Beta Deja Vu?
Welcome to online gaming.
I read this somewhere… I forget where.
“DLC is great, it allows you to release a game then make it later”
Something along those lines.
I’m happy overall with the game… but there is a lot of things that have not been fixed, and some mechanics that feel old and outdated. While the same mechanic in GW1 felt, and still feels, perfect (Target Nearest, anyone?)
The game would have been in so much better shape if it was released with LFG, had the boss revamp at launch instead of now and had improvements to sPvP including features like ratings and matchmaking.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2.
Fixed it for you.
The game would have been in so much better shape if it was released with LFG, had the boss revamp at launch instead of now and had improvements to sPvP including features like ratings and matchmaking.
I agree. And its not like their LFG tool is all that elaborate either. Its basically the same thing as website. It took them how long to get in gear and start designing one, and how long to actually develop it? Oh. Forgot. They pulled all their developers out of the dungeon development and QoL teams, and put them into the 4 living story teams.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2.
Fixed it for you.
What a load of Carp (you know, the fish)
Almost every online game is improved and Quality of Life features are added as a game progresses.
I know you are trying to be funny, but targeting GW2 exclusively for this is not fair.
I know you are trying to be funny, but targeting GW2 exclusively for this is not fair.
It’s perfectly fair if the final release is less polished than what you’d expect from a beta version.
If my Arena Shooter had a rocket launcher that shot five meters above the crosshair, I wouldn’t call it “working as intended”, and I wouldn’t call fixing it an “improvement”. I’d call it a horrendous oversight that shouldn’t belong in a finished game, but in GW2 this has been default mode of operation for many skills since the early “Beta”.
Charr are still working around with floating shoulderpads, Engineers are still barely functional, jumping puzzles are still the same as when reviewers thought they were hilariously unpolished, projectiles still fly away from autotarget, and performance is about as smooth as a rabid porcupine.
This isn’t about “improvement” of a finished product. It’s about getting most basic features to work properly in the first place. You know, something people expect from an early release, not a released game.
ANet has no business doing all those lovely “More content! More stuff!” updates when the core of the game barely works.
The camera is so horrible but it has not been addressed in any way
Reading all the posts on this one, most people either haven’t played very many MMOs, betas or just want to be plain rude about the game. As a programmer I know all too well some of the features in this game take time to create, and bugs can take a hell long time to fix. I bet you if you guys were placed in the same situation you would not be any more successful (probably worse considering the average person knowledge on computers).
Charr are still working around with floating shoulderpads, Engineers are still barely functional, jumping puzzles are still the same as when reviewers thought they were hilariously unpolished, projectiles still fly away from autotarget, and performance is about as smooth as a rabid porcupine.
This isn’t about “improvement” of a finished product. It’s about getting most basic features to work properly in the first place. You know, something people expect from an early release, not a released game.
ANet has no business doing all those lovely “More content! More stuff!” updates when the core of the game barely works.
Your opinion on the matter is using ignorance on the extreme. Engineers are functional and most of the cases its a L2P issue not the class fault. I seen some really good Engineers in WvW which disproves your point of them being barely functional. My charr doesn’t have floating shoulder pads issue and I am running the game on the highest settings possible. Projectiles sometimes do fly away from the autotarget, I will give you that one but its not that large of an issue considering how often it actually occurs. Instead of being detrimental why not try to figure out what causes that bug to occur and actually be productive?
Performance on my computer is right now excellent with my computer able to handle the game flawlessly. I am aware there is other people and Anet has stated they are working on it but its not as easy as 1.2.3. There is billions of different computer mixtures that each one has to be optimized for which is why performance on any new game has suffered.
The basic features on any game have a few bugs on release (hence day 1 patches) I would challenge you to find a single game that has all its basic features without bugs. If you can find one I will be flat out amazed and wonder where you pulled this magical game from.
Anet has many teams not just the LS (by the way Anet has stated on several regards that the LS is their smallest team just fyi) which means there is larger teams working on other aspects of the game. Just cause you don’t know of them or what they do doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
The camera is so horrible but it has not been addressed in any way
Anet has already commented about the camera and have been working on fixing it for months its not that easy considering there is an issue with the engine that is causing it. (a bug in the engine can cause a large number of unwanted effects and limitations. Fixing a game engine is also a lot harder to do.)
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
I love when PvE guys complain about how is PvE in beta.
