Birthday Blaster Soulbound?!
I can agree with this. Balance isn’t a consideration since there’s no level restriction, so why soulbind this?
I can agree with this. Balance isn’t a consideration since there’s no level restriction, so why soulbind this?
Key farmers?
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Because each character will get one when they have a 2 yr. birthday…..
I can agree with this. Balance isn’t a consideration since there’s no level restriction, so why soulbind this?
Key farmers?
Treat it as a weapon,
set a level restriction to it, level 10.
account bound.
anet, please
Because each character will get one when they have a 2 yr. birthday…..
That’s the issue here. I have only about two or three characters that are at the two year mark. My most recent, and my now current main is about one month old that I rushed to 80 and put a commander tag on. I originally was a Charr Warrior to go the Rytlock route cause lets face it, he’s mostly everyone’s favorite. However, I was growing bored of the warrior for awhile and saw how Guardians played out around the first Halloween event. Thankfully, I already reserved a Guardian with a name during early access and began leveling him during Halloween.
Fast forward to about a month or two ago, my guardian became increasingly annoying to play. I enjoyed having a semi-large health pool. I am mainly a martial-gameplay player. I enjoy being on the offensive. At first, Guardians had this for me. After recent balances and nerfs, guardians became more paladin like and more support base. I couldn’t even push myself past 14k health pool and I felt really squishy in some areas if I wanted to be a damage type. That left a huge distaste in the game for me for awhile cause I felt “trapped” to that character since I put so much progress on that character.
I moved from my Charr Warrior due to the fact that I just can’t stand playing the Charr model. It’s clunky, hard to judge distances and jumps with, and just too large for me. At first it was fun, but now; not so much. So about a month ago, I made a Human Warrior and I rushed it to 80 in about 48 hours. Woo! Good for me, finally got my dream character. With the new wardrobe system, I didn’t need to go farm Arah again for three weeks straight to get my favorite armor skin (The Arah Plate Gear). I could simply use my transmutations from before the wardrobe update or exploration and use it on exotic gear of the stats I needed. Cool. I ended up also purchasing a Commander Tag for my human warrior to further push me to play that character and progress past the campaign and exploration that I had already done on my Guardian so I can officially put my guardian to rest.
However, now on my main; I have an age of one or two months. I have to wait about two whole years to have this functionality on my character I worked my butt off to get? It’s giving me another reason to lock myself to my guardian once again which is unfortunate. If I reach the account age of two years, it should be made account bound and usable on any of my selected characters as I desire. Specially as a now commander who is attempting to lead events, these cakes the rifle shoots out would be extremely useful for a commander to pass out to participants of that event.
This rifle has a lot of usefulness out on the field. It shouldn’t be locked to just one character. I shouldn’t have to wait another two years to obtain one. If I have it, I want to use it. It should be made account wide. Not soulbound.
I agree I also no longer play char what I create first day.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Having it account bound would make it completely redundant as a birthday gift on all other two year old characters. It would also defeat the purpose of specific gifts for birthdays. You wouldn’t expect your five year old brother to get a car on your sixteenth birthday as you did right? The ‘Loyal’ title refers to being loyal to a created character, not for being loyal to the game. Although, the title IS account bound which doesn’t make any sense and, IMO, should be changed. All of the character specific titles should really.
Because each character will get one when they have a 2 yr. birthday…..
^This. It is a reward for the character’s age not how long you have been playing. I can see some reasons for not making them account bound. I don’t have most of the characters I started with or deleted some and recreated. Only one from day one and I don’t play him much. I have no problem with this soul bound decision. I will wait until each character’s birthday and be happy about it.
Why not make it account bound? I purposely dropped two of my earlier characters to focus on a class I actually enjoy. The Birthday Blaster actually seems useful, but now it’s giving me more of a reason to trap myself to the other characters I don’t want to play. Why not make our birthday items account bound (except for the Skill Point Scrolls, I can see the balance in that.).
I would like to use this blaster across all my characters. Dx Who else is with me here?
