ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..
ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..can or will anything be done to remove these bots?
ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..can or will anything be done to remove these bots?it is impossible to do the events with this many bots parked in one spot
They’re going around and getting rid of bots individually right now, but if you read the letter on botting, they have people that are working hard to implement ways to get rid of them in huge batches. The reports aren’t being ignored, you just have to be patient.
Community Coordinator
The best thing players can do to fight this is continue to report every incident of suspected botting behavior they witness using the in-game ticketing system. The team is continuing to work on various solutions (as seen here: Thanks for the continued reports and everyone’s patience. It’s greatly appreciated!