Ever tried to play PvP only? To actually play the very same gamemode for a year? It’s like playing CoF P1 for a year with no rewards, earning 2 copper a day. They only thing we have is a currency called ‘glory’ – which is at least as useless as karma.
You have content updates every 2 weeks, we haven’t had any content since release.
PvE is spoiled as hell and you still complain, complain about things like ‘camera position’ or “oh if I get a legendary I want the game to announce it in guildchat”.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Your opinion on the matter is using ignorance on the extreme.
Oh, an insult instead of an argument. That’s just great.
Otherwise the rest of your post can be summed up with “My opinion and experience are different from yours, therefore you are wrong.” You know, it’s really annoying to read such responses, not to mention rude on your part.
Frankly it’s always amazing to state blatantly obvious things that are literally common knowledge by now (I.e. GW2’s performance being horrendous, broken Charr armor, underwhelming class builds) and find someone willing to deny it outright.
I love when PvE guys complain about how is PvE in beta.
Actually, if you’re a PvP player, any problems that aren’t loot related are practically the same as they are for people in PvE and even WvW: poorly-balanced builds, poor hit detection, poor lag compensation, poor performance, poor armor placement, poorly-managed camera… It’s all this stuff.
(edited by Draco.2806)
Your opinion on the matter is using ignorance on the extreme.
Oh, an insult instead of an argument. That’s just great.
Otherwise the rest of your post can be summed up with “My opinion and experience are different from yours, therefore you are wrong.” You know, it’s really annoying to read such responses, not to mention rude on your part.
Frankly it’s always amazing to state blatantly obvious things that are literally common knowledge by now (I.e. GW2’s performance being horrendous, broken Charr armor, underwhelming class builds) and find someone willing to deny it outright.
I love when PvE guys complain about how is PvE in beta.
Actually, if you’re a PvP player, any problems that aren’t loot related are practically the same as they are for people in PvE and even WvW: poorly-balanced builds, poor hit detection, poor lag compensation, poor performance, poor armor placement, poorly-managed camera… It’s all this stuff.
Yes it is an argument since I am shutting down your opinion on the matter which I find unhelpful and unknowledgeable about the subject at hand. Such as how many betas have you played? How much programming have you done? Do you understand the complexity of this game system? Do you understand issues that can cause the issues you have listed? And finally can you list your one magical game that has zero bugs in the basic features?
Prove to me that you have knowledge about the subject, and I will respect your opinion. At this current point your not being helpful to the community and instead expressing your unconstructive opinion that does nothing but harm.
To answer my own questions to show my understanding:
1.) 10 betas plus 1 Alpha (game still in Alpha as of 09/19/2013)
2.) 3 years worth of programming (Novice at best but understand)
3.) I could go into depth here if you want.
4.) Same as above i could list to you what could cause it easily
5.) Like i said magical game cause there isn’t one.
edit: Also reading through all your recent posts not once have you said anything nice about the game and have complained about it and every design decision ever made. When people give you exact reasons why something occurs you say that they missed the point and tell them to drop the subject all together.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
(edited by Suddenflame.2601)
You have content updates every 2 weeks, we haven’t had any content since release.
I agree that PvP content is sparse, but you have had a number of content and content updates since release, even if that number is small.
Mostly in the form of PvP maps and updates to how tournaments or custom arenas work.
Such as how many betas have you played?
I’d say about 50, not including of my own design. Many gamers have much more under their belt.
How much programming have you done?
About twenty items of content, most gaming-related.
Do you understand the complexity of this game system?
Do you understand issues that can cause the issues you have listed?
Yes. I also know how to avoid and to how to fix them.
And finally can you list your one magical game that has zero bugs in the basic features?
Super Mario World.
Is that personal enough for you? I understand being emotional on the issue, but attacking people is the road that leads nowhere, and, more importantly, attacking people is not a way to win an argument, and that’s all your argument is: an attack against me, rather than the problems of Guild Wars 2. Which isn’t very nice, nevermind simply wrong.
(Personal insults, attacks, stalking, basic fallacies, and a show of feathers do no favors to the objectivity of your argument either.)
Would you like to come again and word your complaints in a way that doesn’t hinge on an Ad Hominem? I don’t expect an apology, but it’d be appreciated, too.
Otherwise it’s just “Charr armor isn’t broken because you know nothing about programming and it’s very hard to make it work, okay.”
(edited by Draco.2806)
Such as how many betas have you played?
