Ban "Efficiency" Website
Nah. This site is very good.
I agree, the site is very good – especially if you want to kit out your wardrobe or your dye collection. I don’t see anything harmful with it.
Do they even have the authority to ban it?
Do they even have the authority to ban it?
They could disable the API and the site would stop working. So they could do it if they desire.
But without an API key noone can check your account. So simply do not share it if you do not wish that people know about your account.
Can people even check the equipment of players that haven’t signed up for it?
Good to see you carried on your anti-zerk tirade to the general discussion forum, I hope you will find people that agree with you here!
As for the site itself, I highly doubt pugs will take the effort to ask you to send your API key to check your gear.
If you wouldn’t join groups that ask for a specific build or gear type, you wouldn’t have to worry about this in the first place.
I’m sorry but this makes just as much sense as your last post about banning berserker related words from the game
Can people even check the equipment of players that haven’t signed up for it?
No. You need to release your API key with the correct permissions set.
They can’t ban a website if it’s not doing anything illegal. And it’s not.
It’s 100% opt-in. Don’t like it, don’t use it.
Eridyne, I wholeheartedly agree with you. If you are a NA server player please consider joining Tarnished Coast Crusaders and/or Mentors of the Meek; a set of guilds devoted to helping new players and not stressing about meta or gear. We do not require anything for content.
We will all be moving to [MEEK] when HoT launches and [TTCC] will be used possible for TC players only for WvW/pvp.
The main problem with this site, and it’s something Woodenpotatoes briefly mentioned on one of his videos about it, is that it will become a defacto ‘mandatory’ gear check.
i.e. Please link your GW2 Efficiency page or we will not allow you into our group, raid, whatever.
Now, you say, that won’t happen. It will totally happen.
Can people even check the equipment of players that haven’t signed up for it?
No. You need to release your API key with the correct permissions set.
Here’s the problem.
If you refuse to give your efficiency link, so that people can see your gear, will you be discriminated against?
i.e. Refusing to ‘show’ your gear is equal to not having the correct gear.
Refusing to show your gear will be reason enough to exclude someone. It will happen.
It’s 100% opt-in. Don’t like it, don’t use it.
And potentially be excluded from content if you don’t reveal your gear via this site.
It has the potential to be very dangerous and divisive.
Can people even check the equipment of players that haven’t signed up for it?
No. You need to release your API key with the correct permissions set.
Here’s the problem.
If you refuse to give your efficiency link, so that people can see your gear, will you be discriminated against?
i.e. Refusing to ‘show’ your gear is equal to not having the correct gear.
Refusing to show your gear will be reason enough to exclude someone. It will happen.
And there are plenty of people that play the game actively that do not care for the meta at all and would not use that site at all for pugging dungeons. Or even heard of it. I know I didn’t until I opened up this post.
And raids aren’t supposed to be easily puggable so when grouping for that, it’s not a pug and you’d likely know what your friends are using. Or would want to know what the group was wearing to make sure you had everything you needed for the variety of encounters in the dungeon.
The only guilds that would likely require it are hard core guilds and you’d be willing to give it out if you were the right fit for a hard core guild.
Can people even check the equipment of players that haven’t signed up for it?
No. You need to release your API key with the correct permissions set.
Here’s the problem.
If you refuse to give your efficiency link, so that people can see your gear, will you be discriminated against?
i.e. Refusing to ‘show’ your gear is equal to not having the correct gear.
Refusing to show your gear will be reason enough to exclude someone. It will happen.
How is this any different from “ping gear or kick”?
Cancer starts at the microscopic scale.
I agree with OP it gives control to Elitists and encourages drama with the Gear check feature. Remove this feature pleaseee!
Oh please do tell me how you intend to ban it, no seriously please do when it’s not illegal in any way.
Remove the API thing? Cool, you just kittened over everything else that uses that rather neat API key or is being developed with it in mind and trashed the development time Anet spent on the API key. Besides, gear checks were easily avoidable before, they still are.
(edited by Celestina.2894)
I’ve heard there is a website called:
I’ve never heard about this site until now. Wow! This site is awesome!
As someone with Business-Marketing degree, what just happened with me is a prime example of a Negative Marketing backfire. A real life example would be Donald Trump in American politics. By shouting it out to the community, you’ve drawn attention to the site, and now there’s more interest than before. Unless that was your aim all along, in which case you’re pretty savvy.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
What is the whole point of banning it? What is to stop someone from getting out a quill pen and parchment so they can decree what is the ‘best’ build for a profession? This is the equivalent of wanting to ban word processors because you do not like a certain book.
I’ve heard there is a website called:
I’ve never heard about this site until now. Wow! This site is awesome!
As someone with Business-Marketing degree, what just happened with me is a prime example of a Negative Marketing backfire. A real life example would be Donald Trump in American politics. By shouting it out to the community, you’ve drawn attention to the site, and now there’s more interest than before. Unless that was your aim all along, in which case you’re pretty savvy.
It it working for you? It’s reloading continuously for me.
ANet may give it to you.
I’ve heard there is a website called:
I’ve never heard about this site until now. Wow! This site is awesome!
