in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


There are 4 ranger bots camping the events at penitent waypoint in cursed shore on TARNISHED COAST SERVER… the same 4 BOTS i and several hundred other people have reported over and over and over since they first started about a week ago.

They started “train botting” in the human starter area under the bridge on level 2-3 mobs, and the owner has moved them several times when they would level up, camping major events or in areas like sparkfly fin where they just run around killing in a circle for DAYS.. Now they are level 80 and are camping the events in cursed shore.

1. Arena net claims to be doing something to get rid of bots.. yet this happens ALL THE TIME.

2. The bots are allowed to level and then camp/farm major events in cursed shore, making it impossible for anyone else to tag any kills for event credit or loot.

This is stupid… if anyone knows how to get in touch with a game manager or anyone.. please do.. i personally have filed about 100 tickets on these 4 ranger bots over the last week or two.. and i KNOW im not the only one.. Arenanet has to have THOUSANDS of reports on these 4 accounts, which to me.. would = instant and perm ban… BUT… yet.. there they are.. farming away.. making the game impossible for others to play and frankly im getting pretty kitten sick of fighting against bots for event credit and loot at every kitten event i have done since level 1 all the way to 80… and yet they are still allowed to stand there botting.

If a game manager would simply log in and check some of the events on tarnished coast, they would be banning people left and right.. There are literally HUNDREDS of bots across all the events. from the low level 20ish ones… all the way to the 80 leet events.

please fix this asap.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..

ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..can or will anything be done to remove these bots?

ALSO.. there are at least 3 engineers with a ___load of turrets on the OTHER end of the cave camping the spawn for the other event as well..can or will anything be done to remove these bots?it is impossible to do the events with this many bots parked in one spot


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


They’re going around and getting rid of bots individually right now, but if you read the letter on botting, they have people that are working hard to implement ways to get rid of them in huge batches. The reports aren’t being ignored, you just have to be patient.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

The best thing players can do to fight this is continue to report every incident of suspected botting behavior they witness using the in-game ticketing system. The team is continuing to work on various solutions (as seen here: Thanks for the continued reports and everyone’s patience. It’s greatly appreciated!