Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marksman.6453


Title says it all.


What will/should Anet do to keep its playerbase?

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OtterPaws.2036


Nothing, vastly different game that meets a different audience.

~Hart Warband~
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvantaman.3617


lol last month was like..
Blade and Soul is coming.. not that much happened

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


Wait a couple of months for it to bomb like every other game that was touted to crush GW2?

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


Nothing with happen with BD. BD has no PvE end game and GW2s PvP is basically ded anyway so not like they can steal much of the playerbase.


Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Well BDO isn’t going to do anything to this game. Sorry.

But what Anet could do to actually bring people in is simple. Give them Content, Fix that game mode something with castles forget really…..and oh yeah Develop other meaningful modes of competitive PvP (TDM / TDM-e)

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


what mmo is worth playing besides gw2, bdo and bns?

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drennon.7190


lol last month was like..
Blade and Soul is coming.. not that much happened

BnS has more twitch viewers and players. Anet killed my favorite game. People are leaving by the masses, you just don’t feel it because of the megaservers.


Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Anet’s going to keep doing what it does. Guild Wars 2 caters to a specific crowd of players, while Black Desert and Blade & Soul will cater to others.

Wouldn’t surprise me if there was a small, temporary sale of Heart of Thorns that coincided with Black Desert’s initial release. Granted, that’s more for attracting new players and solidifying a sale with free-account players – which are part of the player base anyway.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huttunen.8309


Anet is already killing their game on their own, another games are not doing it for them

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OtterPaws.2036


lol last month was like..
Blade and Soul is coming.. not that much happened

BnS has more twitch viewers and players. Anet killed my favorite game. People are leaving by the masses, you just don’t feel it because of the megaservers.

Every hyped MMO has a large amount of viewers on twitch for like the first month or so, that isnt really a way to tell if its successful or nah.

~Hart Warband~
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drennon.7190


More people are watching Tera right now than GW2. I know twitch viewers aren’t everything, but it really does have a large influence on people trying/returning to the game. I logged on for the first time in a month and pretty much my friends list was all offline. Where as December there was ~20 of those people online at any given moment. Since HoT, this game as gone down the toilet. PvE is a giant grind. Masteries, map meta events, and ascended armor require a painful amount of repeating stale can content. PvP was plagued with crazy power creep, poor balance, and an easily exploitable league system. WvW… Where do I even begin?

Oh and let’s not forget the content that I paid for and still haven’t received.
-missing raid wings
-legendary armor
-WvW overhaul
-complete set of new legendary weapons


Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


More people are watching Tera right now than GW2. I know twitch viewers aren’t everything, but it really does have a large influence on people trying/returning to the game. I logged on for the first time in a month and pretty much my friends list was all offline. Where as December there was ~20 of those people online at any given moment. Since HoT, this game as gone down the toilet. PvE is a giant grind. Masteries, map meta events, and ascended armor require a painful amount of repeating stale can content. PvP was plagued with crazy power creep, poor balance, and an easily exploitable league system. WvW… Where do I even begin?

Oh and let’s not forget the content that I paid for and still haven’t received.
-missing raid wings
-legendary armor
-WvW overhaul
-complete set of new legendary weapons

LMAO! Okay. Terra has 195 viewers and Guild Wars 2 has a 155 so a difference of 40 views. With no one notable streaming it’s entirely meaningless. You’d have to track this for days at all hours of the day and night to get an idea of whether or not one game is more popular than another and it would still only be twitch views.

Guild Wars 2 never really did well on twitch anyway, but during SPvP tournaments (none of which are on now) it does better than it does now. Since we’re between seasons and tournaments, it hardly matters who has more players.

It’s like the number of people on a reddit. Before the FFXIV expansion came out, FFXIV was kicked our kitten every day. That simmered down over a couple of months and now we have more people on our reddit than they do.

Does it mean anything? Nah.

Right now we have 644 people on our reddit and Tera has 34.

That’s a lot more than 40 viewers.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Those stiff animations, and the meaningless customization, and the repetitive killing, Tera is awful…

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Funniest part is that players who whined that ascended gear give too big advantage and takes too much grind to get it hype black desert.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Nothing with happen with BD. BD has no PvE end game and GW2s PvP is basically ded anyway so not like they can steal much of the playerbase.

