Legendary SoloQ
Best Icon in the Game
Legendary SoloQ
Warrior rifle skill brutal shot. It looks like Charles Bronson (the actor not the prisoner for those that need to Google his name) getting his eye shot out.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
What are the best icons in the game for you?
I will start: Unidentified Dye
Lol wow; I’ve never looked at this icon so closely before. Looks nice!
Can’t really put a vote in here yet, but I’ll probably do so soon (after I’ve taken a much closer look at more icons for a while).
(edited by Saturn.6591)
I’ve double clicked on onion more times than I’d like to admit thinking it was a loot bag.
Warrior Rifle skill #4 (Brutal Shot) looks like Manny Pacquiao!
The Marsh Frogs outside of Lion’s Arch, in Bloodtide Coast. Also, Fortus, I thought I was your best Icon…
GASP, stahp stalking me!!!
Legendary SoloQ
Banish is pretty cool. I also like Empower. I almost forgot, sic’ em is great too!
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)