Balance between male and female.
i hope for a cute and nice female/male relation….and y..male characters r lacking
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Jenna and Trahearne are secretly lovers (don’t tell no one).
ANet may give it to you.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Sadly not one that I know of.
i hope for a cute and nice female/male relation
….and y..male characters r lacking
I think Rytlock is pretty manly? And if you’re only referring to the LS then we have Canach. Mind you they don’t really appear a lot, maybe they’re off doing manly stuff.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Eir must have had some sort of relationship? Braham didn’t fall out of the sky… but yes there is a lack of relationship (of any type) among the Iconic and Biconic.
Eir must have had some sort of relationship? Braham didn’t fall out of the sky… but yes there is a lack of relationship (of any type) among the Iconic and Biconic.
Yeah, I don’t count Eir’s as a REAL relationship because we haven’t seen any of it and for all I know, Braham was the result of a drunken one-night stand, and she didn’t have anything more to do with the father other than to throw baby Braham at him so she could keep adventuring.
i hope for a cute and nice female/male relation
….and y..male characters r lacking
I think Rytlock is pretty manly? And if you’re only referring to the LS then we have Canach. Mind you they don’t really appear a lot, maybe they’re off doing manly stuff.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Eir must have had some sort of relationship? Braham didn’t fall out of the sky… but yes there is a lack of relationship (of any type) among the Iconic and Biconic.
Probably to keep the story line as free of unnecessary information as possible. If they have all or a number of these chars in a relationship, then they need some lines to refer to them, background information, children, possibly have them in game, etc. it’s easier story wise to keep them relationship free, unless they want to make it part of the story.
ANet may give it to you.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Welcome to the land of PC
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
The only couple that I can think of is Keiran and Gwen. But that was like 250 years ago…
Why should their be homosexual relationships just for the sake of having homosexual relationships?
I’m all for equal rights and fair representation, but I see absolutely no need or reason for such a plot development
I’m fine with whatever relationships they want to throw at us, so long as we don’t have to wait for their dialogue to finish before we can progress with a story or just random “we’re lesbians!” with no context. Caithe x Faolin was done perfectly, in my opinion; it was there, but it was part of the actual plot, not just intruding – it didn’t feel forced. On the other hand, any relationship like Marjory x Kasmeer should just be removed – it’s added nothing and actually gotten in the way at times.
As for the imbalance of males to females, Rytlock is so manly that he makes up for the lack of manliness. Plus the list in the OP missed out Lord Faren – far more manly than most of the others.
I’m fine with whatever relationships they want to throw at us, so long as we don’t have to wait for their dialogue to finish before we can progress with a story or just random “we’re lesbians!” with no context. Caithe x Faolin was done perfectly, in my opinion; it was there, but it was part of the actual plot, not just intruding – it didn’t feel forced. On the other hand, any relationship like Marjory x Kasmeer should just be removed – it’s added nothing and actually gotten in the way at times.
As for the imbalance of males to females, Rytlock is so manly that he makes up for the lack of manliness. Plus the list in the OP missed out Lord Faren – far more manly than most of the others.
The Caithe x Faolain story made me wonder what brain damage Caithe had to be interested in a psychopath like Faolain, or be blind to just how bad she was. It actively detracted from the situation for me.
Marjory x Kasmeer are like the majority of videogame/TV/movie relationships for me. Just kinda there as a thing.
Besides, we all know its really about Braham and Rox.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
The only couple that I can think of is Keiran and Gwen. But that was like 250 years ago…
There was also Mhenlo and Cynn. Melonni and Koss, as well.
As for GW2 couples, there haven’t been many heterosexual relationships. Most ended up with one party dead (Tactician Beirne and Deborah, Tonn and Ceera, etc.).
The balance between male and female characters is not there. We have strong female characters, and that’s great, as well as a good support for the LGBTQ community, but how about the male characters? I would love to see some development, a bit of bromance and maybe even a gay couple amongst the different races.
Females: Eir, Zojja, Caithe, Taimi, Marjory, Kasmeer, Rox, Anise, Jenna, Pale Tree, Faolain, Scarlet and Keil.
Males: Rytlock, Logan, Trahearn, Braham, Canach and Evon.
These are the key characters we have now. I may have missed some but yeah…
Does it really matter, even the real world isn’t balanced.
As long as your own characters look ok then I don’t see an issue.
There’s also Logan/Jennah.
There’s also Logan/Jennah.
That whole “relationship” seems completely one-sided, though. You never see any interaction between them that’s not:
Logan: “Oh, hello Queen Jennah…Seraph Duties…blah blah”.
Jennah: >blank stare< Who are you again?
There’s also Logan/Jennah.
Yeah, but is that really a romantic relationship? There’s not much evidence in the game that Jenna is in love with him. Instead, they seem to have a very Ivanhoe-like thing going and I don’t consider that a real romantic relationship.
