Best thing you've seen in game?
A bunch of Skritt were collecting shinies to build some golem/statue thing. They finished it and went to worship it but it came to life and started trying to kill them.
Good times. Good times.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
Risen zombie kicking a rabbit!
Quaggans are so cute!
I dunno the best thing I’ve seen yet…nothing really or nothing that really makes me go
“Holy kitten!” But I’m level 30 so lol.
Edit: Oh in some videos, the CM dungeon looks really pretty. So that so far.
(edited by Rise.9702)
Visually or mechanics?
Visually has to be the cutscene/loading screen artwork.
Mechanically, the Priest of Balthazaar DE (when it works)… because it’s about the only DE I find that truly lives up to many of the design philosophies this game adheres to.
best thing ive seen in this game so far is the event where an asura is trying to build a ettin suit. that was the funniest thing ive come across in this game. and also one of the rare occasions i felt interested enough to hang around an event to see what was gonna happen next.
I like the pirate captain who sings Gilbert and Sullivan. Captain Penzan (Penzan…Penzance…get it?) in Remanda Saltmarsh
The Order of Whispers Personal storyline is a hoot. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Waterfalls and the water effects in general. GW1’s looked good for their time too, so I’m glad to see that carried over.
The sky is lovely too at those rare chances you get to have a look at it.
I like the pirate captain who sings Gilbert and Sullivan. Captain Penzan (Penzan…Penzance…get it?) in Remanda Saltmarsh
This too, this was epic, and totally the last thing I expected at 4 in the morning. XD
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
Once, I was going up to the jumping puzzle in borderlands. Was making my way up to jump down through the waterfall and soon as I come to the top ledge I see several unfinished siege weapons all tossed up like some sort of wall. I walk through the mass of wood and timber constructs only to find around 7-8 people sitting casually on the other side in city clothes and basic underwear. Some were dancing and some were setting off fireworks or something.
Was the most awesome / disturbing / w.t.f moment scene I’ve seen in the game yet.
The “Exit Game” button.
Pity that doesn’t extend to the forums.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
The Order of Whispers Personal storyline is a hoot. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.
Will have to do that line with my next toon
I was in Blazeridge leveling up and just exploring. I was in the southern part of the map. Then I heard a dragon’s screech. I turn towards north and saw the dragon pass through the purple sky. Floored by what just happened. It was an amazing experience just seeing it. I was too late when I ported nearby the event…
I was fighting at the Skritt area in WvW, and was running out, avoiding the last Skritt I saw. He said in a skrittish voice as I ran from him, “Ha ha, you run from Skritt!”
This made me do a double take, only because anything labelled unsuspicious is immediately suspicious:
This also made me chuckle in the asura area .. old man on his front porch, yelling at all the kids:
I like where the asura are attempting to test skritt IQs, and a couple of the asura are discussing the process amongst themselves, the dialogue ends with one saying “So basically, you are saying you have skritt for brains.” The other sighs and says “You’ve been waiting all day to say that, haven’t you?”
I was getting map completion done in Dredgenaught and one of the skill points is a skritt named Kakkilak in a dredge mining suit that was, ahem, “abandoned” by the Dredge. The dialogue was so amusing I had to run it again. I wish I could remember more of it exactly.
“You had a bite of loser cake, but you learn quick-quick”
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Honestly, its totally silly, but I was so giddy as a school kid when I found Fawcetts Bounty in Harathi Hinterlands. I walk through the cave and come upon a pirate ship inside a larger cave and immediately say GOONIES!!!! I kept expecting to hear HEY YOU GUYS from one of the npcs someplace. lol Total One Eye Willie Fawcett be…
Oh and one more thing. I dont remeber exactly where it was but an asuran talking about buttons someplace… Whats this one do, IDK whats that one do, couldnt tell you, then something like Well how about the blue one then? UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO TOUCH THE BLUE BUTTON!!! Someone else will know it, The line was hilarious I wish I remembered where it was. The Asruans are born comedians.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Ingram of Haz.5987)
Of course the asura kid’s “your momma” jokes are all pretty hilarious too!
My latest “Oh wow, this made me chuckle” in-game moment. Instead of some nefarious and fear-inspiring name like Ozboforicus and Drezylitictious — players of Tyria, meet eye and mouth:
(The all-serious dialogue from Trehearne makes it even funnier!)
i took a nice shot of shatterer,i think his the coolest looking boss in gw2
Crystal Desert
I like the Asura testing the Skritt IQs as well. I was most surprised by the underwater Quoggan organ in Caledon, and more so when it actually worked. I also like the Priory quest in Maelstrom where you’re helping them discover dig sites in the ruins. It was nice to see new game ideas come up for the first time in the 60s levels. Usually by then the game has already shown you all the “new” it has to order. Sinking the Ash Horizon event in Sparkly is also fun, as you’re trying to balance keeping the NPCs alive so they can repair the weapons you use to fire on the boat while fighting off the land invasion. Lots of events like that with multiple variables, which is what I like to see.
