Ascended (pink) tier. Why so restrictive
Im hoping that it’s just a temporary measure to ease the problems caused by inevitable power creep due to introducing higher stats. Whether this is actually the case or not i can’t say.
We can hope allot of the decisions Anet have made are temporary
We can hope allot of the decisions Anet have made are temporary
But unfortunately, all the things that should be permanent (content) are temporary, and all the things that shouldn’t even be there (ascended) are permanent.
The primary way to get ascended gear is thru crafting, and that takes a lot of gold, easyest way to get that if you dont like doing the champ train is to buy gems, it is pretty obvious what there doing.
I’m very certain that the restrictions to the ascended gear is to “force” people to do things ingame that have dropped in popularity.
I’ve heard that temples in Orr aren’t done as frequently anymore, and a lot of players complain about not having too many people out in the open world(though I always see a lot of players no matter where I go), so it would make sense if they made it this way to ensure that everyone who wants this gear will participate in these activities. – GW2 – A world of wonder
I’m very certain that the restrictions to the ascended gear is to “force” people to do things ingame that have dropped in popularity.
I’ve heard that temples in Orr aren’t done as frequently anymore, and a lot of players complain about not having too many people out in the open world(though I always see a lot of players no matter where I go), so it would make sense if they made it this way to ensure that everyone who wants this gear will participate in these activities.
This is exactly what they’ve done ever since the introduction of ascended gear. At first you could only get rings and backpiece (you can craft a backpiece but you still need a fractal drop to craft it) from Fractals, they were introduced as a carrot to make you do fractals, then they later allowed you to get rings through dailies but for so many laurels that it’s still not worth getting them through anything but FOTM.
Then they introduced amulets, and tied them to the daily/laurel system to make sure you do your dailies every day and feel like you’re missing out if you’re not logging in at least 30 minutes per day.
Then they introduced accessories, and tied them to guild missions. You can get them through laurels, but again, it cost a ton of ectoplasm and is also a waste of a big amount of laurels. They wanted you to do guild missions. The fact that you can get them through laurels is only so that anet can pretend to give you a choice but the choice is so obviously contrived and mediocre (waste a time gated currency you already need for other things?) it couldn’t possibly be called a choice.
Now they want to make the open world feel lively after they removed culling so they’re redirecting people toward world bosses and orr temples. You want your dragonite you’ll have to go through this crap.
Ascended gear is the antithesis of exotics. You could get exotics through a great variety of means and didn’t have to do bad content just because anet wanted you to do all content. Ascended gear is always introduced with the purpose of forcing you into playing a part of the game you didn’t always intend to play. Ascended weapon’s focus were crafting and open world.
Who knows what part of the game they’ll use to compartmentalize ascended armor next.
Who knows what part of the game they’ll use to compartmentalize ascended armor next.
It’s not a good thing to force your player base to do “anything” they don’t want..
Ascended is not required but its nice to know your at the top level gear and at your optimum potential. They should stop forcing us and just make it the new get anywhere exotic replacement.
I’d like to see then make Ascended or Legendary gear like “Greens” in GW. Have each World Boss drop a Legendary Weapon and make a 5th 80 only path for each Dungeon that can drop a variety of Ascended items but don’t make it a given that it’ll drop.
(edited by Galphar.3901)
Who knows what part of the game they’ll use to compartmentalize ascended armor next.
From the July blog:
“We’ll expand all crafting professions to allow them to reach a new milestone: 500 points!
At 500, crafters will be able to craft ascended weapons and armor."
My cynical side says they will use the same mats, creating a bigger bottleneck for anyone who got behind, is new to the game or who has alts.
Wait until people start getting their ascended weapons, and less and less people run champion trains/events.
Have fun getting those mats! Unless you’re one of those grinders that belong in WoW or FF 14 online, and jumped on the bandwagon the very first night.
this is my theory :
ANET recently made a huge mistake when they allowed players to fork thousands of gold from the queen’s gauntlet, aka deadeye farming.
therefore they need to figure out a way to take those gold back from the players.
so they introduced a new crafting tier that take lots of gold to level up, and then not allow player to self the crafted weapons.
this is only one of the methods. more to come, i guess.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Ascended gear is the antithesis of exotics. You could get exotics through a great variety of means and didn’t have to do bad content just because anet wanted you to do all content. Ascended gear is always introduced with the purpose of forcing you into playing a part of the game you didn’t always intend to play. Ascended weapon’s focus were crafting and open world.