We have Logan/Rytlock.
Every time I see a topic like this, it reminds me of the studies that showed women who talk for 30% to 50% of a discussion are perceived as completely dominating the conversation. This is one game out of the plethora of games out there that doesn’t act like the traditional 13-25 year old straight white male is its only audience and makes an effort to show traditionally underrepresented groups in positions of power. I promise, we can handle seeing the traditional script of 1 woman to 4 men flipped. It’s the same reason why Sailor Moon and Tyler Perry are successful.
I’m wary of threads like these because they are usually couched as arguments for equality when really what ends up argued is that minorities do not deserve to have the spotlight. Because that’s “pandering”. But when we pander to the straight males all the time it’s not pandering just… the natural state of things. Asking for a completely even 50-50 representation of genders is just another way of giving them a quota they have to fill without thinking of the plot and context of the game itself and industry as a whole.
I want to shower a thousand hugs and thank yous upon Anet for not accepting that as an acceptable cookie cutter template for storytelling.
1) Destiny’s Edge had Logan and Jennah as their main couple. Their romantic relationship causes a huge schism in the group and though the relationship is pre-game (Ghosts of Ascalon), its effects are arguably more plot-important what with people dying because of it and that ripping the entire group apart. There is a gay sylvari couple in a sylvari personal story arc, as mentioned upthread. I’m also partial to the Canach/Kasmeer dynamic but I realize that’s not canon. There’s also Elli and Zott although we all know how tragically that ends. Cries for days. We know Rox lost her mate in an accident and when we met Braham he was pining after Ottilia. But I’m sure there are a thousand excuses about why those magically don’t count as heterosexual representation. “They don’t have enough screen time” “They’re one sided” so are most relationships in game besides Marjory and Kasmeer. Even Caithe and Faolain are one sided now, enemies (at least on Caithe’s end) since the start of the personal story and only romantic in flashbacks. Good, imo. I want the relationships to be secondary fuel to the A-plot, which they are. I don’t want to play a soap opera mmo.
2) I fixed your list for you. Since you counted Anise, Jennah, the Pale Tree and Kiel, I’ve added Laranthir, Magnus, Aerin, Master of Peace, Phlunt and Faren. Hero Tron also has a male VA but I don’t want to get wrapped up in arguing gendered robotics. The ratio is more like 13 to 12 and less like 13 to 6. We’ll skip the two male bosses now immortalized as end bosses in Fractals, the male bosses in TA Aetherpath, the even split of Mai Trin and Horrik, the male family angst of the Mad King and Prince Thorn etc, I suppose.
Females: Eir, Zojja, Caithe, Taimi, Marjory, Kasmeer, Rox, Anise, Jennah, Pale Tree, Faolain, Scarlet, Kiel.
Males: Rytlock, Logan, Trahearn, Laranthir, Braham, Canach, Evon, Magnus, Aerin, Master of Peace, Phlunt, Faren.
3) I consider Rox and Braham to have a bromance going on, though Rox identifies female. It seems pretty clearly platonic. Not to mention Laranthir and Trahearne’s actual bromance going on in the Pact. There’s also the entirety of the Halloween plot being a father and son story. Also.. Rytlock and Logan? Tending to their delicate feelings and bromance is most of the primary plot for the personal story. I also think you’ll be getting more character development from Braham in HoT, considering his mother is MIA and from the preview of the first instance we’ve seen in the betas, we know that has lit a huge fire under his kitten . He’s also becoming more responsible as a sort of care taker to Taimi.
I’d prefer they focus on making armor of the same set more on par between males and females and offering those choices to Asura and Charr, if we really want to have a practical discussion about gender equality within the game and within the context of the industry at large. There’s nothing progressive about coding butterflies (on carapace armor) and bikini armor for girls when boys deserve those things, too. But I suspect that for some reason this is immune to the “balance” discussion because of reasons.
(edited by kimeekat.2548)
Unless I missed something the Sylvari are all asexual drones. They do not reproduce. Therefore any Sylvari ‘couples’ are simply bonds of affection and about as sexualized as rubbing a pair of 2×4s together (eww, splinters ).
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
3) I consider Rox and Braham to have a bromance going on, though Rox identifies female.
Rox doesn’t “identify” female. She IS female.
Here is a list of a million games where male lead characters outweighs the female:
//insert nearly every game on the market
As said earlier most of the same sex relationships seem forced and not really integral to the story line.
That being said I would rather any relationship be it hetero, kitten , or other not be presented to us unless it is integral to the storyline.
As a parent with children I encourage to play this game because it is a rare jewel of mostly safe content, I would hate to see social engineering/agenda be the motivator of any relationship in a game.
