate the time gate, and I disagree with anet on a lot of stuff. But that doesn’t make that a game breaker. Its a little annoyance that will disappear pretty fast as you stock pile those tier 7 material everyday. I just don’t make a big deal of that little thing.
This is the boat I’m in. I don’t like the time gating, but since ascended has gone in, I’ve created three sets of armor and as of just today, six weapons.
I haven’t tried too hard to farm anything for any of it. I do a lot of stuff that generates materials for ascended crafting though (and have a hilarious surplus of bloodstone, dragonite and empyreals) and make a good amount of gold playing the tp and doing my dungeons/killing many world bosses.
I figure I okay about four hours a night, usually with my wife. About half the time we’re standing around roleplaying, and that doesn’t generate any loots or monies at all.
So, it’s entirely doable if one takes a recreational view towards it. My best advice is to ignore it 95% of the time. Check now and then to see what you can craft. Craft what you can when you can. Eventually, if you’re doing a decent amount of stuff with any regularity, you’ll one day have all the stuff to make something.
If you’re able to actively farm the Silverwastes event chains, the amount of silk you can get is disturbing. A few hours of guild farming SW from foothold to the chest farm after vinewrath is enough to give me nearly 400 silk scraps. Plenty of the other t5/6 mats as well.
Time gates are a lazy and artificial way to extend content life.
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? .
Aside from high end fractals all post-80 content is geared towards exotics. Whether you care to accept this fact or not is your problem.
So hows dat “no grind philosophy” going?.. oh wait, it died long ago…
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? .
Aside from high end fractals all post-80 content is geared towards exotics. Whether you care to accept this fact or not is your problem.
It isnt a fact. Actually it is false. There is an entire section of the game where not having ascended gear means facing opponents with better stats than yourself.
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? .
Aside from high end fractals all post-80 content is geared towards exotics. Whether you care to accept this fact or not is your problem.
It isnt a fact. Actually it is false. There is an entire section of the game where not having ascended gear means facing opponents with better stats than yourself.
PvP? Spvp? WvW? Nope. Not a requirement. The stats will not tip the balance of a fight, the skill of the player will. The coordination of a group will. Ascended provides a marginal increase.
You “WANT” the best stats you don’t “NEED” them to play in over 99% of the games content.
True. But I highly doubt you’ll convince the OP of this. People like that do not accept the differences between needs and wants in this game. By labeling something a “need” when it is not, they make themselves a victim of “the system”. Why? Because then all the grind that they “must” endure isn’t their own fault — but that of ArenaNet.
This is the primary reason they made ascended stuff account bound. Of course, that doesn’t really work for me either because I need certain sigils in certain builds, and different stats on different pieces of gear. Not to mention I do care about the looks, and I don’t want to pop a handful of transmutation charges every time I want to play a different character. As such, I don’t really feel that simply making them account bound really removes the need to craft multiple versions of ascended equipment, unless you want all your builds to use the same stats, sigils, and runes.
I basically just got a full ascended set for my main, and all my other alts are in exotics (except in a few spots where I got some ascended drops). Since they’ve added the collections, I’ve been working on making the other ascended armor sets and some additional weapons. But it does get quite arduous if you want to completely outfit all your characters in ascended (I have 16 characters with 2-3 gear sets each, so I would have to craft around 40 full ascended sets of equipment if I went completely crazy).
Even still, I would try to not become too obsessed with having all ascended equipment, and just stick to exotics for alts. It’s much easier to acquire the exotics, and the stat difference is not significant in most scenarios. Since you know the ascended stuff is time gated anyways, just gradually accumulate the resources over time and just enjoy doing stuff with your exotics.
I would agree with the OP’s post if gear tiering was handled like it is in most MMOs, but it isn’t.
You have to keep in mind that we are likely to never get a tier of gear above ascended. It’s meant to be a long-term goal and not just a stepping stone in an endless progression.
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? .
Aside from high end fractals all post-80 content is geared towards exotics. Whether you care to accept this fact or not is your problem.
It isnt a fact. Actually it is false. There is an entire section of the game where not having ascended gear means facing opponents with better stats than yourself.
