Biggest immersion breakers

Biggest immersion breakers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmaweapon.7345


What parts of the game just jar you out of the immersion? And which parts of it are intentional bugs?

My biggest peeve is not just invulnerable mobs, but selectively invulnerable mobs. Ok, so I can’t kill something that has no way of fighting back due to terrain. But then those stupid Shadow Imps decide to use their cooldown based ranged attack and then go right back to being invulnerable until the attack is off cooldown again WHILE keeping me in combat. Really? This just stands out more than anything else solely because I can recognize it as balancing mechanic gone horribly wrong.

As for bugs, it has to be NPCs on destructible walls. Hey “Veteran Archer” stop defying gravity and plummet to the ground already. No, DON’T RESPAWN back in the freaking air again!

For non-combat though, npc dialogue loops are of course, the biggest source of annoyance.

(edited by Atmaweapon.7345)

Biggest immersion breakers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

immursion breakers?

the entirety of questing in GW2.

no I am not exaggerating (ok maybe just a teeny tiny little bit), most every feature of questing in GW2 has been implemented in such a way that it fails to accomplish what questing should, the hiding of the grind (by this i mean that questing is just a grind, always has and always will be, the difference is that questing gets dressed up so it doesn’t SEEM like a grind).

I’m not gonna go into detail here (might make a thread later though), as much as I want to enjoy the game it’s hard to do when everything has been devolved into a grind (questing wise anyway).

Biggest immersion breakers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NaughtyOne.6598


On the bug front, it would have to be on my mesmer with staff when I fly backwords with phase retreat just to get stuck under the ground, in combat with the mob dancing over my head so I can not use a way point was stuck that way for nearly 12mins the other day until someone came around and cleared all the mobs so I could leave combat to teleport out.