I like that part. It’s true though, I so enjoyed exotics with its many ways to get them. My main toon got her exotics through dungeons, karma vendor at temples (good luck with tht now though, with karma nerf), crafting (someone else crafted for me, can u do tht with ascended weapons hmm? ) mystic forge crafting and bought one last weapon through TP. Recently also got a nice bow I am using on her from random drop.
Ascendeds has so many restrictions its really annoying.
Poor, rushed design.
Ascended gear is among the worst itemization I have ever seen in a MMO.
There is no way the designer could get another job based on it.
How is it restrictive? I have made 5g so far leveling my craft from 400-500 (at 475 atm). Things like Ecto are extremely easy to get by running world bosses, and the actual ascended mats take a bit of time to gather but are no means hard to gather…by just playing the game.
The only ‘difficult’ item to come by may be the obsidian shards and t6, however if you are at the target level to be wielding an ascended (80), then it should be little issue getting them if you did not power grind yourself there.
Now I will agree ascended is not alt-friendly, and is super tedious at times. It is not ‘hard’, just time consuming. This is for all ascended items save for armor…that actually could be pushing it in terms of time required if we have to craft all 5 pieces.
I think making ascended (pink) items the new top level gear was the right choice to bridge the massive gap between exotic and legendary but to add so many restrictions and not add those same restrictions to the other tiers is wrong.
Just so you know, legendary weapons had exotic weapon stats.
Now ascended is here, legendarys now have ascended weapon stats.
“Legendary” is not a tier, it is a group of skins.
There WAS NO gap to close, and no reason to make this tier of gear, let alone time gate the kitten out of it, killing off alts.
How is it restrictive? I have made 5g so far leveling my craft from 400-500 (at 475 atm). Things like Ecto are extremely easy to get by running world bosses, and the actual ascended mats take a bit of time to gather but are no means hard to gather…by just playing the game.
The only ‘difficult’ item to come by may be the obsidian shards and t6, however if you are at the target level to be wielding an ascended (80), then it should be little issue getting them if you did not power grind yourself there.
Now I will agree ascended is not alt-friendly, and is super tedious at times. It is not ‘hard’, just time consuming. This is for all ascended items save for armor…that actually could be pushing it in terms of time required if we have to craft all 5 pieces.
That would be all 6 pieces, not 5.
I’ve been playing the game, but don’t have the mats. Why? Because I am playing the parts of the game that I enjoy, not map teleporting from temple to world boss to dungeon to jumping puzzle to champion zerg. No, it’s not hard, but it is, as you say, tedious, time consuming and not in the least fun.
this is my theory :
ANET recently made a huge mistake when they allowed players to fork thousands of gold from the queen’s gauntlet, aka deadeye farming.
therefore they need to figure out a way to take those gold back from the players.
so they introduced a new crafting tier that take lots of gold to level up, and then not allow player to self the crafted weapons.
this is only one of the methods. more to come, i guess.
And thereby screwed the players that didn’t participate in the Queen’s Gauntlet into the ground. I will literally have to farm for 20+ hours just to get enough gold to get my crafting up to 500.
How is it restrictive? I have made 5g so far leveling my craft from 400-500 (at 475 atm). Things like Ecto are extremely easy to get by running world bosses, and the actual ascended mats take a bit of time to gather but are no means hard to gather…by just playing the game.
The only ‘difficult’ item to come by may be the obsidian shards and t6, however if you are at the target level to be wielding an ascended (80), then it should be little issue getting them if you did not power grind yourself there.
Now I will agree ascended is not alt-friendly, and is super tedious at times. It is not ‘hard’, just time consuming. This is for all ascended items save for armor…that actually could be pushing it in terms of time required if we have to craft all 5 pieces.
That would be all 6 pieces, not 5.
I’ve been playing the game, but don’t have the mats. Why? Because I am playing the parts of the game that I enjoy, not map teleporting from temple to world boss to dungeon to jumping puzzle to champion zerg. No, it’s not hard, but it is, as you say, tedious, time consuming and not in the least fun.
The only teleporting around I have done is for the wood and ore. Maybe I have just had a different experience though, but most of my stuff just comes from running around and the occasional WvW session.
