Autotargeting is frustrating.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701


I like auto targetting for when I use range for quick lock on upon targets in PVP or else I’m shooting at the ground whilst they blast me away as there is a delay when manual targeting.

How ever. When I go into melee and use charge attacks with autotargeting. That ALWAYS goes badly. Especially in PVP.
Fleeing? It’ll send you right back to where you’re fleeing from.
Want to target that player in front of you? Too bad, here’s an off screen mob we’ll send you at.

The fact you can’t pick and choose what skills you want autotargeting for and instead get an account wide blanket check box is up most frustrating.

Any one else agree?

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

It’s just one more thing poorly done in the game.

I turned it off because of my frustrations with it, but even turning it off doesn’t work right. VERY OFTEN, as I’m just moving around in PvE, my characters will decide to arbitrarily target some mob and start auto-attacking, causing a fight I don’t want at the time, and – if I happen to be retreating at that moment to recover health – can lead to the character’s death.

It’s a broken, borked, screwed up, poorly designed and implemented mechanic in the game. Unfortunately, it’s just one more broken, borked, screwed up, poorly designed and implemented mechanic in the game.

TAB-targeting is just as bad. Hit TAB expecting to target the mob right in front of you, the one that’s beating on you with its sword, and – NO! – you target the opponent at max range that was ignoring you and add another opponent to the fight.

In my opinion, this game is still in BETA… Maybe that’s what happens with a non-subscription business model.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I completely agree, It’s really frustrating especially with the Dredge they seem to boost it up for me -.-.
Also when I am attacking the mob, spamming all my skills ect, I notice that I am targeting another mob, and attacking nothing.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurtys.4205


I agree too, and I “like” how they make it so that when no target is selected, you fire at the center of your screen, but since your camera is focused on your back (at least for human), you can’t really use this feature because you wont see your enemy if he isn’t bigger than you…

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


More and more it sinks in that somewhere half way thru the development someone decided that the game should be a over the shoulder fighter, but forgot to actually adapt the UI to that new thinking.

End result is that unless we play professions that primarily deliver their skills in melee range (arcing auto-attacks, PBAOE and so on) we have to fight the UI as much as we fight the mobs.

Insane autotargeting is just part of it. The rampant use of ground targeting also clash with the action focused game play.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KICKER.3874


The thing is auto-targeting used to work MUCH better a few patches ago.

I don`t know exactly when they broke it but when I first started playing 2-3 months ago it NEVER selected a mob behind the one in front of me, and now it does this all the time.

I think the fractal patch ruined it but I can`t be sure.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pasha.2367


I agree that it used to work much better. I used it a lot in the first month or two. Now though I can’t tell you how many times I’ve autotargeted a full-health random mob minding his own business halfway across the screen instead of the almost dead one hitting me in the face.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Go into your options, go to your key bindings, find the blank key bind that says “target nearest enemy” bind it, use key to target nearest enemy.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kendokken.3257


TAB-targeting is just as bad. Hit TAB expecting to target the mob right in front of you, the one that’s beating on you with its sword, and – NO! – you target the opponent at max range that was ignoring you and add another opponent to the fight.

In my opinion, this game is still in BETA… Maybe that’s what happens with a non-subscription business model.

Sad part is, I changed my tab target hotkey to Target Nearest and it STILL targets kitten off my screen and/or at max range. I’d say it even feels more like Alpha than Beta at times.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


The biggest problem with the targeting is definitely to loss of target.

When you click on the screen (perhaps to move the mouse to get a different angle on combat) it de-selects your target. It shouldn’t behave like that, and should ONLY change targets when/if you tab or go mouse-down on another target. Not mouse-down on a bush.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


There is a option you have to change for tab to target “closest” enemy, I have auto targeting turned off because it does randomly like to target a mob for odd reasons (like changing attunements on elemental)

My biggest issue atm, is for some odd reason right clicking targets npcs/players/mobs…other players havent said they shared this problem, but my mouse doesnt have this issue outside of game or in other games…This issue is annoying when turning the camera in both pve/pvp

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kendokken.3257


There is a option you have to change for tab to target “closest” enemy, I have auto targeting turned off because it does randomly like to target a mob for odd reasons (like changing attunements on elemental)

My biggest issue atm, is for some odd reason right clicking targets npcs/players/mobs…other players havent said they shared this problem, but my mouse doesnt have this issue outside of game or in other games…This issue is annoying when turning the camera in both pve/pvp

IT’s not your mouse. It happens to me all the time on Right clicking. Even mousing over something with right mouse held down while moving the camera around will randomly switch targets sometimes.

Camera controls should have never been attached to targeting. That’s was just plain idiocy.

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Go into your options, go to your key bindings, find the blank key bind that says “target nearest enemy” bind it, use key to target nearest enemy.

May work in PVP, where most targets are what you want to harm. But in PVE, that may well find you targeting some yellow you do not want to tangle with what so ever (why i try to avoid using bounce attacks because they had a habit of pulling in yellows).

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


there shouldnt be auto targetting, is like having a 3rd party software helping you.

I took an arrow to the knee