And i don’t see GW2 PvP players grinding mobs 24/7 so they can compete in PvP. Black desert is game for player who like to grind and play PvP against worse geared players.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sird.4536


Nothing will happen. First you have to buy BDO unlike BnS which was f2p. People that bought the expansion will think twice paying for another game. Also it is a Korean based game and anyone who has played a Korean based game will know that the ‘grind’ in gw2 is a lot better than what you will get in BDO, and the rng is a lot worse as well. Once players get their hentai fix they will come back.

RP enthusiast

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mosferre.1246


That being said Sird – my understanding is that BDO is foremost a Trading Game? The thing that puts me off more than anything is the Hentai/Korean/Japanese roots :/

I came, I saw, I continued watching as I’m a newbie…

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jeezlaweez.6810


honestly, BDO didn’t offer a gameplay as good as here. And most of ppl are getting fooled by the “OMGARHD, Character Creation” which in fact is pretty locked by the job classes. In the end, an Girl Archer will be pretty similar to another girl archer, unless you put the sliders to the end (which, GW2 can do too).

Samuel Hart – lvl 80 Necro and 20 more toons… well. Yeah.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rozer.8042


im tired of wing wing wing chicken wing bat wing robot wing … ecc ecc im installing swtor and i play some good sw stories

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolbo Baggins.8594

Bolbo Baggins.8594

Black Desert, generic korean grinder nr how many, a threat? Within a year everyone forgot about it (just like Blade and Soul).
The only threat to guildwars is arenanet themselves in my opinion.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gudy.3607


That being said Sird – my understanding is that BDO is foremost a Trading Game?

Trading is certainly one of the major things to do, but only one of them. The main things about BDO seem to be grinding mobs, an insanely complex (and grindy) crafting system, and PvP. And RNGesus to rule the thing in a way that makes the Mystic Toilet look like a model of deterministic behaviour.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CadeRG.4508


No game THAT similar to Archeage could be good.

Vaulting daredevil leap frog teef of AoE destruction

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


im tired of wing wing wing chicken wing bat wing robot wing … ecc ecc im installing swtor and i play some good sw stories

Go darkside scrapper. I haven’t played the game in ages but the PvP was sick (especially Voidstar) and the spaceship minigame where you can gain actual experience was cool. One time I felt really awesome by knocking an NPC over a railing with a grenade and I was all, “See ya!” then I killed the other NPCs but didn’t clear the game…the one I knocked over was still alive and that kinda killed the experience. I think it was right around the time I got the Mandalorian girl.

The class mechanics themselves however were like WoW’s but simpler and more homogenized. For example paladins could do stuff that only paladins could do, same with rogues (smoke bomb especially came in handy when you knew how to use it and GW2 is due for such a skill. It basically creates an AoE field that doesn’t allow targetting anyone in the field) while classes other than scrapper had AoE blinds. What I like about Guild Wars 2 more is the relative flexibility of classes. I remember a raid where my guild in SWTOR was bombing (it was the part right after the falling floor) so my scrapper who was specced and geared for DPS had to pick up some of the healing slack.

“All about them blasters and gadgets, blasters and gadgets, not the force.”

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cryorion.9532


Nothing, vastly different game that meets a different audience.

Different audience? I loved GW2 before anet destroyed its game. It used to be my most favorite game and I spent so much time playing it as I loved it. Now I don’t bother anymore and I cannot wait for BDO whether it is going to be good or not, we shall see.

I am not saying that I will never come back to GW2, but I will not if anet doesn’t start keeping their promises (yes, cats and empty plate).

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


This thread pops up every time a new game or expansion launches. Same topic. Same conversation. The only thing that changes is the competition named.

Blade & Soul
… etc etc


Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


What will/should Anet do to keep its playerbase?

Give us Lord Faren’s jungle outfit as an actual outfit?

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Nothing, vastly different game that meets a different audience.

Different audience? I loved GW2 before anet destroyed its game. It used to be my most favorite game and I spent so much time playing it as I loved it. Now I don’t bother anymore and I cannot wait for BDO whether it is going to be good or not, we shall see.

