Best and Worst

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


So let’s have a little criticism and praise here. What ONE thing would you consider the best part of GW2, and what ONE thing would you consider the worst?

Please try to be honest, try to be calm and non-flamey, and pick only ONE thing for both. And “Everything” is not a valid response.

As for me personally, the best part would be the “no kill/loot stealing/ninjing” thing that was added in. You take part in the kill you get credit for it. I LOVE this.
As for worst? I’ve found it to be the money given out seems to be low, especially in WvW. Frequently I’ve found myself losing money when going into the WvW, from a combination of paying the fees for upgrades to repair costs to siege costs. It’s something that needs to be addressed.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Best thing is World vrs World for me. If i could find some of my old WHA guild ’ Hammer n Anvil ..I’d be in love…Otherwise the thing I do not like is the draw distance/ player loading in World vrs World. Makes it frustrating when you think you are chasing one guy only to have his 30 buddies load in around you.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Would definately agree that the no stealing aspect is a great feature.

I would like to say DE’s although most of them are dissapointing, but it has the potential and that’s what counts. In time DE’s could very well be amazing. There’s a few that were actually pretty fun/interesting.

My biggest dissapointment is the lack of builds, and depth with combat based on the low amount of abilities. That’s something that’s very important to me in MMO’s and one thing I was sure Anet would deliver on. Again in time they will most likely fix this.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


As someone who is stuck in 4 hour queues in [that other mmo] when I get home from work, to the point where I haven’t been able to level anything with my guild yet…I would say that Overflow servers are the greatest thing Anet put into this game. That varies though, shared gathering nodes is a close 2nd.

As for what I find the “worst” it’s actually harder to pick that one out. I find most common problems are nothing more than a minor nuisance or irritation because it’s inconsequential to my gameplay. I would say if I had to pick it’s just the random broken skill points, but on a scale of 1-10 for the rage meter that’s a 4 at best. Because I know I can just come back and do it later.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


As far as your “worst” goes, I don’t so much mind not having a lot of gold income, but I think the cost of repairs and waypointing is highly disproportionate to the amount of income most players have. If you have 1g at lvl 80, for instance, and you want to waypoint across the map, you have a relatively large percentage of your income dedicated to that move. I currently have 4.5g. Without waypoint fees, I’m positive I’d have upwards of 10g.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpectacularYak.6518



1. Exploration/World Design
2. WvWvW
3. Early power plateau
4. Absolutely minimal forced grouping
5. Highly mobile combat


1. Extremely buggy, even by genre standards
2. Level scaling not really working as advertised
3. Dynamic Events lack ambition/complexity
4. Dungeons are underwhelming
5. More (non power related) goals needed for level-capped players

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


Guild Wars 1 player. Never played any other MMO, so things like “minimalist interface” or “no gear grind” don’t really mean much to me, since GW1 didn’t have them (and actually tended to be better at it than GW2 is).

So best? WvW, probably, in spite of its many flaws.

Worst? The inability to create truly distinct builds due to having my atts locked, with only three real secondary slots, with almost no skills to choose from. You can make tiny little variations on the same small group of builds, but after 300 hours of gameplay on one profession you’ve more than seen it all for your own builds and are just sick of it.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rack.4930


Best. World design in 1-25 zones. It’s ridiculously beautiful,

Worst. Dungeons. Specifically that they require pulling even at the easiest difficulty. I’d prefer if this were a non consideration (mobs have something approaching AI in dungeons and won’t just stand at you looking dumbfounded from 200ft away as you wail on their friends) but at the very least a difficulty setting where it was reasonable to fight them in the numbers they spawn in. This wouldn’t be so bad if there was anything to do other than dynamic events at any stage in the game.

Screw it, I’m going to throw in some addendums

Great. Action based combat design that really works. Early access to core abilities.

Poor. Frequency of Dynamic Events in later zones. Number of gold sinks.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Best: No way players can ruin my game by ganking, stealing, ninjaing, camping on your dead body, etc.

Worst: Mobs and DEs respawn too quickly. I hope they tweak it someday.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


- The game makes it easy, rewarding and fun to play cooperatively with strangers you happen to run into – while never forcing me to assemble a party before doing something (okay, except for dungeons, but that’s okay). A small change, maybe, but it makes running around the world feel completely different
- It’s been easy and fun for a novice like me to delve into both forms of PvP
- Of course, the art. I recently happened on the “Dociu waypoint” and yes, the level designers had created the feel and texture of Daniel Dociu’s painting beautifully – a lovely tribute to an artist when the work of old-school craftsmen of his kind often gets kind of lost in the mix of large-scale commercial media

- I haven’t felt all that involved in any of the personal origin stories I’ve tried so far, and much of the lore has a rewarmed feel from other games
- I hate my stupid pirate hat. Why does it have a scarf hanging off of it?