I’d say about 50, not including of my own design. Many gamers have much more under their belt.
How much programming have you done?
About twenty items of content, most gaming-related.
Do you understand the complexity of this game system?
Do you understand issues that can cause the issues you have listed?
Yes. I also know how to avoid and to how to fix them.
And finally can you list your one magical game that has zero bugs in the basic features?
Super Mario World.
Is that personal enough for you? I understand being emotional on the issue, but attacking people is the road that leads nowhere, and, more importantly, attacking people is not a way to win an argument, and that’s all your argument is: an attack against me, not the problems of Guild Wars 2. Which isn’t very nice, nevermind simply wrong.
Would you like to come again and word your complaints in a way that doesn’t hinge on an Ad Hominem? I don’t expect an apology, but it’d be appreciated, too.
Your attacks against Guild Wars 2 are without grounds as well and define 20 items of content cause all those are relative terms. Plus I know you don’t know how to avoid nor how to fix them since you haven’t given Anet neither cause I bet you they would appreciate it if you did. Super Mario World does have bugs in its core features look them up you shall be enlightened. Attacks against your opinion and yourself are different cause I never stated anything about your personality nor your looks, but I attack your opinion on the subject at hand.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
No change in course then.
I’ll spare the rest of the commenters the personal spat. Have fun here on your angry own!
Yeah Deja Vu is definitely setting in, some of the old old problems back in Beta and Release are resurfacing, such as guild chat and whisper problems, some people claim to have TP and gem store errors (not me personally, but then again this isn’t about me or anyone as an individual as some of you have missed), rampant DC and latency issues, etc.
I love when PvE guys complain about how is PvE in beta.
Ever tried to play PvP only? To actually play the very same gamemode for a year? It’s like playing CoF P1 for a year with no rewards, earning 2 copper a day. They only thing we have is a currency called ‘glory’ – which is at least as useless as karma.
You have content updates every 2 weeks, we haven’t had any content since release.
PvE is spoiled as hell and you still complain, complain about things like ‘camera position’ or “oh if I get a legendary I want the game to announce it in guildchat”.
You don’t seem to be much of a pve player so why are you talking about this? Content every two week, but what content ? Press F on piñatas, a couple minutes solo instance, a revamped open world zergfest? Where are the hard mode dungeons or the higher level unlocked fractals ? The PVE content in this game is crap compared to most MMO, including new releases.
PVE for people who really care about PVE as opposed to open world zerguers has been in the same, exact same state, since the release of Fractals of the Mist. That was the only permanent and worthy PVE content introduced since the release of the game.
I know we’re over the year release mark but i can’t shake the feeling that GW2 is still in beta – just without the sticker.
The old moniker that A-net used to sling about, when asked for updates on progression, used to be ‘when it’s ready’…but, seriously, is it?
A quick glance at the forums reveals long standing problems that never seem to be addressed – so, still beta?
Your thoughts…
Never played any other MMO at launch? The one big MMO not to be named had huge and glaring game breaking bugs for years after launch, 8 hour maintainances, 3000 people queues, frequent server crashes and the most horrible imbalance in pvp. To add insult to injury, the trading post was only accessible with the most expensive hardware for the time and several consecutive levels did not have a single quest.
Mind you, 3 years after launch, most of these issues were not yet fixed and some persist to this day, 7 years later.
To compare against that MMO, this game is pristine. Sure there’s a few minor issues here and there, but nothing so game breaking that it makes the game unplayable for most everyone at one level or another.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I remember when Rift launched, even though it had a pretty good launch, the queue problem was horrible and there was a bad oversight with security that led to thousands of accounts hacked.
The game was pretty stable after that, until they started coming out with updates. Every update the came out ended up adding bugs to the game. The game was buggier three months after launch than it was a launch.
The more new content you come out with, the more bugs you’ll be fixing. If you wait till a game is completely fixed to come out with new content, you’ll never come out with new content.
You have content updates every 2 weeks, we haven’t had any content since release.
I agree that PvP content is sparse, but you have had a number of content and content updates since release, even if that number is small.
Mostly in the form of PvP maps and updates to how tournaments or custom arenas work.
Playing the PvP version of CoF p1 in a different environment isn’t really what we need. We don’t need maps and we don’t need conquest.
The only change to tournament was that now it’s 1 round not 3. And custom arenas are.. still hotjoin.. still a cancer for PvP.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]