1) What was the design decision behind an AoE cap, and do you feel that decision needs to be reversed as a way to deter “zerg” tactics and make small groups as useful as you’d mentioned they’d be in the beta of the game prior to launch?
2) What is the point of “water gates” on certain keeps (Bay, South & East Eternal Battleground keeps), when none of these are useful tactically because siege cannot attack them? Are there plans for underwater rams or other siege to be able to attack these points?
3) Will there be any adjustment to time-synched waypoint ‘flash mobs’ to Keeps and Garrisons for defenders? (e.g. when someone is dead inside, and on TS, they can read the “Defend Your Land” dynamic event timer, and inform the other teammates to spam the waypoint when it’s on the last 5sec, and it gets everyone in within the split few secs before it flips the timer over back again)
4) Are there any additional maps currently in the works, and if so when (broad scope) are they expected to be player-ready?
5) In PvE I can kill 5 world bosses in about 1hrs play, racking up 5 rare items. In WvW, we can take a tower and possibly a keep in that time frame (not counting the 4-6 supply camps and field skirmish battles), but maybe see 1 rare item if lucky. Are there any plans to fix the disparity in loot to make WvW more like PvE other than Rank Chests?
6) After the addition of WXP to the game, players (and commanders giving the map orders, especially) have been far less inclined to defend anything, but instead go on a carefully planned route that circles the map, hitting up not only camps, small (undefended towers), ignores larger targets, and hit every NPC DE on the map (i.e. Warg, Ice Worm, Harpy, Centaur). Any plans to remove WXP from the PvE mobs in-game? If not, any changes to discourage these “farming routes”?
7) What, if any, are the plans to improve Commander status and/or encourage more than just a single one on the map?
8) Any plans to expand the weather nodes effects beyond just random lightning strikes against the enemy players and siege?
9) Why doesn’t Spread Shot, a rank gained Ballista ability, arch downward like all other Ballista shots?
10) It’s been around 8 months since Orbs have been removed, and we know they aren’t coming back, but has a suitable replacement mechanic been devised or even worked on?