As someone with Business-Marketing degree, what just happened with me is a prime example of a Negative Marketing backfire. A real life example would be Donald Trump in American politics. By shouting it out to the community, you’ve drawn attention to the site, and now there’s more interest than before. Unless that was your aim all along, in which case you’re pretty savvy.
It it working for you? It’s reloading continuously for me.
It can take a while to load fully, what browser?
What they really need to do is remove the make your own group function and the kick function, so when you que up a raid you get a random ten people, and if someone leaves you get the hot join we have now. That would fix all this Elitism.
Well when WP posted about this last week he inadvertently slashdotted it and the host service disabled most of it and it’s creator was out of the country at the time to get them to restore it.
So if it is up again, grand, been meaning to look.
As for the OP, players will always find a way to discriminate. Do you really want to play with people who would require it?
Edit: Wow, I’m poor considering the number of hours played.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
I’ve heard there is a website called:
I’ve never heard about this site until now. Wow! This site is awesome!
As someone with Business-Marketing degree, what just happened with me is a prime example of a Negative Marketing backfire. A real life example would be Donald Trump in American politics. By shouting it out to the community, you’ve drawn attention to the site, and now there’s more interest than before. Unless that was your aim all along, in which case you’re pretty savvy.
It it working for you? It’s reloading continuously for me.
It can take a while to load fully, what browser?
I was on my iPad. That might be the problem.
ANet may give it to you.
I hadn’t even heard of the sit till WP mentioned it in one of his videos. That being said, I don’t use it, and I see no reason to do so. Sorry guys, I don’t submit to gear checks. Cheers.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
I’ve heard there is a website called:
I’ve never heard about this site until now. Wow! This site is awesome!
As someone with Business-Marketing degree, what just happened with me is a prime example of a Negative Marketing backfire. A real life example would be Donald Trump in American politics. By shouting it out to the community, you’ve drawn attention to the site, and now there’s more interest than before. Unless that was your aim all along, in which case you’re pretty savvy.
It it working for you? It’s reloading continuously for me.
It can take a while to load fully, what browser?
I was on my iPad. That might be the problem.
Ah yeah that would explain it.
The website isn’t the issue — it’s opt in only. Further, it’s not the only such website that offers features like these — this is enabled by the official API that ANet has published.
The concern being expressed is that some groups will use something like this to do gear checks. While I’m against gear checks as a matter of principle, there’s certainly a vocal group that would like to see them.
Accordingly, I’m inclined to wait to see if this is actually an issue or not. If it is, all ANet has to do is disable aspects of the API.
It’s 100% opt-in. Don’t like it, don’t use it.
And potentially be excluded from content if you don’t reveal your gear via this site.
It has the potential to be very dangerous and divisive.
Why do even want to be in a group with the kind of kitten that asks for that kind of Gear check anyway?
You do know it was Anet that provided the API for gear anyway right? They specifically gave websites the tools to do stuff like this.
I use the site to find stuff in different character’s bags. I had something I’d crafted on a character and couldn’t remember which one. This was very useful for me.
If there are a bunch of elitists who want to use it as opt in, I’m all for that. Because I can actually look at those LFG ads and remove those people from the list of people I’d ever want to play with.
I’ll post my casual run LFGs (when my guild isn’t around) and happily run with anyone regardless of this site.
So your solution to a class, tool and design problem is less information so the flaws are not noticed?
Look at it this way (as was mentioned by multiple people):
- if people go out of their way to check up on you via gw2efficiency, they are very eager to have a certain person with certain gear join their dungeon, raid, world event, w/e
- why would you want to join that kind of group in the first place if you don’t want to group with such people and/or do not meet the requirements?
- getting vote kicked half-way through a dungeon, fractal or raid is even less fun then not getting taken along
It basically boils down to:“People still can’t use the LFG tool properly.”
What you should be asking for if for arenanet to improve the LFG tool. Not for something to cover up current problems.
Truth is by the time you’re done checking gear req and runes / sigils for your whole party, you would be at least halfway through the dungeon if you never bothered in the first place. Doesn’t seem all that efficient to me.
Ive never heard about this site. Thanks for the tip op!!!!
First OP thanks for the Advertising, now this Site will be more Popular.
Second, this Site is amazing. You can really see what your Account is worth. What Dyes you have, what not and what they cost. It even Calculates the Costs on Crafting Things and goes for the Cheapest Route. Something that can help new Players.
Someone ask you to share API key? Block + leave party + move on.
I never join gearcheckbufoodololozerk partyes. Game playable without this crap. Just ignore such ppl.
This site uses public API. Anyone can create something like this. This is just JSON parsing.
I use the site to find stuff in different character’s bags. I had something I’d crafted on a character and couldn’t remember which one. This was very useful for me.
If there are a bunch of elitists who want to use it as opt in, I’m all for that. Because I can actually look at those LFG ads and remove those people from the list of people I’d ever want to play with.
I’ll post my casual run LFGs (when my guild isn’t around) and happily run with anyone regardless of this site.