I am not saying that I will never come back to GW2, but I will not if anet doesn’t start keeping their promises (yes, cats and empty plate).

When you say stuff like this, don’t complain when Anet says nothing about anything until it’s ready. Because that’s the alternative to their “breaking promises”. Stuff takes longer than anticipated, oh it’s a broken promise. Okay.

As for Black Desert and BDO, let’s see how you feel about those games three years down the line. Because I think it’s unlikely you’ll make it 3 months in either of those games if this was a game you really liked. Those games are open world PvP centric, they’re designed around grind. Not optional grind either…required grind. Games like Black Desert will get Guild Wars 2 more players in the long run. Anyone who likes a game like that isn’t going to like this game much anyway.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


lol last month was like..
Blade and Soul is coming.. not that much happened

BnS has more twitch viewers and players. Anet killed my favorite game. People are leaving by the masses, you just don’t feel it because of the megaservers.

BnS is also the “New Hotness” Right now next to black desert. It will taper off in a month or two.

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaikonSamurai.6714


honestly, BDO didn’t offer a gameplay as good as here. And most of ppl are getting fooled by the “OMGARHD, Character Creation” which in fact is pretty locked by the job classes. In the end, an Girl Archer will be pretty similar to another girl archer, unless you put the sliders to the end (which, GW2 can do too).

Yeah I DL’d the character creator. It’s freely available. Moveable/resizable tattoos, all those minute face sections you can shift around, widen/lengthen limbs, shifting the hair around! It was amazing and I wish I could have a lot of those things here, but it did turn out to be surprisingly limiting. Apparently they’re changing from the Korean version so classes aren’t gender locked, but even then each class is locked to a specific base body type. Place is gonna be full of Ian McKellen Gandalf wizards…

The whole time I just kept thinking “I can’t make Yoda with this”, “nor Mickey Mouse”, “maybe Piccolo, but could he have antennae?”, “Disney’s Beast?”

Just having Sylvari, Asura, and Charr available to all classes is surprisingly more liberating.

I’ll try BDO, probably will have fun, but so far not expecting I’ll stay there long.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Will have fun in BDO because i go in with no expectations (apart from a crazy character creation screen). GW2 i had high expectations that gradually got worst over time so i can’t have a good time in it anymore because of the disappointment level “having expectations of someone” creates.

Also for the self proclaimed experts here. What’s the difference between GW2 (now) and what you call a korean grinder? Make a list.

When this game came out the differences where clear and GW2 was miles away…but when i play it (now) it feels more and more like there’s absolutely no difference between it and a korean grinder in mechanics. It’s actually worst considering the rewards in this game.

PS. Comparing pay2win cash shops to skin2win cash shops is not a valid comparison. I am talking about the overall feeling of the game, mechanics wise, time spent doing the same thing over and over, time spent doing things that are NOT “over and over again”..amount of those things, the rewards u get for doing that etc.

Personally, GW2 (NOW) for me is the mirror image of a Korean grinder, but compared to a traditional grinder, this one doesn’t give u the impression of progression or “getting rewarded for your time spent” whatever you might do and in which the real goal/reward of the game are skins which makes it a skin2win game seeing that 9/10 skins u have to buy of the cash shop. Gem conversion what does it mean? “Instead of paying $$ for a skin, you use your time in order to grind gold which you convert and buy that item”, which means “you can obtain anything over time if you spend enough time”. That rule can be applied to p2w games also. “Buy potion X for $$ that makes you kill things faster at a lower level” (random example). Yes, but if you play enough, you will eventually not need that potion. Same goal…obtaining something faster ($$) over obtaining something slower (time). In p2w games it might be to go into a dungeon which is hard (endgame content), in gw2 is for obtaining a skin (sadly considered endgame content)

(edited by Rebound.3409)

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

People are leaving by the masses, you just don’t feel it because of the megaservers.

What’s your evidence for this? People always come & go from MMOs, especially this one, since there’s no subscription, which means players can stop|start without taking any action other than logging in (or not).

