Been seeing these jack-o-lanterns around
I think they’re just leftovers from Halloween, I’ve seen that one too.
Exploit. Consider yourself banned.
That’s pretty funny, actually. Maybe ArenaNet has heard the requests for more in-game holidays, so we’ll soon be getting a second Mad King’s Day in April! :-P
Verrrry suspicious. Be careful, the Mad King may leap out and tell you a joke so bad it kills you on the spot. ^^
Ew… that pumpkin must be all mushy and squishy and smelly now. Well, unless we count the place the Mad King appeared in Rata Sum. The Asura probably did something to the pumpkin to make it not rot.
Verrrry suspicious. Be careful, the Mad King may leap out and tell you a joke so bad it kills you on the spot. ^^
How does Rytlock like his hamburgers cooked?
Charr broiled.