Better engine optimisation (PoF)

Better engine optimisation (PoF)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Hi all,

The Path of Fire demo is fresh, amazing and I’m loving every moment of it.

Except when the frames start dropping.

I get ~60fps in the maps from the original game and ~50fps in HoT. In Path of Fire demo, however, it’s usually 20-25. When I’m further away from the city it’s perfectly acceptable and it’s pretty much the same as HoT (~45fps), but running around the city streets and buildings can be extremely taxing to my CPU, which is i7 and, again, had no problems with the main game and the first expansion, aside from Lion’s Arch and whenever there’s a world boss.

Please look at this as nothing but a friendly feedback and nothing else, I have been with Guild Wars 2 since the very beginning, I pre-purchased HoT and did the same with PoF. I would just like to look forward to a smoother experiences when 22 of September comes.

Thank you,

Better engine optimisation (PoF)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JackOfAllGames.2409


Hmm, I’m not sure where to start here. Some thoughts in no particular order:

- It would help to know what generation/model of i7 you’re using. The generation of i7 is probably more important than knowing it’s an “i7” itself.
- I doubt your CPU is the bottleneck anyway. I don’t believe i7s have ever had integrated video (at least, they haven’t in a while). So you should have a discreet video card. Knowing what video card you’re running would help.
- Have you tried limiting the number of players shown at a time? …or the view distance? That might help mitigate the problems in the meantime.
- If none of that works, I’d tinker with the other video settings for a bit. There are a lot of new visual effects going on in the new zone. Perhaps one or more of them are proving difficult for your video card.

It would be nice if the expansion were able to run just as well as old content, but unless there’s a bug causing this, that seems unlikely to change (at least in the short-term). Optimization as you’re requesting is typically a pretty big undertaking – if not monumental. You probably want to look into how to improve things for YOU.

(edited by JackOfAllGames.2409)