PvP? Spvp? WvW? Nope. Not a requirement. The stats will not tip the balance of a fight, the skill of the player will. The coordination of a group will. Ascended provides a marginal increase.
You stated that is a fact that ALL post 80 content was geared toward exotics. And now you admit that Ascended gear provides one’s opposition with an increase.
Those two are contradictory.
Of course tactics, player skill, etc are important contributions to performance. But numbers matter as well.
And before anyone says you don’t need Ascended gear: YOU ARE WRONG. Of course you need Ascended gear, why else is it there? Why else have they have given it better stats than Exotic gear? .
Aside from high end fractals all post-80 content is geared towards exotics. Whether you care to accept this fact or not is your problem.
It isnt a fact. Actually it is false. There is an entire section of the game where not having ascended gear means facing opponents with better stats than yourself.
PvP? Spvp? WvW? Nope. Not a requirement. The stats will not tip the balance of a fight, the skill of the player will. The coordination of a group will. Ascended provides a marginal increase.
You stated that is a fact that ALL post 80 content was geared toward exotics. And now you admit that Ascended gear provides one’s opposition with an increase.
Those two are contradictory.
Of course tactics, player skill, etc are important contributions to performance. But numbers matter as well.
In this case, the numbers are vastly outweighed by player skill and coordination.
Just to add, the downscaling system in gw2 also severely limits the usefulness of ascended gear. In low level areas, ascended gear is equivalent to your exotic variant, which means it offers little advantage to tough PVE bosses like tequatl and triple wurm. PVE areas that make full use of ascended gear are Orr, Arah dungeon, dry top, silverwastes, and of course fractals.
No effect in PvP, and variable effect on wvw depending on your playstyle (roamer vs zerg).
In addition, ascended gears are account bound. In the event that you decided to switch your main, those ascended gears can be repurposed. I did this when I switched from guardian to warrior.
I am truely shocked that nobody agree’s with Milennin. has everybody forgotten what GW2’s goal was compared to other mmo’s.
One of those things was a fair combat system that was based on one’s skill. and not based on how good your worn equipment is.
Taking a look back at GW1 You where able to obtain the max-level gear fairly honestly. You might not have gotten the armor or weapons that suited your cosmetic taste but atleast they provided a statline that was the same as every other max level gear in the game. If you wished to have a specific armor it was merely a cosmetic change! Making the grind for your armor skin the only grind in the game. which is perfectly fine because it doesn’t effect the gameplay itself. But the Ascended gear in it’s current form DOES.
And that is the main issue here people. A full exotic set was obtainable (for example: )with a stack of karma that you would have saved up and obtained over your adventure leveling from 1 to 80. this was FAIR! You where able to get your max level gear and where equally strong as everyone else on your level.
Which is why the Ascended Gear shouldhave been nothing more then a cosmetic change to your character. because now you can only bring your character to it’s maximum potentional by grinding for a TON of resources. which goes completely against what this entire game stood for when it was being made.
(edited by Rage.4693)
I am truely shocked that nobody agree’s with Milennin. has everybody forgotten what GW2’s goal was compared to other mmo’s.
A lot of people agree with Milennin. However, we have had this argument… many, many times. We know how it goes.
Pro-ascended grind people think that they think and cannot be convinced. Anti-ascended grind people think that they think and cannot be convinced.
Whatever. The horse left the barn years ago.
I am truely shocked that nobody agree’s with Milennin. has everybody forgotten what GW2’s goal was compared to other mmo’s.
We could agree a bit more with Milnennin if we were in december 2013, but we are not anymore. Material price have drop down, we figure out intelligent ways to level up crafting profession at a super low cost and we accumulated a lot of Tier 7 over the year. As of what was the goal of GW2 everyone have its own version of it, so that’s not a argument at all.
I had a problem when I thought Ascended meant we were going to get a gear treadmill. It’s clear by now that we aren’t, so I’m fine with it.
The fact is, you don’t need the stats from Ascended to play content effectively, with the exception of high-end Fractals, and that gives you something long-term to shoot for.
It’s really not a big deal.