But what if those splinters aro… ehrm nvm
I don’t see any problem though. Sure, Jory/Kasmeer are veering on the edge of skip-material, and DE2 is 4-1, but whatever really.
Unless I missed something the Sylvari are all asexual drones. They do not reproduce. Therefore any Sylvari ‘couples’ are simply bonds of affection and about as sexualized as rubbing a pair of 2×4s together (eww, splinters
How did you know my fetish?
As said earlier most of the same sex relationships seem forced and not really integral to the story line.
That being said I would rather any relationship be it hetero, kitten , or other not be presented to us unless it is integral to the storyline.
As a parent with children I encourage to play this game because it is a rare jewel of mostly safe content, I would hate to see social engineering/agenda be the motivator of any relationship in a game.
I love how any game with non-hetero relationships in it is part of social engineering or the insidious “Agenda”. Most of the time, poorly written or not, its just part of the story.
As a parent with children I encourage to play this game because it is a rare jewel of mostly safe content, I would hate to see social engineering/agenda be the motivator of any relationship in a game.
As a parent I have to say “wtf” to the bolded part. And I also have to say that my kid who is old enough to kind of play this game doesn’t even give a second thought as to why certain relationships are shown in the game; he just wants to hit stuff with a sword.
Forced “balance” and “representation” is toxic and corrosive to everything that actually matters in a game, including creative freedom.
who the kitten cares? a game has no obligation to cater to every single minority.
btw: loganXrytlock sodomy fanfic
(edited by zaced.7948)
Don’t forget Bloomanoo and Peneloopee! There’s also an unnamed newlywed couple in Ascalon Settlement that can’t stop gettin’ it on.
“I would hate to see social engineering/agenda be the motivator of any relationship in a game.”
Avoiding legitimate, interesting storylines because a romantic interest was something other than hetero (or any number of factors) is an agenda. I suspect you just don’t see it as one because it’s what you’re used to and what you expect to see.
I really debated posting because I had a sneaking suspicion that anything said would be taken out of context or partially quoted.
I say again nothing should be in the PS or LS that doesn’t further the story line. Logan is an excellent example of a relationship that was integeral to the story. As in why he left DE hanging high and dry.
I also feel that parts of Jory and Casmeer are important when Jory is wounded. It adds a good personal touch.
As said earlier most of the same sex relationships seem forced and not really integral to the story line..
Agreed and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were there just to scream “Look at how diverse our game is”, which I don’t really mind, what I do mind is if focus in these areas has a negative impact on quality and when a rich game world that makes sense in the lore is put below real-world politics on the priorities scale.
stronk female? my human female can barely lift her greatsword.
The Caithe x Faolain story made me wonder what brain damage Caithe had to be interested in a psychopath like Faolain, or be blind to just how bad she was. It actively detracted from the situation for me.
Marjory x Kasmeer are like the majority of videogame/TV/movie relationships for me. Just kinda there as a thing.
Besides, we all know its really about Braham and Rox.
A once normal enough love being destroyed because one of the lovers becomes a corrupted and warped version of their former self? It’s not a nice thing to happen, but it’s definitely interesting. If you’d spent your whole life with someone and loved them, up until a point where they go through the transformation Faolin went through… your brain would break the relationship, but your heart would still hurt and try to make it work. I’m not one for melodrama, but it’s a kitten sight deeper than most of the other stuff we see, so I’ll take it.
As for Braham and Rox, I’m in complete agreement there. There’s something going on, it’s subtle, but I like it. One moment it looks like they might hint something, the next Rox is acting like an auntie who’s been left to babysit.
There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?
Jenna and Trahearne are secretly lovers (don’t tell no one).
I would have thought Anise and Canach had something going on, but it would probably be a bit alternative (some domination is probably going on) for it to be vanilla.
The plot of GW2 is a bunch of lesbians investigate the relationships of other lesbians to find out clues to the whereabouts of a Dragon Egg
So of course there are going to be more females.
& of course the males aren’t going o drive the story.
That’s kind of the point.
Clearly the writers at anet understand warriors for social justice.
The Caithe x Faolain story made me wonder what brain damage Caithe had to be interested in a psychopath like Faolain, or be blind to just how bad she was. It actively detracted from the situation for me.
Marjory x Kasmeer are like the majority of videogame/TV/movie relationships for me. Just kinda there as a thing.
Besides, we all know its really about Braham and Rox.
A once normal enough love being destroyed because one of the lovers becomes a corrupted and warped version of their former self? It’s not a nice thing to happen, but it’s definitely interesting. If you’d spent your whole life with someone and loved them, up until a point where they go through the transformation Faolin went through… your brain would break the relationship, but your heart would still hurt and try to make it work. I’m not one for melodrama, but it’s a kitten sight deeper than most of the other stuff we see, so I’ll take it.