It seems to me that more maps are more populated more of the time, even as I see some veterans leaving (for RL, due to burn out after 3 years, and, sure, due to being unimpressed — or worse — with the expac).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


pve oriented players will continue to stay in gw2, though i already have a few pve oriented playrers quitting the game, citing changes bought by the expansion to existing contents as reasons.
while pvx/pvp/wvw players will be seen moving on becoz the stats of pvp and wvw aren’t at the best now.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jinroh.4251


GW 2 is like in the top five of MMOs. I don’t think it has anything to fear from Black Desert despite how much people complain about the game.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


That being said Sird – my understanding is that BDO is foremost a Trading Game?

Trading is certainly one of the major things to do, but only one of them. The main things about BDO seem to be grinding mobs, an insanely complex (and grindy) crafting system, and PvP. And RNGesus to rule the thing in a way that makes the Mystic Toilet look like a model of deterministic behaviour.

Complex crafting in relation to what? Some people have referred to crafting as complex GW2 as well and the only thing remotely complex is cooking and that has more to do with intermediates cluttering up your inventory.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


With how horribly sexist Black Desert is, playing it isn’t really an option for me. I prefer immersive games that allow me to create characters similar to myself. On release there’ll only be one option for me to play a human male and he’ll be locked to Warrior only. (Wizard is locked to being an elderly old man, even though Witch is a young lolicon…?)
I never play Warrior/Tank classes in vidya games. He also has limited customization making him unrelatable to myself since it’s either big caveman jock or bigger cavemen jock instead of making a skinny agile type character. =/ Boring.

Maybe I’ll take another look at it when they add a male Archer, Tamer or Sorcerer if I’m not too bitter still. Korea seems to hate diversity more than the dude who designs Medium armor in GW2.

I’m happy here with GW2 where any gender and race can fill any class role and have different ways of playing each~ support/direct dps/condition/bunker~

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

(edited by Doggie.3184)

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


BDO is a PvP oriented sandbox game. I wonder if Trion is worried about taking players from Archeage? At least that game targets a similar demographic. GW2 is neither PvP oriented (in the world) nor a sandbox. Worst case scenario is GW2 will lose those players who want open PvP in GW2 PvE. Oh, darn.

I think Anet has bigger retention concerns than BDO, like making sure people don’t get bored and leave because they dislike HoT and find the core game stale after 3.5 years.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The class mechanics themselves however were like WoW’s but simpler and more homogenized. For example paladins could do stuff that only paladins could do, same with rogues (smoke bomb especially came in handy when you knew how to use it and GW2 is due for such a skill. It basically creates an AoE field that doesn’t allow targetting anyone in the field) while classes other than scrapper had AoE blinds.

Sounds like unless you mean an exact copy.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jinroh.4251


With how horribly sexist Black Desert is, playing it isn’t really an option for me. I prefer immersive games that allow me to create characters similar to myself. On release there’ll only be one option for me to play a human male and he’ll be locked to Warrior only. (Wizard is locked to being an elderly old man, even though Witch is a young lolicon…?)
I never play Warrior/Tank classes in vidya games. He also has limited customization making him unrelatable to myself since it’s either big caveman jock or bigger cavemen jock instead of making a skinny agile type character. =/ Boring.

Maybe I’ll take another look at it when they add a male Archer, Tamer or Sorcerer if I’m not too bitter still. Korea seems to hate diversity more than the dude who designs Medium armor in GW2.

I’m happy here with GW2 where any gender and race can fill any class role and have different ways of playing each~ support/direct dps/condition/bunker~

Well I never knew that. Geesh. How do these games even make it on our side of the ocean?

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xupok Moonheart.9412

Xupok Moonheart.9412

Black Desert Online, restricted to regions as licensed by Pearl Abyss will not as in fact you think OP, make any difference to Guild Wars 2’s player base. The sheer impudence that a Korean gaming license forces freedom of play is not just denying basic new age internet rights for freedom but also touches on racism based on their licensed regions.
Make up your own free mind, BDO will not have my support ever.