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godslayer.1203


Gear rewards suck. Beat the game for level 40 gear. Clear the entire world for..nothing. 2 gifts of exploration. Sure, thats nice, but come on man. Map clears give garbage loot, and I absolutely despise all thekittenuseless tonics taking up space in my inventory.

yeah, I can just delete them, but inventory space is not the problem. Useless rewards are. At least let me sell them to an npc or something. Utter junk.

Map clear loot should scale to the level of the map at the very least, and the game completion reward is a complete joke. Cost me 1 gold to finish the last mission, they gave me 20 silver and a “present” full of blue and green junk items.

I’m level 80 by this point most likely, so give me level 80 gear.

(edited by Godslayer.1203)

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Gear rewards suck. Beat the game for level 40 gear. Clear the entire world for..nothing. 2 gifts of exploration. Sure, thats nice, but come on man. Map clears give garbage loot, and I absolutely despise all the kitten useless tonics taking up space in my inventory.

yeah, I can just delete them, but inventory space is not the problem. Useless rewards are. At least let me sell them to an npc or something. Utter junk.

Map clear loot should scale to the level of the map at the very least, and the game completion reward is a complete joke. Cost me 1 gold to finish the last mission, they gave me 20 silver and a “present” full of blue and green junk items.

I’m level 80 by this point most likely, so give me level 80 gear.

OK that’s the Worst… now mind giving the Best?

I was wondering how long it would be until someone did only half the topic…

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


Best: tough one, but if forced I’d have to go with “stuff they did to keep the world lively at level cap” (instanced nodes, deleveling, cooperation with nearby people).

Worst: “Hand of the Designer Showing”. Mob placement, “obstacle” placement and spawn rates in this game are the worst I’ve EVER seen in any game. It’s so obvious that so many things were placed exactly where they were to slow you down that it drives me crazy. It’s so bad, I almost can’t play any more. There’s this BEAUTIFUL world to go explore and every kittening square inch of it is designed to either irritate you, confuse you or bore you so you’ll slow down. Pitiful.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


The best (this is a tough one because i love so much about this game) i think is how beautiful and varied the world is,have really enjoyed just walking around seeing the sights.
The worst,I agree with Godslayer after finishing the entire story the reward for that should have really been that first useful and unique 80 exotic to start your character of for the next step rather than some useless trash,it adds up to abit of a anti climax to something you have done throughout the whole lvling process.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godslayer.1203


sorry, i had posted that after i just got the exploration “achievement” after about 2 weeks of work and was a bit annoyed.

I would say my favorite thing about it at the moment is WvW when the server organizes. It’s really awesome to see constructive chat in game, and have 50+ players run to you when requesting aid.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Favorite? WvW and exploration.

Worst? The ’hardcore’ whiners.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: derLoko.2185


Best: Content.
1. Event System
2. World / Art design
3. WvW

Worst: Gameplay & Mechanics.
1. Lack of skills, builds, customization
2. Reward System
3. Not enough group content and challenging content
4. Bugs…

(edited by derLoko.2185)

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Best: Hard choice (there is so much good in this game it’s ridiculous), but if I gotta choose, I’d say the combat. I loooove GW2’s combat. A nice split between action combat and traditional MMO combat, minus the stupid tank/heal/DPS stuff.

Worst: Dungeon rewards feel pretty grindy and require what is (imo) an unnecessary amount of clears to achieve, even with the new 60 token per first chain clear per day system.

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Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


Best: The stunning environments!

Worst: Low FoV that doesn’t let us see them in all their glory!

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Being rewarded for exploring
Shared xp for mobs
Nodes that everyone can gather
Dynamic events are fun

Diminishing returns system. I didn’t like it in GW1 and I don’t like it in GW2 either. The bad thing about it is it makes it more difficult to level crafting professions.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elocke.7132


I’m not going to only choose 1, that’s just dumb. It’s an MMO, a genre that incorporates sooooo many different aspects, one cannot just choose 1 thing. So:

1. Music
2. World Design
3. No loot/kill/ninja stealing BS and no stupid tapping rules on mobs.
4. Dye system
5. Linear leveling system

1. Dungeons
2. Bugs on events needed for completing the map
3. Lack of true “progression” mechanics at endgame in ANY meaningful form.
4. Lack of any road map of upcoming content(why should I look ahead to patches when there is no info coming to us from Anet?)
5. Lack of a hook to make me want to sPVP more and WvW at all.

Best and Worst

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Altair.8402


World Design
Gameplay philosophy

Gear variation (both cosmetic and statistical)
Anti-farm code
Class balance and # of viable builds
Things to do at max level
Amount of dev to player communication