Blizzard/ Nostalrius
There will always be mistakes made, alot of players do not agree with you and in their eyes Anet made big mistakes with HoT. I myself have had my ups and downs about liking what Anet have done but still GW2 is to me the best MMO I have ever played and I am sure I will continue to like this game the most for a very long time. I beleave in Anet, they are doing a darn good job.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Well in their defence, not closing it down and not protecting their copyright, would probably have caused much greater problems with setting a precedent for allowing infringement. Hence why so many lawsuits that seem so silly and petty get filed. It is the unfortunate nature of the copyright law in certain countries.
On topic for GW2 however, it is more interesting to see such a (seemingly) high % of accounts who wanted to play the original format. Expansions can have the effect of changing the game beyond recognition and it isn’t the first MMO to derail due to excessive exapcs (LOTRO..). GW2 isn’t suffering quite in that regard, although it veered a little off course with HoT in some places, but it goes to show what a fine balance between progressing an MMO and keeping the vision which attracted so many in the first place.
Well in their defence, not closing it down and not protecting their copyright, would probably have caused much greater problems with setting a precedent for allowing infringement. Hence why so many lawsuits that seem so silly and petty get filed. It is the unfortunate nature of the copyright law in certain countries.
On topic for GW2 however, it is more interesting to see such a (seemingly) high % of accounts who wanted to play the original format. Expansions can have the effect of changing the game beyond recognition and it isn’t the first MMO to derail due to excessive exapcs (LOTRO..). GW2 isn’t suffering quite in that regard, although it veered a little off course with HoT in some places, but it goes to show what a fine balance between progressing an MMO and keeping the vision which attracted so many in the first place.
Ehh… it’s not like the developers of this game don’t radically change the game without an expansion. Remember when we had to unlock traits by doing specific events scattered throughout the world? (And nobody ever rolled another alt until that was discontinued) And we can’t forget the still-present NPE and butchering of the Personal Story.
Fun fact for you: Arenanet was actually founded by people who broke away from Blizzard early in the development of WoW because they disagreed with the way the game was going and wanted to make their own.
It’s kind of funny to me because I was (and am) a huge fan of the Warcraft RTS series so I was following the news about WoW closely and I started to think it wasn’t going to be the game I’d imagined for years (I’d been wanting a Warcraft RPG since WC2 came out) right around the time I heard rumors that there had been a massive schism at Blizzard and “about half the company” had split, including some really senior guys. Then that got downgraded to actually just a few people (I heard between 3 and 5) and I decided it wasn’t that big of a deal and stopped paying attention.
I should really have kept following that news more closely because it would have made discovering what rapidly became my favourite game (and later games) much easier.
As it is I only picked up the trail again when I saw my brother playing this weird game where he was fighting these huge horned cat monster things in this crazy blasted landscape with crystals everywhere (I think it was the Fort Ranik mission but to this day I’m not sure). He told me it was an MMO without a subscription fee and I was sold.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Well in their defence, not closing it down and not protecting their copyright, would probably have caused much greater problems with setting a precedent for allowing infringement. Hence why so many lawsuits that seem so silly and petty get filed. It is the unfortunate nature of the copyright law in certain countries.
On topic for GW2 however, it is more interesting to see such a (seemingly) high % of accounts who wanted to play the original format. Expansions can have the effect of changing the game beyond recognition and it isn’t the first MMO to derail due to excessive exapcs (LOTRO..). GW2 isn’t suffering quite in that regard, although it veered a little off course with HoT in some places, but it goes to show what a fine balance between progressing an MMO and keeping the vision which attracted so many in the first place.
Ehh… it’s not like the developers of this game don’t radically change the game without an expansion. Remember when we had to unlock traits by doing specific events scattered throughout the world? (And nobody ever rolled another alt until that was discontinued) And we can’t forget the still-present NPE and butchering of the Personal Story.
To be fair players asked, repeatedly, for traits (and skills) to be unlocked by doing specific challenges in the world. They said they wanted something like GW1 where you were awarded skills for doing specific quests or finding and defeating bosses. So Anet did as they were asked and it rapidly turned out a lot of people (including some of those who had asked for it) really did not want what they thought they did.
Also they fixed the personal story. It was a while after they broke it, but it’s been back in order (and with some new improvements) for quite a long time now.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I havent played wow in years… can someone briefly bring me up to speed?
I googled Nostalrius, Felahr. Short form: There was a fan-run private server set in vanilla WoW that got cease and desisted due to Blizzard needing to protect its rights and now Blizzard is making noise about maybe finding a way to do some official vanilla servers.