[Gamers Repulic of South Africa]

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Black Desert Online, restricted to regions as licensed by Pearl Abyss will not as in fact you think OP, make any difference to Guild Wars 2’s player base. The sheer impudence that a Korean gaming license forces freedom of play is not just denying basic new age internet rights for freedom but also touches on racism based on their licensed regions.
Make up your own free mind, BDO will not have my support ever.

as far as i know
their agreement on the region block is everywhere else other than east asia and south east asia, anything goes.

this means that BDO is made available to people across NA, EU, OCX. gw2 majority player base come from NA and EU.

edit: not only that, it is b2p which what makes gw2 stand out from many. that is to say, b2p itself is already very tempting.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Grinding can be addictive, even when is totally goal-less. Have you never heard of Cookie clicker or any “incremental game”? “Korean-style” MMOs follow that pattern, just a bit more taxing on the player: repetitive, non involving mechanics whose major attractive is the illusion of advancement through massive (and required) accumulation of numbers.

IMO GW2 is still far, far, far away from this style of play. We can still simply take a walk around and enjoy the world, kill something just for the sake of killing it (Or skip it just because we are not in the mood), and literally forget about the “goals” or “rewards” we could obtain, because that advancement mechanic is not mandatory. I agree that some activities need to get better rewards and some goals demand a lot of repetition… but as long as those aren’t really required to keep playing, I will consider those as unpolished phenomena, rather than a true grind.

IMO, that we see so many complaints about the grinding and reward balance on GW2 is actually a GOOD symptom. It indicates people still care enough to compain instead of simply surrender to the grind or plainly leaving the game.

So, going back to the central argument of the thread: No, BDO doesn’t seems to be direct competition to GW2. Only the reward oriented and already grind-focused players will leave for such a game. I doubt they are as many as some think, and their leaving will simply force ANet to strenghten the exploring, pve focused, non grindy aspects, which is good.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Russian BDO suddenly got region locked to CIS + baltic states.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Comparing BDO to GW2 is like comparing Street Fighter to Mortal Kombat. They are so different it’s not even funny.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I think BnS has more to lose then GW2 if we are talking about Ncsoft. Anet not going to lose much vs that.
BD kind of looks bad as is and very grindly i am not sure where this hype is coming from other then its something new.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


i am not sure where this hype is coming from other then its something new.

It comes from hope. You know, that final plague that was stuck in the very bottom of Pandora’s Box. Yeah, that kind of hope.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


It’s the new shiny, people will try it. I have a friend who pre-ordered, so I’ll use a trial key to form my own opinion. But having watched a video that starts a series of explanations of the game, this one being the overview, I am pretty darn sure GW2 won’t lose any appreciable amount of players for long as a result of BDO. Grind is integral, as others have noted, and the spin on that the video guy gave was “you’ll have to grind a lot of mobs, but the combat system is fluid enough that it’s fun to use it.” He also noted that it’s rather easy to kill groups of mobs at once.

So mindless risk-free grinding where you can’t advance at any reasonable speed if you only spend an hour or two a day on it (directly stated by more than one video) seems unlikely to me to hold onto GW2 players used to seeing actual progress.

RP might do it, helped by what I’ve been told about players not being attackable until they hit level 50, which they only reach if they do a specific quest to level up. So ganking RPers won’t be a thing so long as the RPers have no level 50 alts. Also the character customization is pretty cool but you really have to fight with it to get even small changes to parts of the face, if you’re trying to radically change from the base they’ve selected for the class. I was able to do a merely middle aged wizard (I would show him but I don’t think I should link images from another game here) and a grown woman sorceress, but I couldn’t get the beast tamer out of her late teens. Oh and the giggling. Omg the giggling. Go through the emote animations in creation and suffer through the little girl giggling and toe twisting … lowering the voice octave only does so much.

I think this really is just another “oh noes there is a new game the old games are dooooooomed” thread.

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


from what i hear the only good thing BDO has is the character creator

(more like character editor as Professions are race and gender locked)

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Play some Sega classics like Golden Axe, Alterbeast, and Streets of Rage 1/2. Till we get some new content.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Black Desert - Anet's Comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Play some Sega classics like Golden Axe, Alterbeast, and Streets of Rage 1/2. Till we get some new content.

sega are traitors
never gave PSO2 and yet they rub PSO2 anime on our faces, shameful display