Best way to make gold?
SW chest farm. Dungeon tour.
Credit card, buy gems turn to gold. That is probably the fastest way. Other than that, as above.
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Live music performance in divinity’s reach. People throw money in the guitar case.
so far for me…
SW chest farm. Dungeon tour.
Then do a big boss tour.
Then do some Orr… You’ll happen on a temple run plus the other stuff you’ll pick up.
Silverwastes+LFG Tool Look for high % maps do breach+vinewrath leave after and find another map rinse and repeat.
Keep about 100 keys on hand total when you start farming. At the end of the day cash in your crests for stolen bags at the vendor as well as find an open maze cash in your middle chest keys.
Enjoy spending about an hour to sort through all your loot and sell all your T5,T6 silk and ori. I personally hang onto the T6 for future legendarys but you asked for Gold,Cheers
Farm Sw like suggest, but I would go a bit further and say run megaboss events like Triple Trouble or Teq. I managed to get a Exotic out of pure RNG that was worth 30 gold.
I do evety couple of days all megaboss and world boss events. nets me each and everytime around 15 to 25 gold. sometimes even more with a lucky drop. play the game as intended. I noticed that making alts leveling them up and sell everything on TP/vendors makes about 200gold from 0 to 80.
Buy gems, trade for gold.