Black Feathered Wings backpack

Black Feathered Wings backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goobus.3162



Hello all,

I just came back after 2yrs and saw these amazing black and white wings that people have on their back. I read that it was on the gem store but I’m guessing it was for a limited time? Does anyone know when it will come back to the store?



Black Feathered Wings backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IchigoHatake.5098



It was on sale a couple weeks ago, so it won’t be on sale for a while Hopefully they will put it back on sale for wintersday events.

Black Feathered Wings backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goobus.3162


ah right. Thanks for the answer. I hope it comes back out again too. I want one aye haha

Black Feathered Wings backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Figlilly.3907


I was the same. I took a break for about eight months and one of the first things I saw on my return was a player wearing the black wings. I was stunned. I had to get a pair.

Finally I managed to nab some white wings but it has taken me months to finally get the right character to wear them. I now have my tall, blonde haired Norn revenant. She looks like a gigantic albino moth but I don’t care

They have been back in the gem shop a few times now but I am sure they will be back. They are very popular.

Black Feathered Wings backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathanizer.3716


They are actually removing all gear from the game and making all itemization wing-based.