The absolute coolest thing so far though (bearing in mind I haven’t PvP’d nor dungeon’d yet) was just last night: the quest chain in Maelstrom that starts with the spider invasion on the Asuran camp and ends with Megadestroyer at the bottom of the volcano. Lots of steps, different game ideas, different levels of coordination, and while it all started with me and one other guy constantly getting killed in camp, it ended with 40 some people.
Best thing I like about the game is how easy it is for people to randomly show up and help out.
My best moment was during a DE chain, where Asuras as usual do experiments on Ettins.
This time things go wrong and the Ettin becomes more intelligent than the Asura after the experiment, completely owning the rat with superior intellect and then turning into a super Ettin and mauling his face into the ground.
You get the event to kill the Ettin but I refused to.
The Ettin was right. They were doing nothing wrong, Asuras did experiments on them and it backfired on them.
Well served!
My best moment was during a DE chain, where Asuras as usual do experiments on Ettins.
This time things go wrong and the Ettin becomes more intelligent than the Asura after the experiment, completely owning the rat with superior intellect and then turning into a super Ettin and mauling his face into the ground.You get the event to kill the Ettin but I refused to.
The Ettin was right. They were doing nothing wrong, Asuras did experiments on them and it backfired on them.
Well served!
The jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch was simply awesome! Something about the pirate theme really struck a chord with my inner child.
Myself .
My best moment was during a DE chain, where Asuras as usual do experiments on Ettins.
This time things go wrong and the Ettin becomes more intelligent than the Asura after the experiment, completely owning the rat with superior intellect and then turning into a super Ettin and mauling his face into the ground.You get the event to kill the Ettin but I refused to.
The Ettin was right. They were doing nothing wrong, Asuras did experiments on them and it backfired on them.
Well served!
Yeah this is one of my favourite moments too. I just noticed the conversation peripherally at first, then as it got more and more interesting I had to go over and consciously listen. Great little mini-event.
But the game is so full of such amazing attention to detail, there are cool little touches everywhere, and they don’t even get thinner as the game progresses, the “cool little touches” factor seems to remain even in the later zones.
Tequatl the Sunless. First seeing him jump out of the water and chipping the top off a mountain. Gave me goosebumps like no other MMO.
I love the little hidden gems you find as you explore. This latest one both surprised and delighted me with the intellectual reference, coupled with the rest of the moles saying “comrade” .. I kept looking around for a Karl mole Oh and just discovered the manifesto .. lol brilliant!
(edited by Moderator)
That Quaggan organ in Caledon Forest. I enjoy playing that thing so much, I already played the Guild Wars 1 & 2 themes, part of the Imperial March, and most important of all Trogdor’s theme.
I fear no Dragon lol! Little did I know hehe.
And who said Moas can’t climb?
Too much to comment on :/
However, one thing that made me LOL and would be in my top 10 is the little Quaggan ghost when he goes OoOooooOO... I went to LA once an hour to hear him say it. Cutest and most hilarious thing I’ve heard in GW2.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
Oh and this, I won’t say its THE best thing, but one of many. I just love this though, spent almost an hour watching this guy in Rata Sum.
My favorite Diaolouge by far is when there is this skritt takeing a Harpie egg and running with this huge egg and yelling Screeeeech is that how you sound, Screeeeeech stupid harpy can’t catch me, Screeeech stick it up your Screeeeeech.
Or in the lines of something like that.
Risen zombie kicking a rabbit!
after they yell. “It begins” lol
Some of the dialogue really makes me laugh. On the apple orchard in queensdale:
Female: most people don’t know this, but trees are male and female"
Male: " yeah, I don’t really pay attention to that sort of thing"
Oho, Nice Teeth is also my favourite Quaggan line.
the environments hands down. they are all amazing. the swamps, cities, mountains, jungles, underwater views are all stunning. i want to link a bunch of screens but i can’t so i’ll put up rata sum. definitely one of my favorite places :P
The jumping puzzles! I came for SPvP but stayed for the PvE. But hands down my favorite part of the game are the jumping puzzles, they’re fun AND absolutely gorgeous. Great job ANet!
Henge of Denravi
“Express Delivery”
For me, its the kids in Lion’s Arch who are deciding which Destiny’s Edge hero they’ll be. I’ve done that story quest for three characters now, and for each of them I’ve had to stop and listen to their dialog. Reminds me of actually being that age and arguing with my brothers about who was the ‘heroiest’ hero
The sky ship fight at the end of the story was the bingest WOW moment for me.
Stumbled across this today, and kept wandering through the mines looking for Anna Karenina .. sadly all I found were a couple of Karamazov brothers.
This almost made me snort coffee through my nose this morning .. particularly the way my Sylvari said it .. lol
These words “True and real is not the same. True you feel inside – Always follow what’s true” and “We experiment, dangerous, yes. We don’t, worse. We learn nothing” will ALWAYS place the Skritts at my number one.
After that comes Hyleks. Their “Good meeting” phrase just makes you feel appriciated ^^
Quaggans, eh, weird.
As for non-race related topics the BEST thing I have seen was when an Engineer used his rocket boots inside of a smoke field – I thought he had rocketed all the way to the moon.