Oh, it’s usefulness is not in question – I use it myself. What others may do with it however, may be of concern.
Why are you worry about other people’s choice? if you don’t like it don’t use it, don’t play with people that use it.
it is just another fancy way to gear check and you can already do it in game.
Lastly, use of API is supported 100% by Anet, so arguing about it is really waste of time.
If you want to join a party which doesn’t care about meta then they won’t ask for your API…
You can’t say ‘this will stop people without meta joining groups’ when all it does is stop nonmeta joining meta groups (which is exactly what both parties want – unless nonmeta actually want to sneak into meta groups).
It’s 100% opt-in. Don’t like it, don’t use it.
And potentially be excluded from content if you don’t reveal your gear via this site.
It has the potential to be very dangerous and divisive.
Don’t worry. Players have many ways to kick you even without this website. By the way it is anet that created this api and added ability to gearcheck with it so it is kinda intended.
I use the site to find stuff in different character’s bags. I had something I’d crafted on a character and couldn’t remember which one. This was very useful for me.
That’s one of the ways I use that site too, it’s much faster to check inventories on that site than loading a character in-game. It saves an insane amount of time. I hope they add the achievements in too so I can plan which achievements to go for, even when I’m not in game.
If you are so concerned with metas or elitist taking over then take the initiative to try and create a counter balance. Create a guild that caters to non meta/non elitist groups, then run said content only with that group.
Simply trying to ban something isn’t going to solve the issue, and in some cases it will actually make it worse.
If you are so concerned with metas or elitist taking over then take the initiative to try and create a counter balance. Create a guild that caters to non meta/non elitist groups, then run said content only with that group.
Simply trying to ban something isn’t going to solve the issue, and in some cases it will actually make it worse.
I’d say website itself is pretty useful so getting rid of gear check feature only should do it.
If I get in with a pug group and they ask to ping gear or a link to this place, then I KNOW I’m in the the wrong type of group for me and I’ll leave and find one that isn’t checking gear. There are tons of groups that don’t do that. Having this feature won’t make the people that don’t care suddenly care.
ANet may give it to you.
I didn’t even realize there was a gear check option on that site, the link is light grey text on a white background. Sheesh.
Just don’t go with groups who require specific gear. You get a better experience of the game as a plus, and you don’t have to worry about this anymore. Win win situation.
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade
I’d say website itself is pretty useful so getting rid of gear check feature only should do it.
Why? People can and still use checks if need be, usually much more dumb ones. Ironically lack of inspect, might be causing more issues then solving.
Okay OP, I hope you’re sitting down. Prepare yourself, because I’m about to
You’re concerned this tool will become mandatory for groups who gear check?
Guess what OP, I already have the perfect solution for you!
Know what it is? Well I’m about to tell you.
Don’t join meta zerk gear check groups
Your problem is solved. You no longer have to worry about lying so that you can waste other’s time by forcing them to carry you.
But on a more serious not OP, the logic of “I shouldn’t have to run what others like” is the cancerous attitude. No, you don’t have to run it, but those people don’t have to play with you. You shouldn’t just expect people to take you along. If you can’t find a group, then make your own. If people aren’t joining, then maybe you need to consider why people run these builds and gear sets.
I don’t even understand why you’re worried about a tool like this. I mean, are you actually joining these groups and are now concerned you’re going to get caught out? Because that’s pretty disgusting behaviour if you are.
Literally nobody is forcing you to play a certain way. It is a game. If you don’t want to play a certain way, simply do not join the groups where people expect you to play that way. This is an extremely simple concept. It’s like complaining about them not offering hamburgers at a spaghetti house. Of course they’re only going to offer spaghetti and expect that all customers will be there to eat spaghetti, why would you go there if you wanted hamburgers?
Or alternatively, signing up to work as a mechanic, but then complaining to your employee that they’re expecting you to fix cars and when you fail to fix one correctly, getting upset that they’re asking to see your qualifications.
If you don’t want Spaghetti, don’t go to the Spaghetti house, if you don’t want to fix cars and/or don’t have the qualifications, don’t apply to be a mechanic. It’s literally common sense.
Saying that “everyone will expect I link my GW2Efficiency key” is completely wrong. Yes, there are going to be groups that will ask this of you. Yes, it may even become commonplace in dungeon, fractal and raid groups, but these runs will typically be tagged as “meta, zerk, link gw2ef” and such. If they label that, don’t join it, simple. If they don’t and they ask, leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.
Find or create a group that suits your interests and needs, OP. That way everyone can have a good time. Outright demanding a website be banned because you’re scared people will ask to see your gear when you join their group is pretty childish.
(edited by mexay.3902)
If I get in with a pug group and they ask to ping gear or a link to this place, then I KNOW I’m in the the wrong type of group for me and I’ll leave and find one that isn’t checking gear. There are tons of groups that don’t do that. Having this feature won’t make the people that don’t care suddenly care.
Exactly this.
Only players who might be impacted by this gear check are those who join “gear check” groups and try to hide their gear. If you don’t want to be “checked” you won’t join those groups in the first place so what’s the problem with that website gear check?