Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astaldo.3081



After so many disappointing games and overpriced monthly fees, GW2 comes out pistols blazing.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Considering how much time I’ve already spent playin this game, I’ve got my money’s worth and more. I was really worried when I jumped on the Pre-purchase … leap of faith and all … but I was glad I did and don’t regret it one bit.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I totally agree. There was nothing I really felt a need for in the gem store, but I bought gems anyway because ArenaNet deserves more money for the awesome game they created. Letting me play it for free makes me feel a little guilty.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Considering how much time I’ve already spent playin this game, I’ve got my money’s worth and more. I was really worried when I jumped on the Pre-purchase … leap of faith and all … but I was glad I did and don’t regret it one bit.

Totally agree…

I had a copy reserved with EB Games since last October. I was in a lull with WoW, especially the pvp. Started looking at other MMO’s when GW2 came up randomly on a related search through youtube.

I watched a few pve videos and was already sold. Then i witnessed the PvP aspects. I had planned on playing both games, but so far.. I’ve not touched the other in probably 5 months or so. This was a great investment.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintyre Fraust.6534

Wintyre Fraust.6534

Best $120 I’ve spent …. yes, I’ve already bought 3 $20 packs of gems for bank expansions and whatnot. I also bought a $60 gaming mouse just for GW2 because this is the first MMOG that’s ever inspired me to develop better reflexes & control over my character. Heck, it’s the first MMOG I’ve played that pretty much requires anything other than standing around and watching bars.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hollywood.2407


Best $60 I’ve Spent in Over Ten Years

Jeez friend, you don’t get out much!

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vidiotking.1928


I agree, but I spent $120, I bought a copy for a friend, because apparantly, I have to buy friends nowa days.

I think when he’s sick of playing my 7 year old daughter would be totally kitten thrilled to play along w/ me on my wifes mac. She LOVES all the pets my Ranger has. Her favorite is the hound.

Led Zeppelin, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Grateful Dead, & Miles Davis.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Heck, it’s the first MMOG I’ve played that pretty much requires anything other than standing around and watching bars.

I love that the combat system is not a “fire and forget” assembly line like so many other MMOs – stand around in one place and wait for your power to recharge. That’s especially why I love the Thief, she makes me keep my feet moving all the time. I loved GW1, but I couldn’t go back to the old combat system after this.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Best $60 I’ve Spent in Over Ten Years

Jeez friend, you don’t get out much!

to be fair, in the thread he states “best $60 on a game” and I happen to agree with him.
But yah, based on the title alone it would seem our friend needs some sunshine

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


I agree! I don’t have any new game consoles and don’t often buy video games. I’ve played WoW and EVE Online after leaving EverQuest in 2004. I got my monies worth out of each of those titles but am happy to leave the monthly costs behind. For the $60 I’ve spent I have already more than recovered the value in enjoyment.

Now that I am not paying monthly subs, I can save some money and occasionally throw some into the TP for special items.

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: erock.1702


@Wintyre Fraust.6534

I’m right there with ya! I’ve bought gems and a $70 gaming mouse. This is my first MMO ever; always been into RPG’s with single player. I’ve been having SOOOO much fun. GW2 has renewed my faith in gaming!!

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


They made some changes to the interface. Other than that GW2 is a typical theme park mmo. Exploring is good, if you like exploring theme parks. There is never that adventurous feeling due to there being no risk.

For a game with no sub I guess it’s pretty good. The whole game is so streamlined something is lost imo. It has no soul so to speak. Everything looks nice but there is very little depth.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


I’ve spend more than $60 thanks to my alts And I’d personally still put the Portal series as my all-time favorite game, but I’m certainly enjoying myself more with GW2 than any MMO I’ve played.

Even in MMOs where I enjoyed parts of them, those game always had those lousy, what-the-kitten moments that were so glaring they still stick out in my mind as much as any of the best moments.

So far that hasn’t happened to me with GW2.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I totally agree as well. While this game does have its faults (what game doesn’t??) I love to play this game.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StarlightGamer.9560


Well, I guess if I included only MMOs that I was required to pay for, then GW2 would be first. If I include F2P MMOs, then GW2 might be in the top 5. If I include single player games, well… GW2 probably wouldn’t even be in the top 25.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


The game is great, once the blocked events/skill points and a few balancing issues are worked out (necro for example) it will be just about perfect for the product it aims to be.

It is a PvP end game, the only time I see heavy negatives against this game is from the PvE players that didn’t research the product and expected WoW 2.0

Well, I guess if I included only MMOs that I was required to pay for, then GW2 would be first. If I include F2P MMOs, then GW2 might be in the top 5. If I include single player games, well… GW2 probably wouldn’t even be in the top 25.

Perhaps it wasn’t marketed to fit any of those categories, it’s like me saying “well apples are great compared to apples but once I factor in oranges and bananas…”

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Probably would say 10 but definitely over 8 and 1 month

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


So nice to see some upbeat threads this morning! I concur, OP. In my case $70 + a couple/three standard-of-living (dyes and bank space!) gem purchases and I’m good to go for the forseeable future.

Keep having fun!

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rick.1378


Very good value for the money, it’s an awesome single player game just like TSW was for example. As a MMO it’s just ok, but I don’t mind because I got my moneys worth and can always log in anytime I want with no cost.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Agreed. This would be a top tier game even if it had a sub..the fact that it doesn’t makes it a #1 game. It executes most aspects of MMOs better than any game.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Me too, right up there with Skyrim.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonin.7230


I agree. I’m really enjoying my gametime. If they can just get the dungeon rewards issues ironed out and fix some of these high level events that seem to bug alot (Claw of Jormag I’m looking at you), It’ll be awesome. I’m sure all that will get taken care of in time.

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hrhomer.2037


When all’s said and done, it’s definitely going to be up there with Diablo 2 and Civ 3 for time spent per dollar invested.