Attn to all players: Please read & contribute
I’ll start off with a real bug for an example.
1. Class Profession:
2. Ability/Skill Name:
Shadow Return
3. Problem/Bug with Ability/Skill:
Shadow Return will randomly fail to allow the Thief to teleport to original location. Ability works correctly 80% of the time during game play in WvW or in PVE. When teleporting to a NPC/EnemyPlayer the ability to return back to location disappears.
I posted this to prove a point: that my ability is the only broken ability within the game and has been ignored by ArenaNet since BETA. We’re coming up on a year now here in August. /sad
what a pointless thread, there are bug threads in each profession sub forum
- Class:
Thief - Ability:
Scorpion Wire - Problem:
Randomly gets “Obstructed” on open ground, “Out of Range” at point blank and no pull sometimes on flat ground.
what a pointless thread, there are bug threads in each profession sub forum
What’s pointless: my trying to get an ability fixed the developers have zero idea how to address? Or you actually making a reply to a thread you just called pointless?
Hi pot, I’m kettle.
what a pointless thread, there are bug threads in each profession sub forum
What’s pointless: my trying to get an ability fixed the developers have zero idea how to address? Or you actually making a reply to a thread you just called pointless?
Hi pot, I’m kettle.
I think he means pointless for this area of the forums and should have been put here instead. or MAYBE here
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Btw, ArenaNet, the bug I have mentioned in this thread? Yeah, it’s still in your game. It still allows players to double teleport to gain further distance when chasing other players, and still dispersal randomly not allowing the Thief to teleport back to original location.
unflipping real . . .
Fixing bugs don’t make people buy gems, shinies does.
Your intentions may be good but Anet is more than aware of all bugs, they just choose to ignore them or say they are working as intended (also, if you think 1 skill bugged since beta is something, you should try a necro).
I posted this to prove a point: that my ability is the only broken ability within the game and has been ignored by ArenaNet since BETA. We’re coming up on a year now here in August. /sad
Most professions have buglists that are several pages long. Thief is one of the least-bugged professions and doesn’t even have a comprehensive bug list.
Just check out the stickied threads at the top of each profession’s subforum. Bugfixes are indeed a huge issue and there are usually several dozen bugs addressed each monthly patch.
While we appreciate the intention within the first post, having multiples bugs & issues in one location will not help more than reporting it in our dedicated sub-forum : Game bugs.
Our team needs a lot of details about the current issues and bugs, as well as an overview of how many players are concerned. Therefore, this thread is now closed.
Thank you for your understanding.