As the title says, I think that the Black Citadel needs an overhaul. My reasons for this are many, but let’s just start on the graphics first. Compared to every other city, it looks positively dated. Blocky, poorly rendered buildings, stretched metal textures extending in a sea of grey, an abundance of low-res textures as well, it just doesn’t look appealing or modern in comparison to the visual feast we have in every other city, and especially Divinity’s Reach. What strikes me about it is that we know from the early trailers that the dev team went back and did a total overhaul on the Citadel at some point to create the look we have now, and that look has not aged well at all.
Alright, next big issue for me on this one is the ability to believe that this place is actually a city that people live in, and more importantly, an Iron Legion city. I get that the area was meant to feel like it’s been built up in layers over the centuries since the fall of Ascalon around the ‘core’ of the ruins of Rin, and to a great extent this has been managed, but in the wrong way. I simply don’t see a city that an Iron Legion engineer could have designed, purely because what we’re presented with is an indefensible mess of iron and steel that’s been lashed together in a very haphazard fashion.
There are no actual walls, rather curved screens for things to hide behind and massive, jutting steel overhangs that don’t look like they can support the weight of anything atop them, and are only there to be a waste of metal. Where are the tall, stout walls with inner layers of ramparts, the gun platforms, the firing slits for riflemen and the layers of cannon laid out in rings of steel that actually make tactical sense?
And while I’ve mentioned weight, why is every ‘road’ in the city made of mesh grating that barely looks like it could hold an Asura’s weight, let alone that of the siege engines we see parked next to the main gate? And let’s not even go into the impracticality of walking across something that should realistically snare your foot at every step. There are so many areas of the Citadel that simply scream ‘waste of metal!’ I get it. It’s the Iron Legion, they’re meant to be renowned for scrapping things together in order to make great results, but the massive scrapyard that is the Citadel isn’t worthy of them.
So, what would I suggest to improve on this? I’d say you need to redesign the city on a few fundamental levels:
First and foremost, less metal. The first images we saw of the Citadel showcased a city made of black stone wreathed in metal, with a lot of fires all over the place and brilliantly colored banners hanging from the walls. That needs to come back, because right now we need something to break up the endless grey of the city that isn’t a ruined stone structure.
Perhaps actually incorporate the ruins more into the actual fabric of the buildings, as if the Charr are using them as actual foundations rather than something to simply lean their buildings against. Seeing a building with a metal exterior surrounding a stone interior looks far better than having steel everywhere.
Give the city actual, proper roads and walkways that aren’t made of metal. Use the old black stone, the stone from the epicenter of the Searing, to make the Black Citadel live up to it’s name and to actually make players believe that the walkways are something meant to be trodden on, and not something that’s supposed to be used as a garden trellis. It would also draw the eyes of the player more towards areas that you want to stand out, like the Bane arena and the Imperator’s Core, as well as the statues that simply blend into the city as it is because of it’s bland color palette.
Give the city actual walls. Divinity’s Reach does this well, because the walls there actually look thick and sturdy enough to survive an assault, and you can actually believe that people can fight from those areas. The current Citadel ‘defenses’ look like they’d topple over under their own weight at the gentlest shove, and need to be replaced with proper stone walls reinforced with metal that actually look like they’re stable structures than an engineer has designed and then reinforced over the centuries.
Make the city look believable as a city. A weird suggestion, I know, but right now it feels more like a factory than anything else. I know that this is a soldier society whose citizens live in rather spartan conditions, but as it stands every part of the city except for the Gladium’s Canton feels sterile and unlived in. Where are the personal effects, the areas that you can tell a warband has actually bedded down in for an extended period? Where are the food stores, the smaller forges actually being worked?
Right now we see tonnes of chimneys and the like emerging from the walls, and that’s great, but they don’t actually seem to have any practical use other than as something to break up a static skyline. Compare this to Divinity. You can point at somewhere and go ‘Oh, that’s a tavern, oh, that’s a peasant’s house, a noble’s house, a workshop’. Compare this to the Citadel’s large variety of rather wonky metal constructions. I defy you to point at them and say anything other than ‘Uhhh… Maybe it’s part of an oil refinery..?’
So, that’s my issues with the Citadel, and my suggestions for it. Anyone else agree with what I’m saying, and have other suggestions?