Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haplessGOON.4236


I posted this in the players helping players section and after 150 views nobody had anything to say, I think that says something about the general confusion about these tools. I don’t know if they’re bugged or what. I’ve used 2 of them (50 gathers total) all on orichalcum ores and haven’t received any rare materials or any extra ore. What gives?

From the wiki:

“Extremely efficient at gathering resources and uncovering rare components. "

It has done nothing that a normal orr pick wouldn’t do…. 3 ore from each node.

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farroo.6539



They want you to believe they are the best you can have so that you will buy them from the cash shop when in reality you are spot on, they are no different than the 4s ones from merchants.

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haplessGOON.4236


I really doubt that they would intentionally mislead and lie to us to make money. In the end that would have the opposite effect once people figured it out. Plus, I don’t believe you can buy these from the bltc. I got both of them as rewards from either chest or quest (can’t remember).

Does anyone else know? How about you anet? Any response to this? What are these tools supposed to be used for? I frequently find that the wiki isn’t very detailed….

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raap.9065


I did a little bit of testing with these aswell and noticed no difference. I hope it stays that way though, so let’s not give them idea’s for more “it’s not an advantage it’s a convenience to earn more in the same timeframe than others” cash shop items.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s been brought up quite often over the last month and I’ve yet to see an official response or acknowledgement. It’s likely a bug, though either way the item description is very misleading.

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PalmTrees.3796


I’ve gotten them as rewards as well. My perception was that they were worse than regular tools. I’d swap between them and get more rares (gems, etc) using the regular. Clearly not scientific or statistically rigorous testing, just my observations.