Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hugh Norfolk

Hugh Norfolk

PvP Game Designer


Hi everyone,

My name is Hugh and I am a designer on the illustrious WvW Team. I will be streaming on Friday to talk about the basics that a new player of WvW might not know. So if you have any WvW questions that you would like answered on the stream let me know on this thread!

Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mister Higgles.6095

Mister Higgles.6095

What is WvW?!

Im running around in PvE, so i dont have much experience outside of it.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


What are you doing to encourage less “zerg” game play and more “smaller team” game play, will WvW ever stop being all about having bigger numbers?

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I’ve not spent much time in WvWvW, as it always seemed like it was 50 against 1. I’m not much for following around a zerg. What can a guild-less person do to help their server?

I’m not really familiar with Siege Equipment. Is there a place to practice with it?

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


I play on Deso server and really only participate in WvW a small amount. I have noticed in the last few weeks our opponents have been 2 French servers at same time and 2 German servers at same time. I’m certainly not here to moan on, but surely 3 different countries is more of a level playing field?

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


It would be interesting to hear upon your opinions about how you see commanders now and in the future -regarding options they have for leading in the battlefield.
I recall also reading that there are “new siege” being considered / planned – anything about types you can reveal or what kind of aspect that you consider missing or too weak that they would add/support?
Would be also interesting to hear grounds you chose to make 3 clones of borderlands, why not variation? Also anything you can reveal upon forthcoming map changes / additions?
Are you happy with PVE Aspect of wvwvw or any changes you would like to see on it/ planned for it?
Orb stands still hang around there, any plans to remove them / have some usage for them?
Do you have any plans for people doing scouting – it is imperative work but it is immensly hard to get people to agree to do it since it pays no rewards – anything you are going to address or is it even purpose to just give it a boring feeling, well most likely not since I see it against your philosophy.
Do you have any plans to support commander co-operation via map interface? Like building battle plans via more persistent route arrows/target markers etc?
Are there any guild related wvwvw improvements in the horizon? (well and bit off topic, guild improvements overall, how to manage them, etc etc)
Do you have any plans to make it possible to alter/change environment in the wvwvw maps – like use supply to build earth wall with pikes in the field, growing forests you could cut through and so on?
Is there anything in store coming for Karma in wvwvw or is it just something we all pile up in millions without any proper use? E.g. would you be able to transfer it to laurels/gems/etc.?

“To Rasa Sum – and back again!”

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zade Orian.7643

Zade Orian.7643

What time will this stream go live on Friday Hugh? Thank you.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Hello! I am not new to WvW but I here’s a question that I commonly hear:

“Why is that crazy guy yelling, ’DON’T TAKE SUPPLY FROM THE TOWER, WE’RE UPGRADING!!11!!’?”

This once the basics are covered, it would help to walk people through the Supply chain (Supply Camps -> Dolyaks -> Towers) and cover how upgrades work. Talking to the Quartermaster gives a lot of information, but not many people know this.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoeKnowMo.9325


Imho, you need to go through everything, in order, that you’d want a new player on your side to know.

- What is the general difference between the 4 maps?
- What are the basic archetypes in WvW? Tank, scout, DPS, etc.
- What is the difference between the various types of siege equipment and when are they best used?
- What is the difference between a sentry, a camp, a tower, a keep, and a castle?
- Why is supply important and what do dolyaks do?
- What are the various timers involved in WvW and what are their lengths?
- What are the various dynamic icons on the map such as swords, orange swords, etc.?

The answers to these should be put into the WvW interface under a Tutorial tab. A map with arrows and icons next to short notes should suffice.

Honestly, I find it odd that you’re going to do a steam to answer questions about the basics. The players who need it most probably won’t see it. If you can get the info into the game, that would serve its purpose.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


1) What was the design decision behind an AoE cap, and do you feel that decision needs to be reversed as a way to deter “zerg” tactics and make small groups as useful as you’d mentioned they’d be in the beta of the game prior to launch?

2) What is the point of “water gates” on certain keeps (Bay, South & East Eternal Battleground keeps), when none of these are useful tactically because siege cannot attack them? Are there plans for underwater rams or other siege to be able to attack these points?

3) Will there be any adjustment to time-synched waypoint ‘flash mobs’ to Keeps and Garrisons for defenders? (e.g. when someone is dead inside, and on TS, they can read the “Defend Your Land” dynamic event timer, and inform the other teammates to spam the waypoint when it’s on the last 5sec, and it gets everyone in within the split few secs before it flips the timer over back again)

4) Are there any additional maps currently in the works, and if so when (broad scope) are they expected to be player-ready?

5) In PvE I can kill 5 world bosses in about 1hrs play, racking up 5 rare items. In WvW, we can take a tower and possibly a keep in that time frame (not counting the 4-6 supply camps and field skirmish battles), but maybe see 1 rare item if lucky. Are there any plans to fix the disparity in loot to make WvW more like PvE other than Rank Chests?

6) After the addition of WXP to the game, players (and commanders giving the map orders, especially) have been far less inclined to defend anything, but instead go on a carefully planned route that circles the map, hitting up not only camps, small (undefended towers), ignores larger targets, and hit every NPC DE on the map (i.e. Warg, Ice Worm, Harpy, Centaur). Any plans to remove WXP from the PvE mobs in-game? If not, any changes to discourage these “farming routes”?

7) What, if any, are the plans to improve Commander status and/or encourage more than just a single one on the map?

8) Any plans to expand the weather nodes effects beyond just random lightning strikes against the enemy players and siege?

9) Why doesn’t Spread Shot, a rank gained Ballista ability, arch downward like all other Ballista shots?

10) It’s been around 8 months since Orbs have been removed, and we know they aren’t coming back, but has a suitable replacement mechanic been devised or even worked on?

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hugh Norfolk


Hugh Norfolk

PvP Game Designer

Just wanted to say thank you for all your questions and comments. I will be on the Anet stream at 12 p.m. PST hope to see you there.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Just wanted to say thank you for all your questions and comments. I will be on the Anet stream at 12 p.m. PST hope to see you there.

Thank you for your time and effort put into the Live Stream, but I do feel it was bit for not. The wiki page explains it all in one for newbs, so does the in-game pop ups and NPC’s right near the WvW portals.

Most of the people that went into the Live Stream were WvW vets who had expected some mention of what’s to come as far as changes. There are several issues with WvW that need directly addressed with either a “Yes, we’re looking into changing/fixing this” or “Nope, working as intended”. Please inform Colin, or whoever is doing the State-of-Game at the end of July that we WvW players would like answers to many of the questions (posted above) that are bugging us. Thank you.