Bifrost footfalls not changed?

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sophia.6482


The Bifrost: Updated the effects and texture to be more detailed and vibrant, enlarged the footfall effects, and added a new projectile.

so only change i see in Bifrost is the new projectile :/ the rest looks the same….

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isabella.5796


Incinerator and Bolt’s footfalls look exactly the same too, even know they said they’re “bigger”

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


Hey.. be glad they didn’t remove effects from your weapons. :P

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


Does the new projectile apply to necromancers too?

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


Yes, I have a Bifrost and I approve this. Footfalls are still so short and not very visible.
The developer was telling about Bifrost’s updated footfall effects, but there’s no update on footfall effects.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


Does the new projectile apply to necromancers too?

Yes, it replaces staff #1’s hand projectile effect with its own white shining orb with rainbow trail. But there’s still no updated footfall effects…

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aresius.4673


Love the new bifrost on my pink/purple/white necro haha. (no sarcasm lol)

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


Love the new bifrost on my pink/purple/white necro haha. (no sarcasm lol)

If only they change the black scythe effect on staff to a white one :P

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken son of Z.1367

Hawken son of Z.1367

Yes… I was so excited when I heard that Bifrost footfalls were going to be “better” and .. they didn’t change at all…. super short, and sometimes impossible to see depending on terrain.. not ALL the legendaries have nice footfalls then ours I think..

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


The circling coloration that goes around the Bifrost is larger and more vibrant, the projectile is awesome!

Footfalls appear the be the same though. Now, The Dreamer’s footfalls are very nice, its basically the Bifrost footfall + a very clear lucky charm emblem in the center. Perhaps it evens out though, since we have the “glow”, I don’t think The Dreamer gives the user a “glow”.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solo.9027


I honestly can’t wait to try out my rainbow blast ele.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


Incinerator and Bolt’s footfalls look exactly the same too, even know they said they’re “bigger”

Yea that’s what I heard aswell but all I can say Incinerator footfall is the same.. :/

play hard , go pro.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

I agree, everything about my Bifrost seems EXACTLY the same, except for the projectile effect. The rainbowness pale’s in comparison to the new Dreamer. The rainbow bolt is cool, but I wish it was a little bigger or exploded into rainbows or something. I’d much rather have a GIANT rainbow pony shoot out of my staff than a tiny rainbow bolt. Kinda disappointed, and hoping they will fix the Bifrost to match up to it’s rainbow legendary sister weapon.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sophia.6482


yea the dreamers footsteps is cool :/ FIX THE BIFROST!!! and any other weap that WAS suppose to get better and bigger footfalls that didnt! anyone from anet can look into this pls…..alot of people kinda disappointed :/

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vex.4961


I agree, everything about my Bifrost seems EXACTLY the same, except for the projectile effect. The rainbowness pale’s in comparison to the new Dreamer. The rainbow bolt is cool, but I wish it was a little bigger or exploded into rainbows or something. I’d much rather have a GIANT rainbow pony shoot out of my staff than a tiny rainbow bolt. Kinda disappointed, and hoping they will fix the Bifrost to match up to it’s rainbow legendary sister weapon.

I completely agree! Bifrost is the definition of flashy and bright, but it seems like now it’s just on the backburner. I was looking forward to being even more glowy with mine (and don’t get me wrong, the new projectile was a GREAT addition), but I’m really disappointed with how little attention it got. Especially after seeing The Dreamer’s new updates, which are over the top in comparison.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sophia.6482


I agree, everything about my Bifrost seems EXACTLY the same, except for the projectile effect. The rainbowness pale’s in comparison to the new Dreamer. The rainbow bolt is cool, but I wish it was a little bigger or exploded into rainbows or something. I’d much rather have a GIANT rainbow pony shoot out of my staff than a tiny rainbow bolt. Kinda disappointed, and hoping they will fix the Bifrost to match up to it’s rainbow legendary sister weapon.

I completely agree! Bifrost is the definition of flashy and bright, but it seems like now it’s just on the backburner. I was looking forward to being even more glowy with mine (and don’t get me wrong, the new projectile was a GREAT addition), but I’m really disappointed with how little attention it got. Especially after seeing The Dreamer’s new updates, which are over the top in comparison.

agreed. i was expecting a nice bigger brighter footfall that lasts a little longer on the ground like others do and i like the new projectile effect but wish it was bigger :/. anyone from anet can reply to this post…is it a bug or something for some weaps to still look the same yet said it was gettin changes on patch notes??

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valhalla.5620


Yea I know right, like I have said in the crafting thread, the footfall effect is exactly the same. Even the dreamer’s footfalls seem to last longer that you are able to leave a long trails behind

ps: Bifrost is the only 2-handed weapon who doesn’t get big shiny footfall. (envy twilight, sunrise, and eternity x_x)

(edited by Valhalla.5620)

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Monstrowhale.9156


I’ve been eagerly awaiting an aesthetic bump for my Incinerator too. But I don’t really see any improvement.

