(edited by Adenin.5973)
Auto dismounting when talking to NPCs (Beta1)
Quickfix, delete mounts ^^ but we all love mounts, especially crazy, lovely bunny mount what look so cute I could inject jew kilos of sugar straight to my veins ^^ And we love mounts because that is must have in every massive mmo, it’s also common that mounts are Big and block everything, so that’s pure fun.
I think it will be common not to see anything except huge mounts that cover all screen and crash game few times more than usually, rip gw2, anet you should implement mounts-free areas.
I hope mounts will be disabled in HoT and core game!!!
@Edit; Ahh also wait for legendary hyper shiny mounts that illuminate your eyes 4ever hah xD
@Edit2; Adenin.5973 OK
I just said there will be some hyper mounts skins in item shop, anet wont let you hide it and mounts kitten me off so much (especially bunny) the only thing I’d like to see now is “disable mounts” in settings tab and show ppl riding broomsticks or carpets instead.
(edited by Rong.5470)
I hope mounts will be disabled in HoT and core game!!!
We know already that mounts will be allowed in almost all maps of the game. (except WvW, sPvP)
Don’t know what your comment has to do with the issue of auto dismounting?
It doesn’t really solve the issue of standing on NPCs with mounts because it doesn’t auto dismount within a certain range of an NPC, only when you interact with it. So people can still troll by stacking mounts around NPCs. Of course they could already do that with regular player characters but this could make it even more annoying.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)