How is it restrictive? I have made 5g so far leveling my craft from 400-500 (at 475 atm). Things like Ecto are extremely easy to get by running world bosses, and the actual ascended mats take a bit of time to gather but are no means hard to gather…by just playing the game.
The only ‘difficult’ item to come by may be the obsidian shards and t6, however if you are at the target level to be wielding an ascended (80), then it should be little issue getting them if you did not power grind yourself there.
Now I will agree ascended is not alt-friendly, and is super tedious at times. It is not ‘hard’, just time consuming. This is for all ascended items save for armor…that actually could be pushing it in terms of time required if we have to craft all 5 pieces.
That would be all 6 pieces, not 5.
I’ve been playing the game, but don’t have the mats. Why? Because I am playing the parts of the game that I enjoy, not map teleporting from temple to world boss to dungeon to jumping puzzle to champion zerg. No, it’s not hard, but it is, as you say, tedious, time consuming and not in the least fun.
The only teleporting around I have done is for the wood and ore. Maybe I have just had a different experience though, but most of my stuff just comes from running around and the occasional WvW session.
I have some wood and ore from running around, and from salvaging. The only Ascended mat I have in anything like the quantities needed is the darned dust, because I enjoy taking on Champions in off-zones by myself or with a friend.
I think making ascended (pink) items the new top level gear was the right choice to bridge the massive gap between exotic and legendary but to add so many restrictions and not add those same restrictions to the other tiers is wrong.
Just so you know, legendary weapons had exotic weapon stats.
Now ascended is here, legendarys now have ascended weapon stats.
“Legendary” is not a tier, it is a group of skins.
There WAS NO gap to close, and no reason to make this tier of gear, let alone time gate the kitten out of it, killing off alts.
I was talking about the time to acquire/cost gap
Exotics are 4g or free with drop… Can take an few hours to get 1
Legendary is 1400g and takes 6 months to get 1.
Ascended is around 60g worth of mats, 3 weeks worth of laurels or a lucky drop.
(edited by VidGhost.3215)
Exotics are 4g or free with drop… Can take an few hours to get 1
Legendary is 1400g and takes 6 months to get 1.Ascended is around 60g worth of mats, 3 weeks worth of laurels or a lucky drop.
Why would anybody be stupid enough to waste their gold/grinding time on inferior items when they can put all of their resources towards their ultimate goal? You’re not required to have the gear outside of high level fractals, which by far isn’t anywhere close to the optimal way to progress towards your legendary. You’d be wasting a hell of a lot of your time in the end, time you’re being exposed to gem shop offers.
Legendary is 1400g and takes 6 months to get 1.
Not true. The price can cost anywhere from 120g to thousands, it depends on the person and how they acquire it. 120g being the base cost for runestones and the craft recipes that every legendary requires.
When I made bolt (9 months into the game or so, RNG finally blessed me) I spent 300-400g not sure anymore. 144g to lodestones and maybe 60g to materials. Rest to base cost.
When I made howler about 2 months after, I spent 410g, 200g went to the precursor, 90g on materials. Rest to base cost.
Legendary is 1400g and takes 6 months to get 1.
Not true. The price can cost anywhere from 120g to thousands, it depends on the person and how they acquire it. 120g being the base cost for runestones and the craft recipes that every legendary requires.
When I made bolt (9 months into the game or so, RNG finally blessed me) I spent 300-400g not sure anymore. 144g to lodestones and maybe 60g to materials. Rest to base cost.
When I made howler about 2 months after, I spent 410g, 200g went to the precursor, 90g on materials. Rest to base cost.
1400g is for one of the desirable ones “today” with the current cost of buying all the mats!
Remember weather your either farming the mats of buy them from the Trading Post at the end of the day you would have spent the “value” of those mats .
If you make a Legendary with farmed mats you could have also sold those very same mats and precursor and and be sitting on 1400g in the bank
(edited by VidGhost.3215)
The ‘value’ of the items used, being counted as ‘cost’ is completely subjective and both sides will have a never ending argument on it.
I personally don’t add ‘the value of items used’ into the cost, only what was bought with hard coin, not the stuff obtained through drops/chests or laurels etc. To me, any items gained through a drop is worth 0 unless it is sold.
(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)