Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Those poor bandits. They’ve been working on that bridge, like, forever. If only we could tell them there’s an invisible wall waiting for them on the other side…

Anyway, think we’ll ever get to go through that portal?


The table is a fable.

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chad.6104


One day. Some day.

It’s possible to get past the invisible wall but the portal doesn’t work. Or it was possible. That picture from That Shaman is 4 months old and the way might be blocked now.

(edited by Chad.6104)

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


They say they are working on it forever, but I don’t really see any progress. So I’m guessing they’re slacking.
It serves them right that the portal isn’t working :p

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


There’s a few places like this around Tyria. There’s a huge gate in the South West of Mount Maelstrom, a road blocked by rocks in Iron Marches and another which could lead to Southsun (through a small area) in Sparkfly Fen and others I don’t remember right now.

My guess is when the game was being developed they had people designing and building maps before they had finalised the layout and number of maps (because completely finishing one stage before doing the other would take too long and hold up all kinds of other things like designing the type of enemies and gathering nodes, mini dungeons etc.). So the people designing the maps just had to include ways in and out at different points around them and then some were used and others weren’t and had to be closed off.

I don’t know if Anet already have a plan for when and how to use all of them. I assume they have some idea of what kind of place they lead to, but I’d be surprised (given their development always seems somewhat reactive) if they already have a plan of when and how each of these will be used.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maxwelgm.4315


I don’t believe Anet had everything laid down clearly and set on stone upon release, but they probably did want to leave as many options as possible, hence why we have many other cases of “totally not portals to another area boys” across every direction. I mean, just go north of frostgorge sound where there is a waypoint near an obviously frozen portal leading to Jormag’s domain, the door to Crystal Desert locked by the queen, etc.

They certainly didn’t plan a release order for these (if they did, HoT wouldn’t have been the mess it was, and Mordremoth’s arc would have been much more intense since he should have been the most personal one so far), but whenever they feel like going somewhere, the way is already there, quite literally.

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


A while ago a website tool was made that allowed you to open maps from your gw2.dat and it showed many unfinished maps, some which had been in the client since launch (or even got removed after a while). One of those is a map north of divinity’s reach that actually overlaps quite a bit too. The funny thing is, a few weeks ago there was a bug where you could get map completion for Lake Doric (the name of the lake above DR) so it might be opened up in a future LS episode.