(edited by Atmaweapon.7345)
Biggest immersion breakers
immursion breakers?
the entirety of questing in GW2.
no I am not exaggerating (ok maybe just a teeny tiny little bit), most every feature of questing in GW2 has been implemented in such a way that it fails to accomplish what questing should, the hiding of the grind (by this i mean that questing is just a grind, always has and always will be, the difference is that questing gets dressed up so it doesn’t SEEM like a grind).
I’m not gonna go into detail here (might make a thread later though), as much as I want to enjoy the game it’s hard to do when everything has been devolved into a grind (questing wise anyway).
On the bug front, it would have to be on my mesmer with staff when I fly backwords with phase retreat just to get stuck under the ground, in combat with the mob dancing over my head so I can not use a way point was stuck that way for nearly 12mins the other day until someone came around and cleared all the mobs so I could leave combat to teleport out.