Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dantert.1803


I think that nearly all the thieves had to deal with this issue after the update moths ago, not knowing when the shadowstep will work and when not.
I’m talking about every kind of shadowstep, with stealing, shortbow utilities and so on.
Before the nerf if the target area was green you could shadowstep there if it was red you coudn’t, but now, it is so confusing! You place the target and it’s green but after you have activated the skill you see “No valid path to the target” and most of the time the skill get’s the reloading time anyway.
It’s tiresome when it happens in PvE but in PvP or WvW, if you’re running from a zerg or you really need to use the right combination to make your build roll, it gets really frustrating.
There is noway to be 100% sure that the shadowstep will work if you see the green target because maybe there’s a really small gap in the way and that will stop you from using your skill.
I feel like now I have to study all the little gaps in the terrain and test them so that I don’t get the surprise in difficult situations…
So, the point is, please either fix the issue where sometimes the shadowstep goes over big gaps and sometimes not, don’t stop the skill if the target is green, don’t let the skill reload if there’s no path to the target or give us a better visual way to understand if the shadowstep is possible or not.


Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Shadow steps and teleports should honestly work the way they work in other games. i.e. if you can place the target circle there, you can teleport there.

Would it break the game? Definitely. Would it be less frustrating? Absolutely.

Not being able to shadowstep/teleport to any place you can’t walk to without jumping is just stupid. Why bother teleporting when I can just walk?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirWarriant.2319


+1, really the only place I see this causing problems is in WvW honestly which could be solved by simply making shadowsteps/teleports invalid on walls and a few other surfaces. There would need to be some tweaking to ensure exploits aren’t used in pve as well but it really would be a massive quality of life change and I think It would help make ports/shadowsteps more unique instead of the equivalent to normal gap closers with a cooler animation, except some gap closer like guardian great sword 3 is actually better for getting to certain places than teleports. Totally makes sense

Ullr Thorgislwulf: 80 Ranger Yaks Bend sPvP & WvW
Eladan of Greenwood: 80 Ranger
Elemir Swiftblade: 80 Thief

Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


+1, really the only place I see this causing problems is in WvW honestly which could be solved by simply making shadowsteps/teleports invalid on walls and a few other surfaces.

It makes my blood boil in all game modes – so it’s a problem for me in general.
And I guess every shadowstep of every class can port up a hill to a target. It would be boring if not.

Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103


Sometimes it’s not even a ledge I’d need to jump that prevents it from working, but just a small bump in terrain (that you could walk over) or a small tree in your way. That makes it really frustrating

Better valid path indicator for shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Todd.6573


I was annoyed with this for a while aswell. Then i learned what terrain i could TP on and what terrain i could not.
I guess they could recode the way it determines target validity, but that would take alot of time and effort and probably not have a huge effect on gameplay…

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- Theodore Roosevelt