Australian Petition FIX LAG ISSUES!
I am an American player and never have I lagged in this game ever. Now I am lagging where I cant even play
singapore is affected too. I believe we are using the oceania servers as well. Recommend you switch providers to singtel or smth.
Location: Australia Brisbane
ISP: Telstra
Internet: ADSL2+
Ping In-Game: 400+
Just a quick update from Anet:
“I do apologize that you are still experiencing these issues involving your ping with the game. Guild Wars 2 is indeed an international game and we do our best to optimize as best we can. It is possible that this is temporary and may be fixed in a future patch.”
Location: Australia, Gold Coast
ISP dodo
ping in-game 400+
My ping went up from av 250-270 to 400+ since HoT release
this makes impossible to glide to some areas of HoT particularly in TD where the updrafts have been placed too high and allow no margin of error in trying to reach them. I got so frustrated trying to map that zone and something really must be done about this.
Location: Western Australia LGS
ISP: Internode
Internet: ADSL2+
Ping In-Game: 350+ (I know it goes much higher during raids)
This is why I am, 90% of the time, unable to kill VG in Raids. Hence Raids are unplayable for me. When over TS someone says Green Circle and like 5 seconds later it turns up on my screen. Same for Blue Teleports.
I tend to hover mid to low 200, but in peak times it gets close to unplayable, often around 600 for extended periods. I am not sure how much of this is the Netflix effect and how much of it might come under ANet’s control. I do know that this stopped me picking up raiding when it came out because I didn’t want the fact that my ping suddenly jumped to 1400 to cause the other 9 members of my party to wipe.
Sadly to fix the lag, we need to move Australia closer to either Texas or Germany; or Australia needs to revamp their Internet infrastructure in country and more importantly the undersea cables connecting the continent to the rest of the world. A costly proposition for a country with your population and location in the world.
RIP City of Heroes
I play PVP as my prime mode of play, and from australia that basically means i never have a chance to go competitive, playing almost .4 of a second behind everyone else is pretty poo i must say.
Alot of other games are now moving towards OCE hosted servers (aka blizzard etc)
1. It’s not just an Australian problem.
2. When you start the game, you’re given a choice of either NA or EU region, then a list of servers. Which means ArenaNet does not have servers located anywhere near Asia and Oceania regions.
For all of us in Asia and Oceania, the fastest we can go is 200 ping. That’s just the way it is. Hopefully, ArenaNet can consider that they are catering to an international audience, and there are significant numbers outside NA and EU that desperately need a closer server.
I’m in the Philippines, and the lag is just as bad. I average 300ms and spike to 2k.
Planning on upgrading to a GTX980ti by late 2016