Best looking Axe in-game
Can’t say I’m crazy about how it looks. Which one is this exactly?
It is the Ley-Line Axe
One of the ley line weapons.
Code is: [&AgEG+gAA] if you want a better preview in-game.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I think he knows the skin name, the name of the file he added is “Ley_Line_Axe_Skin.jpg” haha
OP is asking for more detailed pictures, since the wardrobe preview isn’t perfect.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I was running around doing my own thing one day when I encountered this beaut. Does anyone have more screen shots? For instance wielding the weapon in the shadows? It is a bit expensive, but man this thing looks good!
Oh, this is an axe? Didnt recognise it at first
Gunnar’s Hold
I think he knows the skin name, the name of the file he added is “Ley_Line_Axe_Skin.jpg” haha
OP is asking for more detailed pictures, since the wardrobe preview isn’t perfect.
Yeah I’m looking for in-game screen shots in different environments if you have one
I know not everyone will agree but my favourite is the Sylvari racial t3.
I own Frostfang, so I am of course biased. I love its on-hit FX; makes it feel really devastating. I’m also partial to the Mistforged Axe and the Corrupted Axe.
Its not ingame yet but..
sharp looking, functional looking AND without annoying particle effects yet still with a hue of magic to it? Colour me impressed…seems a-net can do that stuff afterall… 10\10 will get
Thank you for the images! Those are awesome too. But I have to admit that the ley line is just so much better imo. I don’t understand what it is really, maybe it’s the nature aspect of it or the mesmerizing color of the glow. I’m just hoping to see it in action.
I think frostfang is amazing despite not owning it, but then again I’m pretty biased when weapons involve one of these things:
- Elementally attuned(lighting/fire/ice to name some)
- I love anything dragon themed
Though saying this it’s weird that i’m not interested in Bolt or the jade weapon skins XD
Its not ingame yet but..
Finally anet is not coming up with creepy crawlie plant skins… that axe and mace look amazing like daedric
Its not ingame yet but..
Finally anet is not coming up with creepy crawlie plant skins… that axe and mace look amazing like daedric
I mostly love em for black-red colors. Also dat hammer..Juggernaut “staff” looks like a joke in comprasion.
Can’t w8 to see all new skins coming with HoT
Derailed, but those images are amazing! Wow!
Seriously though does anyone actually own this axe?
I’m a fan of ol’ “faithful” myself. Cause you know, its actually an axe
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
This is and has always been my fav axe lol
RIP City of Heroes
Its not ingame yet but..
I have my eye on this axe the moment I watched the PoE.
It is one of the best looking axes they’ve yet to create.
And I’m pretty darn sure these series will be on bl weapon store for 1 ticket on the release on HoT.
Its not ingame yet but..
the backside of the axe looks a bit too big, but otherwise it’s a very good skin. i hope the other skins of that set look similar and arent gonig to be random, huge chunks of black matter.
Would love to see the dagger/scepter/whorn of that set.
Gunnar’s Hold
I own Frostfang, so I am of course biased. I love its on-hit FX; makes it feel really devastating. I’m also partial to the Mistforged Axe and the Corrupted Axe.
Same thing here.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Did anyone want to upload a picture of Frostfang?
Here you go. And a bonus Howler.
It’s difficult to see in the first screenshot, but the arm that holds Frostfang is encased in ice.
(edited by Ark Bladesteele.2943)
Personally i dislike frostfang as every other ice weapon, not olny in this game but in general. Ice weapons looks silly in places like a desert.
A lot of things look silly. Like a bow that shoots friggin unicorns. I don’t really care, as long as I personally enjoy the way something looks. Desert or not.
A lot of things look silly. Like a bow that shoots friggin unicorns. I don’t really care, as long as I personally enjoy the way something looks. Desert or not.
Different opinions, diffrent tastes I am more into fire stuff in general and fits charr unlike ice ones that are created for norns.
A lot of things look silly. Like a bow that shoots friggin unicorns. I don’t really care, as long as I personally enjoy the way something looks. Desert or not.
Different opinions, diffrent tastes
I am more into fire stuff in general and fits charr unlike ice ones that are created for norns.
Of course. I like to run a sort of “frost knight” look with my Sylvari (glint’s gaze mask and matching blue glow) so Frostfang is a perfect fit for me.
Personally i dislike frostfang as every other ice weapon, not olny in this game but in general. Ice weapons looks silly in places like a desert.
How about lightning and fire weapons in the rain? XD
I prefer the fractal, frostfang or mistforged hero’s axe. The fractal skin and effects are subtle, but the mistforged just looks so sleek. And only in-game skins so they do require some effort to get.
All these pictures are real nice. Anyone have any more pictures of the Ley-Line one?
Frostfang is my fav Axe. Woulda crafted it if my Thief could use it. This Axe is cool too. XD
The Blade Spins like a Saw.
Elegant, sharp-looking, stylish, I like this one the most
Phoenix axe looks pretty awesome.
Personally i dislike frostfang as every other ice weapon, not olny in this game but in general. Ice weapons looks silly in places like a desert.
How about lightning and fire weapons in the rain? XD
Not sure about lightning weapons. Never used one personally. As for the fire weapons in the rain;
i love how everyone ignores the questions of the op for more pictures of the ley line axe in action xD
come on anyone with that skin give this poor man some nice screenshots!
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
i love how everyone ignores the questions of the op for more pictures of the ley line axe in action xD
come on anyone with that skin give this poor man some nice screenshots!
I think the silence on that may be indicative of its unpopularity.
Chaos axe, best axe.
I’ve always been an admirer of the Chaos Axe myself, along with the Stygian Axe and the Primordus Axe (close resemblance to the Destroyer Axe of GW1).
The Chaos Axe is (unfortunately) bought, either with gems —> gold —> TP, or by getting enough BL tickets. The Stygian Axe is a freebie skin from the Hall of Monuments, provided you acquired 28 HoM points in GW1. The Primordus Axe is crafted (T6 mats, Destroyer lodes).
Basically anything that is out-of-the-ordinary in appearance and really stands out in effect is what gets my vote. I know others aren’t that particular with their tastes and prefer their’s a bit more hum-drum. Skins are very subjective, but in a game all about skins, why not go for something ‘good’?
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I really like the Tormented Axe skin…not only because I already loved those in GW1.
before anyone asks: the two-handed axe is just a toy axe from the Executioner outfit and not usable in combat
Huh interesting…
Wintersday axe and fractal axe are my current faves
Others that are pretty good, for their simplicity
Truth, Tribal, Legionnaire’s, Zojja’s reaver, Flame cleaver, Guild broad axe
Its not ingame yet but..
Best axe skin hands down
~Sincerely, Scissors
So anyone have updates?
Always been a bit of an axe-man with warrior mains in both GW and GW2.
My favourite has been the Fused axe skin along with the greatsword – but Chaos, Tormented and Mistforged axes have come a close second. I also quite like the Ambrite skins from Dry Top.
No disrespect to those who like it, but I’ve never been a fan of Frostfang. I do like an axe to look like an axe.
The new skins for HoT look excellent.
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
any fractal weapon
cos they are the rarest and hardest to obtain.
o and super rifle on asura engineer = win
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Love the AC axe. Nice design, and i absolutely love the slow blue smoke. Probably Mistforged for my second pick.
Save the Bell Choir activity!