Back after 4 months
uuhh i like your enthusiasm. Check out to see whats happening now and what happened before.
heres the haps
Welcome back. Yes, bigger and better than ever
Not sure if serious.
Glad you are enthused about the game. You’re going to find a lot of people here aren’t quite as excited as you are.
Champs now drop loot, there are a couple zones where people farm champs around the clock.
Ascended weapons are now in the game.
Tequatl is now a challenge, be prepared to hit overflow pretty much every time. It can be done, when people aren’t complaining that it can’t.
Dungeon tokens etc no longer take up bank space but are in a “purse” in your hero panel.
HOLY **** im gonna shadowstep the **** out of that massive Tequatl the Sunless cant wait,
thanks ppl for the links looks mint, as i’m staring at my download launcher (impatiently) i cant help thinking how ive got all this new content to play, )and my thief is only lvl 42) so the old stuff as well and i only paid £34.99 outright no daft charges a month, for a truly well thought out grand game (loved rogues on wow, love thiefs even better amazing combat mechanics) and there still smashing content in. Hand on heart this is one game i would buy a dlc or expansion for and know im not getting ripped off, Amazing business strategy its how you build a loyal fanbase
lol rambling again, quick question? have thief’s changed much? i use to play very tactically with them in out attacks try not to get hit. has there been much of a class rebalance?
Not sure if serious.
Glad you are enthused about the game. You’re going to find a lot of people here aren’t quite as excited as you are.
Champs now drop loot, there are a couple zones where people farm champs around the clock.
Ascended weapons are now in the game.
Tequatl is now a challenge, be prepared to hit overflow pretty much every time. It can be done, when people aren’t complaining that it can’t.
Dungeon tokens etc no longer take up bank space but are in a “purse” in your hero panel.
I like the dungeon token idea, i had silly amounts of Citadel of Flame tokens taking up room,
I never really had a overflow issue before, i use to have a issue joining dungeons cross EU/AUS servers is that allowed now?
just been reading some comments on here, what’s with all the focus on crafting? is it needed? that’s one area of the game i never paid attention to
Lol 90% of the content has been temporary (Mostly crappy zerg/afk/boring). So really not much has changed. Still waiting on some solid content where i dont have to fail because of baddies manning turrets in overflows.
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
Just, read the patch notes and try the new stuff for yourself. You’re never gonna get a solid opinion in a forum.
Anywhoos, yer WOW!!! opened launcher im going to be downloading at 1.6mgs for 10 hours with updates.
um well unfortunately much of what you are patching is temporary content which is not active any longer. But the rest of the game is still here.
Run for the hills! I mean, uh, welcome back.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
If you liked the game, don’t listen to the naysayers…for the most part it’s improved…but you will have to do some crafting. It’s easy enough to do, but if you haven’t done any of it, you’d have a long haul before you can get an ascended weapon.
You don’t have to craft, unless You wish to craft an ascended weapon. But, at level 42, you probably have many other things to do, to explore, to have fun with right now. Anything ascended can wait…first rares, then exotics. Lol. If you even want that. Welcome back to Tyria! =)
Come back after you have finished patching and played for a while . I would be interested in hearing your opinion on how you feel about the game now..
Curb your enthusiasm bro.GW2 has turned into Grind wars 2 and you haven’t missed much.
Welcome back to the game. Much has changed my friend. What hasn’t changed however is the whining you will discover on these forums. Ignore it and have fun. May your quest bring you boundless reward. Good luck.
Nothing much has changed, the whining in these forums have increased to show displeasure over Anet’s dirty way of doing things.
Nothing much has changed, the whining in these forums have increased to show displeasure over Anet’s dirty way of doing things.
I’m glad you agree it’s whining.
Always nice to see such enthusiasm!
If you were having fun with GW2 when you left you’ll very likely enjoy it now. And you arrived just in time to use the LFG tool that was recently released!