I imagine ANet would have to do exactly the same thing if players did a pirate core server. It’s not greed, it’s legal necessity so they don’t set a precedent for letting people use their intellectual property if more nefarious uses spring up.
Well in their defence, not closing it down and not protecting their copyright, would probably have caused much greater problems with setting a precedent for allowing infringement. Hence why so many lawsuits that seem so silly and petty get filed. It is the unfortunate nature of the copyright law in certain countries.
On topic for GW2 however, it is more interesting to see such a (seemingly) high % of accounts who wanted to play the original format. Expansions can have the effect of changing the game beyond recognition and it isn’t the first MMO to derail due to excessive exapcs (LOTRO..). GW2 isn’t suffering quite in that regard, although it veered a little off course with HoT in some places, but it goes to show what a fine balance between progressing an MMO and keeping the vision which attracted so many in the first place.
Ehh… it’s not like the developers of this game don’t radically change the game without an expansion. Remember when we had to unlock traits by doing specific events scattered throughout the world? (And nobody ever rolled another alt until that was discontinued) And we can’t forget the still-present NPE and butchering of the Personal Story.
To be fair players asked, repeatedly, for traits (and skills) to be unlocked by doing specific challenges in the world. They said they wanted something like GW1 where you were awarded skills for doing specific quests or finding and defeating bosses. So Anet did as they were asked and it rapidly turned out a lot of people (including some of those who had asked for it) really did not want what they thought they did.
Also they fixed the personal story. It was a while after they broke it, but it’s been back in order (and with some new improvements) for quite a long time now.
A lot of the problems with unlocking abilities was the implementation, not the concept. People wanted what they said they did, what was implemented just didnt match.
Oh boy, I played on Nost for about half a year; most fun I ever had in an MMO since vanilla, Black desert aside maybe. GW2 is good but nothing beats good old 1.12 WoW.
Community was awesome, levelling was awesome and took ages, open PvP: awesome. Never even attempted raiding and there was still so much to do. Hmmm. if Blizz ever does a vanilla realm I’m going to subscribe day 1.
I imagine ANet would have to do exactly the same thing if players did a pirate core server. It’s not greed, it’s legal necessity so they don’t set a precedent for letting people use their intellectual property if more nefarious uses spring up.
That’s what they said in their official response here:
Here’s a vid from JonTron to bring people up to speed:
(edited by Crovax.7854)
I’m curious. How did they set up a WOW server. Is the software available for folks to do that?
I’m curious. How did they set up a WOW server. Is the software available for folks to do that?
Yeah. I played on a pirate Wrath server that got shut down last year by a DMCA takedown, apparently.
Well in their defence, not closing it down and not protecting their copyright, would probably have caused much greater problems with setting a precedent for allowing infringement. Hence why so many lawsuits that seem so silly and petty get filed. It is the unfortunate nature of the copyright law in certain countries.
On topic for GW2 however, it is more interesting to see such a (seemingly) high % of accounts who wanted to play the original format. Expansions can have the effect of changing the game beyond recognition and it isn’t the first MMO to derail due to excessive exapcs (LOTRO..). GW2 isn’t suffering quite in that regard, although it veered a little off course with HoT in some places, but it goes to show what a fine balance between progressing an MMO and keeping the vision which attracted so many in the first place.
Ehh… it’s not like the developers of this game don’t radically change the game without an expansion. Remember when we had to unlock traits by doing specific events scattered throughout the world? (And nobody ever rolled another alt until that was discontinued) And we can’t forget the still-present NPE and butchering of the Personal Story.
To be fair players asked, repeatedly, for traits (and skills) to be unlocked by doing specific challenges in the world. They said they wanted something like GW1 where you were awarded skills for doing specific quests or finding and defeating bosses. So Anet did as they were asked and it rapidly turned out a lot of people (including some of those who had asked for it) really did not want what they thought they did.
Also they fixed the personal story. It was a while after they broke it, but it’s been back in order (and with some new improvements) for quite a long time now.
Hmm .. slightly distorted truth.
They didn’t just add the alternative method for unlocks for the people who asked for it. They also made a massive increase to the price using the old method for everyone else. Some also involved broken events which combines very badly with the price increase. Asking people to spawn camp event was never going to end well. There were also some nonsensical ones initially like Frostgorge Sound map completion for what should have been low level traits.
This thread is off topic and now closed.