BL Key crafting?

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


I feel like we should be able to salvage enough lockpicks to use towards crafting BL Keys, maybe even make it part of an ascended crafting under a certain discipline? I’m not saying make it easy, just make it more accessible. but then again, I’m sure ANet makes quite a bit of profit from gem purchases. just throwing an idea out there!

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Or you can do a key run once a week. That’s also an accessible, ingame way to get a key.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Then your choices are
1. Wait for them to drop
2. Buy them with gems.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


Then your choices are
1. Wait for them to drop
2. Buy them with gems.

obviously I’m not talking about current choices, but future potential ones. but thanks for the input

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


They just removed keyfarming. I doubt they will add a new way of generating or farming keys any time soon. (not saying that I agree with this step, but it’s what happened).

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

Ok. Fine. I love the idea of more free or low cost keys, more than the 4 keys a week I already get. It reverses the nerf to key farming they put in because people were getting too many free keys and hurting their income, but who cares about that point.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Of course the suggestion has to be convincing. Why suggest something that wouldn’t get any traction or has little benefit?

I agree with the counter-arguments so far: they’ve just removed a way of getting lots of keys in-game, why would A-net re-introduce a way of farming them?

Moreover, the rewards in BL Chests have been improved since the key-farm nerf, by removing some of the “bulk” items. This is a really important aspect of the change: it makes black lion keys more meaningful, meaning that players are more likely to buy them.

If they implemented another way of getting BL keys, they’d have to reintroduce the bulk items to stabilise the market for the rarer, more exciting items.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

A good idea will already have covered most bases though. First being that you have to explain what the benefit is to all parties, especially arenanet.

For example, I could suggest that arenanet add a npc who gives out free ascended equipment once per day to each player for 2 weeks. While that would certainly get favorable responses from a huge part of the player community I highly doubt arenanet would enjoy this amount of content (grind) be removed from the game.

You are at liberty to suggest anything you want, just don’t expect serious disscussions over your ideas unless you’ve actually put some serious thought into them.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Alow is to.make BLK’s? Sorry that will never, ever happen. Unless it involved something from the gem store or something they added to the log in rewards to time gate them. This idea is dead in the water.

Unless it gets people playing content,logging in everyday, or buying gems, forget about it. ANet want us in game as much as possible. The longer we play the more chance there I we will get impatient and want something bad enough that we buy gems. Be it for keys, or what ever else. ANet wants our money. Never forget that.

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BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuck.8196


This would be a great idea as long as it would be time gated to one or two key a week or one every 3 days. Key farming was good for players who didn’t want to grind too buy gems or swipe their cards in the gem store. Since gear grind will be needed for Raids now players will need their gold. Nerfing the key farm only dissuaded players to not even bother with them at all. It was their only way of obtaining them. Their drop rate is terrible as is the BLC loot. Account bound mini’s you cant forge/sell, combat boosters, lame tonics, teleport to friend. The rare chance you got a decent booster or scrap was only thing worthwhile. They don’t balance out as gem store purchases… unless you’ve got a gambling addiction. 2-3 keys a week through other means would be great. I think if players found themselves getting better products more often from chests they’d be more inclined to purchase gems for either keys or gold.

a·chieve·ment – a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment

(edited by Chuck.8196)

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

Ok. Fine. I love the idea of more free or low cost keys, more than the 4 keys a week I already get. It reverses the nerf to key farming they put in because people were getting too many free keys and hurting their income, but who cares about that point.

4 keys a week you got 2 accounts and do ps 10 and 40? otherwise I only see a way to get 3 ps 10 40 and 60 each week

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

Ok. Fine. I love the idea of more free or low cost keys, more than the 4 keys a week I already get. It reverses the nerf to key farming they put in because people were getting too many free keys and hurting their income, but who cares about that point.

4 keys a week you got 2 accounts and do ps 10 and 40? otherwise I only see a way to get 3 ps 10 40 and 60 each week

Huh? Run that by me again.

(By the way I said 4 keys a week I already get. Not, 4 keys a week is all I can get and I can’t get more.)

Edit: lol. I don’t know what i was thinking. Not 4 keys a week. 4 keys a month. My bad.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mukage.5970


me: “I’m not saying make it easy..”
everyone else: “what are you saying, making it easy?! that would crash the system!!”

-Cyninja…. yeah, an NPC giving away free ascended gear is the same thing as allowing people to be able to craft BL Keys through a grind process. great example… Slow claps

because there is no such thing as a hard to get item in the game right? lol. there is actually a way ANet can allow players to craft items and still make money…

-it is hilarious how many of you guys are immediately going to the extreme as I am suggesting just hand everyone some keys (which is something that basically WAS happening with the PS Key farm)

time gated would be a great idea, chuck! or they could make a key equate to like 1/5th of a legendary. 50 of each t6 mat, 50ish ectos, etc. that is something that I would definitely consider grinding to craft, even if they only allowed me to craft one a week, which isn’t crazy like it was before but a little something extra for players to make!

Foundation Guild [FDTN]

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

me: “I’m not saying make it easy..”
everyone else: “what are you saying, making it easy?! that would crash the system!!”

-Cyninja…. yeah, an NPC giving away free ascended gear is the same thing as allowing people to be able to craft BL Keys through a grind process. great example… Slow claps

because there is no such thing as a hard to get item in the game right? lol. there is actually a way ANet can allow players to craft items and still make money…

-it is hilarious how many of you guys are immediately going to the extreme as I am suggesting just hand everyone some keys (which is something that basically WAS happening with the PS Key farm)

time gated would be a great idea, chuck! or they could make a key equate to like 1/5th of a legendary. 50 of each t6 mat, 50ish ectos, etc. that is something that I would definitely consider grinding to craft, even if they only allowed me to craft one a week, which isn’t crazy like it was before but a little something extra for players to make!

The big thing you aren’t addressing is that keys are a gemstore item and one of ANet’s moneymakers (why else do you think that getting them in game for free was nerfed If they weren’t losing too much money from handing out free keys). So, you are proposing that ANet put in the game a free way (non real money) for everyone to get a gemstore item, where they have recently restricted getting these for free. Every free key is a lost sale for them. Again. What benefit do they get for handing the playerbase a free way to get more of their moneymakers than they have currently set us up to get?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyvor Kurozu.4893

Dyvor Kurozu.4893

time gated would be a great idea, chuck! or they could make a key equate to like 1/5th of a legendary. 50 of each t6 mat, 50ish ectos, etc. that is something that I would definitely consider grinding to craft, even if they only allowed me to craft one a week, which isn’t crazy like it was before but a little something extra for players to make!

Now that sounds like a WONDERFUL idea, crafting a BLK with so many expensive mats that selling those aforementioned mats would yield more gold to turn into gems and in turn you could buy keys straight away with that gold instead of this pointless crafting process. As an example that 50 ectos bought with current buyer price be 20 gold and at the moment you could get 125 gems with 24 golds, that alone would already be the price of one key, and if we did with your suggestion of 50 each T6 mats as well it’s just… no. Nope, hell no.

You really aren’t thinking any of this through properly, just stop please.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


some people obviously believe ANET do not need to pay for the server bills….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK