Beards please!!!
Can we ask for exclusive hair colour options to also apply to hair accessories while we’re at it?
….. And Elementalist.
More facial hair of all varieties would very much be appreciated.
I wanted to create a Elementalist that look like a Bright Wizard … but the right hair style and beard isn’t there. So, yes, more beards plz!
Can we ask for exclusive hair colour options to also apply to hair accessories while we’re at it?
This so much.
And new horns for charr.
While we’re making beard-related requests, as a man whose facial hair color doesn’t match his head hair color, it would be nice if we could do facial hair color separately in game.
Norn’s heavy mustaches avaible for asura characters should also be interesting.
Norn’s heavy mustaches avaible for asura characters should also be interesting.
No thanks, this thread was made to ask for realistic(ish) options to character customization, not to put up a freakshow
Like the title says, since launch we have seen addition upon addition for hairdos and not a single new beard. We have been stuck with the same thin lined stubble or the full “Santa” for three years, yeah i know that the manga spikey hair and the emo vogue is rampant but for the love of all that is western please, PLEASE, give us some proper beards for human males. Not crazy twirls and swirls, a proper set of beards to choose from and that don’t look like they have been glued to our characters’ faces.
If you can spare a few hours of work, instead of the next set of “Butterfly supercute sparkly wings of doom”, give us beards.
Come on bearded brothers! JOIN this thread and bump it to the heavens! For facial hair! For glory!
I second this. Except I also want beards for the women! I remember the days when I created a bearded woman named Michael on Continent of the Ninth… Such fun!
P.S. If you don’t enable female-beards, I will consider this discrimination against the transgender community.
Like the title says, since launch we have seen addition upon addition for hairdos and not a single new beard. We have been stuck with the same thin lined stubble or the full “Santa” for three years, yeah i know that the manga spikey hair and the emo vogue is rampant but for the love of all that is western please, PLEASE, give us some proper beards for human males. Not crazy twirls and swirls, a proper set of beards to choose from and that don’t look like they have been glued to our characters’ faces.
If you can spare a few hours of work, instead of the next set of “Butterfly supercute sparkly wings of doom”, give us beards.
Come on bearded brothers! JOIN this thread and bump it to the heavens! For facial hair! For glory!I second this. Except I also want beards for the women! I remember the days when I created a bearded woman named Michael on Continent of the Ninth… Such fun!
P.S. If you don’t enable female-beards, I will consider this discrimination against the transgender community.
Why do people feel the need to turn this into another non serious thread? Stop posting about getting things that will never be implemented, you detract from the seriousness of my request. This post is for people who want Anet to release more options for human males customization, or Norn for that matter, even if they already have a lot of beards. Thank you for understanding , and happy birthday.
We deserve sylvari and asura facial hair.
We deserve sylvari and asura facial hair.
Take that awful facial hair off the faces and let it be customizable (Sylvari)
And I would love to see an Asura with a santa beard ;_;
Why do people feel the need to turn this into another non serious thread?
Why so serious?
But yeah, more beards please!
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
I support this! More beards to choose from, the better!
YES! My mesmer and Engi are so close but the lack of facial hair really limits my vision for the characters. I’d love a close trimmed full beard. Or even a full beard with a bit more life to it instead of looking like a block.
Release it as a “beard pack” in the gemstore and I will buy it.
It would certainly be nice to have non metro/salon-perfect beards. & hair for that matter.
I need a moustache I can tuck into my belt
I support this also.
Also can’t not post this. Sorry:
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Yes. Please.
Aside from the obvious real life trend in regards to facial hair, which quite frankly supports the demand for more facial hair options in game (imho), more options are always a good thing.
More beards, more happy people.
The Beard has spoken, it MUST be obeyed!
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Yes please! I fully support this as well
Yes. Please.
Aside from the obvious real life trend in regards to facial hair, which quite frankly supports the demand for more facial hair options in game (imho), more options are always a good thing.
More beards, more happy people.
This. A ton of people are proud of their beards nowadays Make us happy Anet, and take our money!
Gief them beards….
I support the beardening.
Maybe a thread of images for new hair style ideas which include facial hair?
Yes, beards please! I would like to be a proper lumber jack but not a full on mountain man!
My first thought when I read that Sylvari need beards was ‘face bush’.
My first thought when I read that Sylvari need beards was ‘face bush’.
I can’t help but feel your post has an unwarranted negative tone :b
I support the beardening.
Maybe a thread of images for new hair style ideas which include facial hair?
Hmm not sure i’d like the two things to be linked. It shouldn’t be hard for Anet’s graphics to make a few new beards, no matter the hairstyle one sports, also, considering how bad the hair design has been for human males so far, i’d hate to finally have the beard i wanted but linked to yet another crappy hairstyle.
The facial hair customization in this game is beyond awful, at least for humans.
The facial hair customization in this game is beyond awful, at least for humans.
Agreed, it’s been lacking from the start and has never been improved nor addressed. We have seen new hairstyles, wings, ludicrous outfits , immersion breaking toys …you name it, but not a single hour of work has been devoted to human male character customization unless you want to count those hairdos that i have NEVER seen on ANYONE during all these years.
