Being a Guild Member

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roundabout.1752


I just recently joined my first non RL friends and Family Guild and I have a few questions, yes I know I could ask the Guild but I would like to know what is generally expected. What do Guilds expect from their members? Do I need to inform them of when I’m on or what I’m doing, how a spend my game time or if I’m going to be busy with RL stuff for a while? Am I supposed to drop what I’m doing if a guild member or officer wants something? I know what I can get out of a Guild, buffs and other people to bounce ideas and theories off of and maybe even someone to run Dungeons or Fractals with what price should I expect to pay for that? Generally speaking

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guilds are different and the same goes for what is awaited from you.

As long as it is not a hardcore guild, most guilds in GW2 doesn’t require that much. Practically speaking, most would just want you to be active on their chat and become friends with the other members.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Guilds can be so different. What’s generally expected is that you follow the rules and you can only know the rules if you ask lol. Make sure to read their message of the day as that can contain important info.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


As other have said, different guilds have different rules. My guild, as an example, is ultra casual. We have no rep requirement. We have no real participation requirement. We have pretty much one requirement which is to be nice to each other. That’s pretty much all the rules I can stomach. lol

The thing is, there are guilds that have participation requirements. There are guilds that have rules like if you’re going away for more than a couple of weeks, post on the website. That sort of thing.

You have to learn the rules of the guild you joined. If they have a website they may be posted there, but asking here isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Its usually a good idea to let your guildies know if you are going to be away from the game for an extended period.

Its usually a good idea to say hi in guild chat when logging on.

Its usually a good idea to invite guildies before taking PUGs for group content.

Its not a bad idea to mention that you are about to start something (WvW, PvP, dungeon, etc) so that guildies can opt in as well.

In general a guild exists to have other people (ideally of similar play style) to play with. In general you want to act in a fashion that fosters that.

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talindra.4958


mmmmm…….. in the guild that I am in…….. mmmm there is no expectation. the most important is, you enjoy your game log in log out happy
we shy away from drama and ppl who likes drama.. when ppl msged me, so and so not happy with so and so.. we just basically ignore it or divert it. we basically just play the game and very little involvement in real life stuff. and we respect every type of players either someone with slow response, get upset easily.. or what ever. everyday we say hello good morning.. hello byeee… :P do some pew pew.. log off after drama free! :P

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


What I’m gonna say is very loosely based on general nice player expectations.

1) Guilds expect different things. Your guild might have a website or a MotD that says what’s expected. Could be full rep, partial rep, daily dungeons, something like that.

2) If you’re gonna run a dungeon or a FotM or setting up a Teq or something, it’s generally better to invite guildmates before pugs because you generally know what you’re getting from guildmates. Plus, it shows your active with your guild, and you should enjoy doing stuff with said guild. Also, if you need to take a break or something, let an officer know in-game mail. You don’t wanna come back a week later and see you’ve been kicked for inactivity. Most guilds are very understanding of real life situations.

3) Ehhh. No. If a guild expects you to drop everything to join a dungeon run or anything, but you don’t want to, I personally wouldn’t be a part of that guild. But on the other hand, if you’re not busy and someone needs help killing a champ or something to get a skill point, speak up and offer to help. But again, it shouldn’t be expected for you to drop everything.

4) I actually don’t know what you’re talking about when you’re talking price. I’ve never been part of a guild that requires a weekly monetary price or anything like that. If someone says they’ll run a dungeon for you for a price, there’s at least 4 other people looking for that same dungeon. But if you have guildmates asking for money to run a dungeon with you, I would run from the guild.

Again, all personal views. Basically, just be polite. Say when you’re gonna start a dungeon, call out world bosses when they’re happening, say hi, start conversations, and just have fun.

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roundabout.1752


Thanks for the responses, knowing what is generally expected is a big help for me, I’m not a chatter so I will make an effort to say Hi once in a while and I’ll see if they have a website and check it out, thanks again to you who offered helpful advice.