There is still no fiery aura glow or anything like that (like the Hunter, for example) – and while this was not part of the update announcement, even the footfalls are not any better.

If anything, they seem smaller and fade within half a second now. That may be just my perception as I am staring at them too hard, but they are tiny and fade almost instantly :/


Plantbearpig [PONY]

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


The circling coloration that goes around the Bifrost is larger and more vibrant, the projectile is awesome!

Footfalls appear the be the same though. Now, The Dreamer’s footfalls are very nice, its basically the Bifrost footfall + a very clear lucky charm emblem in the center. Perhaps it evens out though, since we have the “glow”, I don’t think The Dreamer gives the user a “glow”.

What about sunrise, twilight, eternity and predator etc. ? They have auras(glow), great weapon trail effects(while using skills) and long+visible footfall effects. I can’t understand why they don’t add visible and long footfalls to bifrost because there’s no reason. They have to make it equal to greatsword counterparts. Nearly every other legendary weapon has better footfalls than bifrost now.

Staff skins are so underrated in this game although they are as common as greatswords by usage density. Also greatswords has more serious, epic look while other legendaries has rainbows, ponies, discoballs etc. They have to rework on this staff from head to toe to give it a serious look. We also need at least 2 selectable color templates for legendary staff. One bright/white color for guardian/ele etc. one dark and gothic color template for necros/evil looking characters.(like sunrise/twilight) I use staff as a primary weapon and I want staves in this game to have epic looks as well.

(edited by Umut.5471)

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solo.9027


One thing I really like about rainbow blasts as an ele is that you can’t tell what my attack will do to you until it hits. It used to be very obvious because of the huge fireball or bolt of electricity bouncing around, now its almost like an added distraction.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leashe.6472


I have to agree, me and my guildmates were scrutinizing my footprints for a good 10 minutes and came to the consensus that they look the same 8C

Another guildie has the dreamer and my footprints are very drab in comparison.

An awfully nitpicky point: As an ele my attacks look really weak and underpowered with the new rainbow shot. I think having the element visible with the rainbow trail would have worked nicely, fireballs streaking rainbows anyone?

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhael.6317


I can confirm that Bifrost’s footfalls have not been changed unless there’s some graphics setting that needs to be enabled or at a certain level to see the new effects.

(The skin seems pretty similar too, but I’m guessing my mind is just playing tricks on me).

I don’t think it’s whiny or such to ask for it to work better – we worked hard for these sticks and don’t have 20-second patches of flowers or rainbow horseshoes following us.

Leafy Lemon of Unrepentant [Uey]
Stormbluff Isle Megaserver, PvX, US

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Renske.6178


This applies to the Moot footfalls as well. No change whatsoever.

New footfall effect according to Dulfy:
Actual footfalls in game:

(edited by Renske.6178)

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isabella.5796


They kittened us over with the promise of better footfalls oh well

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


This also happened to Incinerator , no updates at all indicated by the patch. Another wait and see.. it’s been 2 days already..

play hard , go pro.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isabella.5796


Been 2 hotfixes so far, still nothing. No reply from devs either.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhael.6317


I haven’t found any pictures or videos demonstrating that Bifrost properly has the new footfalls. I have also maxed all of the graphic settings just in case it was being constrained by running a lower shadow rate (it wasn’t). The skin is different – that’s more clear when the settings are maxed – but the same footfall effect is happening in a solo zone with no culling or large amounts of other polygonal clutter.

Leafy Lemon of Unrepentant [Uey]
Stormbluff Isle Megaserver, PvX, US

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Incinerator is definitely the exact same. One of the worst textured footfalls in the game, but at least it lasts long. I still don’t understand why its icy counterpart frostfang got a much cooler footfall and we are left with this bland one.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isabella.5796


For Incinerator, which has 2 different types of footfalls. One that lasts about 1.5 seconds and one that lasts 0.5 seconds. I wish they’d just remove the latter, and make them better. Would improve it so much

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

The Bifrost: Updated the effects and texture to be more detailed and vibrant, enlarged the footfall effects, and added a new projectile.

so only change i see in Bifrost is the new projectile :/ the rest looks the same….

those change are there but they’re so subtle they’re hardly noticeable and on some surfaces the footprints don’t show at all, like for eg on the steps to the to the TP house in LA.

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


The Bifrost: Updated the effects and texture to be more detailed and vibrant, enlarged the footfall effects, and added a new projectile.

so only change i see in Bifrost is the new projectile :/ the rest looks the same….

those change are there but they’re so subtle they’re hardly noticeable and on some surfaces the footprints don’t show at all, like for eg on the steps to the to the TP house in LA.

Current dreamer footfall effects look similar but it has much more intensity.
Bifrost’s footfalls can’t be seen on ~80% of surfaces in the game.
They need to improve bifrost’s footfall visibility/intensity. And footfalls need to be a bit longer.