Like the title says, since launch we have seen addition upon addition for hairdos and not a single new beard. We have been stuck with the same thin lined stubble or the full “Santa” for three years, yeah i know that the manga spikey hair and the emo vogue is rampant but for the love of all that is western please, PLEASE, give us some proper beards for human males. Not crazy twirls and swirls, a proper set of beards to choose from and that don’t look like they have been glued to our characters’ faces.
If you can spare a few hours of work, instead of the next set of “Butterfly supercute sparkly wings of doom”, give us beards.
Come on bearded brothers! JOIN this thread and bump it to the heavens! For facial hair! For glory!I second this. Except I also want beards for the women! I remember the days when I created a bearded woman named Michael on Continent of the Ninth… Such fun!
P.S. If you don’t enable female-beards, I will consider this discrimination against the transgender community.
Why do people feel the need to turn this into another non serious thread? Stop posting about getting things that will never be implemented, you detract from the seriousness of my request. This post is for people who want Anet to release more options for human males customization, or Norn for that matter, even if they already have a lot of beards. Thank you for understanding , and happy birthday.
But I was being serious.. I ran around with a bearded woman on Continent of the Ninth, and a man in a wedding dress on Elder Scrolls Online… And thank you for the birthday wish!
Truly, it would be nice if there were more gender-busting options for the humanoid races. Asura and Charr can more easily be more masculine or feminine than Human or Norn. idk if Zsiegmond mentioning discrimination against trans people was flippant while the suggestion of bearded women was the serious part, but either way it stands. If we’re gonna have an openly trans person in the game, please give us more genderqueer options for humanoids.
Truly, it would be nice if there were more gender-busting options for the humanoid races. Asura and Charr can more easily be more masculine or feminine than Human or Norn. idk if Zsiegmond mentioning discrimination against trans people was flippant while the suggestion of bearded women was the serious part, but either way it stands. If we’re gonna have an openly trans person in the game, please give us more genderqueer options for humanoids.
….can we stop hijacking the thread for heaven’s sake? Yes, we are all equal under the sun, all genders and all that is between them should have a chance to express themselves..BUT! THIS IS A REQUEST FOR FREAKING BEARDS!!!!!!! I am trying to make Anet know how much happiness they could bring the players by doing something very little, and people keep chiming in with female dresses on a males and charr horns and Norn moustaches on an Asura.
Go make your own thread about that, THIS IS FOR BEARDS!!!
We are talking about beards. Chill your face. I’m agreeing with you. Ya didn’t jump on the sylvari face bush.
Truly, it would be nice if there were more gender-busting options for the humanoid races. Asura and Charr can more easily be more masculine or feminine than Human or Norn. idk if Zsiegmond mentioning discrimination against trans people was flippant while the suggestion of bearded women was the serious part, but either way it stands. If we’re gonna have an openly trans person in the game, please give us more genderqueer options for humanoids.
….can we stop hijacking the thread for heaven’s sake? Yes, we are all equal under the sun, all genders and all that is between them should have a chance to express themselves..BUT! THIS IS A REQUEST FOR FREAKING BEARDS!!!!!!! I am trying to make Anet know how much happiness they could bring the players by doing something very little, and people keep chiming in with female dresses on a males and charr horns and Norn moustaches on an Asura.
Go make your own thread about that, THIS IS FOR BEARDS!!!
Well, someone has a fet—ehh, nevermind.
More facial hair of all varieties would very much be appreciated.
Agreed. +1
We deserve sylvari and asura facial hair.
I’d love to see little Asuran chars with big bushy beards.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
We deserve sylvari and asura facial hair.
I’d love to see little Asuran chars with big bushy beards.
I give up, you guys are just trolls or too dense. Take your pick.
More beards, yes.
I’d like some less bushy full beard options for starters. it’s kind of a bummer that I have to pick between various arrangements of stubble or full on gandalf for human males.
Also, it would be cool if sylvari males got some gandalf leaf-beards the currny thorn goatees and stuff are cool, but full on fern and leaf beards would be cool too!
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Beards pls kthx
We deserve sylvari and asura facial hair.
I’d love to see little Asuran chars with big bushy beards.
I give up, you guys are just trolls or too dense. Take your pick.
Honestly, why so restrictive? Your thread title doesn’t limit the topic to humans only, so while here I commented as I would like my Asuran to have a big beard to look like Grandpa Smurf.
I could make a thread for Asuran beards only and then try to police it by using personal insults like you do but it’ll just be merged with this one before long or locked and forgotten.
Please try to be more specific with your future threads titles if you want the discussion to be so narrow, it’ll help to avoid wasting people’s time reading it if their input is unwanted.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
The facial hair customization in this game is beyond awful, at least for humans.
Agreed, it’s been lacking from the start and has never been improved nor addressed. We have seen new hairstyles, wings, ludicrous outfits , immersion breaking toys …you name it, but not a single hour of work has been devoted to human male character customization unless you want to count those hairdos that i have NEVER seen on ANYONE during all these years.
After winning a total makeover kit from a chest I gave myself a green mohawk.
Though I must confess that I dig my guardian’s bead.
The third picture I think would be a great option for human males (I know this is about beards but it still bears mentioning)
The fourth was because I just thought it was cute and wanted to share ^_^ I kept my Asura male in the end however.
What if I want to put a beard on my female character? I’m Roleplaying a hormone problem.
Lol jk, I’m all for beards, I would also like a beard for my silvari made of moss plz.