As for Braham and Rox, I’m in complete agreement there. There’s something going on, it’s subtle, but I like it. One moment it looks like they might hint something, the next Rox is acting like an auntie who’s been left to babysit.
I suppose part of my issue might be I’ve never gotten to see Faolain as anything but a horrible paranoid psychopath, so its kinda lost on me why Caithe ever liked her at all.
Caithe just has terribad taste in partners.
Could also be limited choices since they were both first born.
There’s also an unnamed newlywed couple in Ascalon Settlement that can’t stop gettin’ it on.
That guy sure hates fresh air…
I think they need to work on the Rox / Braham relationship a bit more, but they need to do it carefully. The relationship can’t just be there to be there (we have one of those already), it has to be slowly forged and hard won.
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it. When she says it, though, Braham gets upset because she’d never say that to him as a norn.
That would leave Rox struggling with some tough questions (“Am I racist? Was I simply attracted to his appearance, or was I admitting to feelings I can’t feel towards a non-charr?”) And you could have someone offering some wisdom to Braham as well (“The spirit only changes your form, not who you are. Was it wrong of her to like you more in another form? Would you not like her more if she was norn?”)
They could quietly work this out, asking for advice on their down time, maybe even trying to understand each other’s cultures better. And when it’s time to act, they have to shut up and work together, rather than nattering on like another couple we all know.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I think they need to work on the Rox / Braham relationship a bit more, but they need to do it carefully. The relationship can’t just be there to be there (we have one of those already), it has to be slowly forged and hard won.
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it. When she says it, though, Braham gets upset because she’d never say that to him as a norn.
That would leave Rox struggling with some tough questions (“Am I racist? Was I simply attracted to his appearance, or was I admitting to feelings I can’t feel towards a non-charr?”) And you could have someone offering some wisdom to Braham as well (“The spirit only changes your form, not who you are. Was it wrong of her to like you more in another form? Would you not like her more if she was norn?”)
They could quietly work this out, asking for advice on their down time, maybe even trying to understand each other’s cultures better. And when it’s time to act, they have to shut up and work together, rather than nattering on like another couple we all know.
Making Braham a Snow Leopard is VERY clever, and very rich in possibilities.
I hope we see it in game.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it.
checks off “furry” on diversity chart
Get on it, Anet.
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it.
((checks off “furry” on diversity chart))
Get on it, Anet.
((looks at Charr character creation system))
((Wanders around Charr capital listening to dialogue))
If you didn’t have that box checked off already, you weren’t paying attention.
Charr are absolutely mature, sexual creatures with ties of familial kinship and affection. Charr dialogue gives you a lot of insight into the possibility of forced intercourse in the barracks in a militant society and getting your skull ripped open for trying it. Those Charr-cubs you find everywhere aren’t produced by spores…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
Rox and Braham shipper here lol. Nevertheless who here believes lesbians characters are easy to implement in stories or games than gays?
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it.
((checks off “furry” on diversity chart))
Get on it, Anet.
((looks at Charr character creation system))
((Wanders around Charr capital listening to dialogue))
If you didn’t have that box checked off already, you weren’t paying attention.
Charr are absolutely mature, sexual creatures with ties of familial kinship and affection. Charr dialogue gives you a lot of insight into the possibility of forced intercourse in the barracks in a militant society and getting your skull ripped open for trying it. Those Charr-cubs you find everywhere aren’t produced by spores…
*Braham’s personal diversity chart
Let’s take it one step further and see some Norn-Charr hybrid cubs.
Imagine if, at some point, Braham got the blessing of Snow Leopard and took on the snow leopard form in front of Rox. Rox gets to suddenly see him as something a lot more charr-like, and likes it.
((checks off “furry” on diversity chart))
Get on it, Anet.
((looks at Charr character creation system))
((Wanders around Charr capital listening to dialogue))
If you didn’t have that box checked off already, you weren’t paying attention.
Charr are absolutely mature, sexual creatures with ties of familial kinship and affection. Charr dialogue gives you a lot of insight into the possibility of forced intercourse in the barracks in a militant society and getting your skull ripped open for trying it. Those Charr-cubs you find everywhere aren’t produced by spores…
*Braham’s personal diversity chart
Let’s take it one step further and see some Norn-Charr hybrid cubs.
I don’t think a body can handle that amount of muscle, it’d rip itself apart!
I rolled my eyes so hard that they’re now stuck looking into my head.
*Braham’s personal diversity chart
Let’s take it one step further and see some Norn-Charr hybrid cubs.
Given the enduring popularity of Dryad mythology here in the real world, do you think there is any probability there aren’t humans and Sylvari ‘rolling in the vines’ from time to time? I doubt the lofty standard of “anything with a pulse” is a foreign concept to Tyrian humans .
We don’t see any offspring from that. No reason to expect snow leopard form/Charr encounters to be fertile either.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.