At what point...
For me, it’s when I leveled all I want to level and tried the builds I want to try. When it feels like more chore than progress, it’s time to stop.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Never. It’s a journey, not a destination.
I sometimes stop and think back to all I’ve done i the game but I’m never going to feel like I’ve “won” at this game, probably. I only just tried new Teq last week, and I’m still at fractal level 1. I am at the point where I don’t feel like rolling anymore characters on my main account but I don’t have all my guys at 80 yet and that’s going to be a while.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
If I even felt as though it were possible to do everything – get every skin and mini-pet and dye color in the game, complete every single achievement, have one of every kind of legendary and ascended item on all 8 classes of characters, do every dungeon and jumping puzzle, have all crafts to max level and own all possible recipes for each, complete every map item, be max rank in sPvP and WvW, and own one of every item from the gem store – then, yeah, I would probably be able to say that I completed the game.
At least, until HoT comes out, but to be honest, I don’t know anyone that has achieved all I’ve just mentioned. Do you?
i kind of have that feeling now. i have a laundry list of things i could do but as far as things i want to do…^^;.
happened shortly after i scored shadow abyss dye(i have a bunch of dyes and these were goals to meet) and recently bought an armor set i wanted and now i feel a bit bored. i was running silverwastes and tequatl and cursed shore with a vengeance and now that i have the armor sets and dyes i want i don’t feel the need to do them anymore.
i’ve only done about 1/50th of things you ‘could’ do but the vast majority of that content is either dull/too hard or irrelevant to how i play. but there is an ebb and flow to the game-right now i’m on the fat and happy/bored side of it.
Never. It’s a journey, not a destination.
True, however the destination is still important, otherwise you are just wondering aimlessly.
I will have won GW2 when I have every single achievement is possible for me to have and a lvl 80 of every class and every legendary with full sets of ascended armor. Then I have won the game.
But with new content always coming out, the game is never won, and personally…..that’s the way I like it.
For me victory is more about self improvement than hoarding. I’ll consider I won the day I’ll be able to solo arah path 2, up to now I can only get to Lupicus only to get owned.
Never. It’s a journey, not a destination.
True, however the destination is still important, otherwise you are just wondering aimlessly.
It’s not aimless if you are having fun.
The only winning move is not to play.
How about a nice game of chess?
-Salvador Dali
When I’ve completed all the content at least once.
Meaning I’ve got 100% map completion, done every dynamic event, every dungeon path, every story mission and achievement, played enough WvW and PvP that I feel like I know it inside out…and probably more I haven’t thought of.
In other words it’s never going to happen. Or at least not until long after Anet stop developing new stuff for the game.
It always made me sad when people in GW1 would say they’d finished because they had 50 HoM points and the God Walking Among Mere Mortals title, even though it was possible to get both of those without completing everything, especially in Hard Mode. I know it’s entirely up to them how they define it, but the idea that people can consider a game “finished” when they haven’t even played everything it includes seems wrong to me.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
My win conditions:
-Kick a legit Arah p4 seller.
-Make a player lag out using skill point scrolls.
-Find a dead player near the end of a difficult jumping puzzle, strike up a friendly conversation, revive him to 99% then stop, laugh and walk away.
-Get someone who doesn’t deserve it permanently banned.
On a more serious note, it’s probably about the little victories, like killing a dungeon boss as the last man standing, rather than any long term goals.
I hope I never win this game. Because then I’m done with it. There’s always something for me to do, even if it’s just playing with the guild. I guess it did happen with Guild Wars 1, but that was only after a couple of years of no updates. And I still went back to do the Winds of Change.
Haven’t won it yet, won’t win it. I have friends with every character at level 80 and 100% world completion (yes, on every single character), and they still log in every single day to do things and have fun.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –
Something I like is the way my goalposts keep changing. Many of these goals weave in and out of each other, but at various times I’ve felt a sense of completion for…
- Reaching level 80
- Finishing all the dungeons on Story Mode
- Finishing all Personal Story missions
- Crafting all-celestial armor
- Running characters through storylines for each of the three Orders
- Seeing all of the post-Order / Orrian story missions
- Crafting an ascended weapon
- Crafting Mawdrey
- Map Completion (2% to go!)
- Reaching Fractal Scale 10
Eventually, I might shoot for running through a storyline for each race, and a level 80 for each profession. I still have unexplored dungeons paths, +10 fractals, and I’ve only done the bare minimum amount of WvW. I’d like to craft ascended armor, too, if I can ever choke down the damage that’s going to do to my gold stash.
I have a friend who reached a point where I personally would say “alright, I’m done”. He has a lvl 80 of every single class, he has 25k AP and is sitting on over 16000 gold (nope, I did not type a 0 to much there, he literally has more than 16k gold) with 8 crafted legendaries under his belt.
I myself have not reached that point yet though.
I have never considered winning a game like this possible. I just win little victories each day.