Birthday gifts are based on your character age. It appears you are suggesting that Anet change it from Character age to account age. Then you’d only get one birthday gift for each account. Then altholics would be upset because they have 10 characters to share one blaster. shrug
“Thanks for the awesome cake cannon that I didn’t have before, ANet, but I don’t play my 2 yr. character anymore so it’s useless”
Well, pretend you never got it then, and it’s like nothing even happened.
how did you survive your younger siblings birthday as a child? (if you have one…)
oh well… this thread it’s funny… there is a fact that it should be considerate:
your toon is the birthday-boy, not you… so it’s OK that all stuff that your toon recieved in his gift is soulbounded…
what is not OK..? well… those things that your toon recieve… I mean… the first birthday gift was awfull (I already have 9 mini-jennah)… and this… its the same joke (to-20-lvl scroll..? really..?)… LOL…
MAYBE if your toon gets a random (AND SPECIAL) gift from a reward pool (IDK… special skins or special minis that only can be gotten from birthday-gift… It’ll be MORE cute…)
you want account bound stuff..? maybe you should suggest a birthday-gift based on your real birthday…. but I’d prefer suggest the random pool….
A lot of people are white knighting saying it’s your characters birthday. If that were true, why the account wide minis? Why the account wide scrolls? Why the account wide birthday boosters? That argument becomes invalid when 3/4th’s of the entire birthday package is account wide in the first place.
True, birthdays were meant for that character alone, however; even in Guild Wars 1, the stuff you got was made available to transfer to all of your toons and even trade. So you’re argument isn’t valid when it was mostly common practice to reward the character for you to enjoy on your account. Not on that specific character.
Not only that, when the recent changes this year; mostly everything is being made account wide because the majority of the community had requested it. Account wide Legendary, Account Wide Commander Tag, Account Wide Wardrobe, etc. From the direction ArenaNet is taking, they are trying to make it so all of your work and progress you make effects all of your characters, not just one specific toon.
So, again. Where is your argument?
I have to agree with this. I have 9 toons, 4 of them were made within 1-2 months of the game launch and I only use one of them currently. my original toon is a norn ele, and now my main is a human ele that I made a month ago. ughhh
I don’t have a problem as I created all 5 of my characters on start day, and still play all 5 to this day, but I agree that having it account bound wouldn’t cause any issues as far as I can see.
Kinda screws over everyone who has created a character recently. Most long term players have multiple characters. I myself have 5 plus a deleted 80 necro (lol) and the inital characters i made when i first started playing are not the ones I play now that i know more about the classes and have found the ones i want to main.
I wouldn’t mind seeing 1 account bound birthday reward given out based on account age. I didn’t need 5 mini queen jennahs from the first birthday and i don’t need 5 birthday blasters from this one.
1 that i could trade around would be awesome.
i know i’d kill for it on my keyfarmer XD
not just for the stat boost, but the swiftness would go lovely with Corpse Toss!
It doesn’t really bother me that it’s soulbound, since all of my characters will eventually get one when their birthday rolls around (which is kind of the purpose anyway).
A lot of people are white knighting saying it’s your characters birthday. If that were true, why the account wide minis? Why the account wide scrolls? Why the account wide birthday boosters? That argument becomes invalid when 3/4th’s of the entire birthday package is account wide in the first place.
True, birthdays were meant for that character alone, however; even in Guild Wars 1, the stuff you got was made available to transfer to all of your toons and even trade. So you’re argument isn’t valid when it was mostly common practice to reward the character for you to enjoy on your account. Not on that specific character.
Not only that, when the recent changes this year; mostly everything is being made account wide because the majority of the community had requested it. Account wide Legendary, Account Wide Commander Tag, Account Wide Wardrobe, etc. From the direction ArenaNet is taking, they are trying to make it so all of your work and progress you make effects all of your characters, not just one specific toon.
So, again. Where is your argument?
I almost always invalidates what a person says when they start using terms like “White Knighting” and “Fan Boy”. It is completely banal and trite. Those kinds of terms are used to try and insult others when they don’t agree with you. If you didn’t agree with at least some of what the developers of this game has done, why are you playing? I don’t understand why a person can’t make their argument without name calling.
To answer your question, there is no argument. The gun being soul bound is what Anet decided to do so deal with it. This isn’t “white knighting” it is accepting reality.
Making it soulbound isn’t really an issue. All of your characters will eventually get one anyway, so the need to swap them around isn’t there.
That said, I do wonder if us headstarters will be getting another birthday gift on the 28 like we did last year.