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(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Mike O’Brien wrote up a blog post with a lot of details about today’s Spring Update. You can find it on our website, on this link. Enjoy!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
“We have thirty pages of release notes for you to read today…”
Lots of hard work I can see gone into it. None of it really affects me since I enjoyed HoT as it was, but I appreciate this is good for the wider game and community in fixing many of the issues people had.
Was hoping for a boss re-work from Megadestoryer appearing in the trailer, but I guess that was a red herring?
Anyone got Effect LOD to work? My auras are unchanged regardless of setting and I’ve tried zoning.
Decent patch for QoL, lets hope Q3 is equally big for content
The Spring Quarterly Update is now available to play! You can visit the release page for more details and read the complete release notes on our forums.
Click on the ‘release notes’ and get: The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
Not surprised…..
The Spring Quarterly Update is now available to play! You can visit the release page for more details and read the complete release notes on our forums.
Click on the ‘release notes’ and get: The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
Not surprised…..
Should be working now. High level of traffic knocked everything out
I’m not sure if I’m delighted, but I AM favorably impressed.
My desire to log in and play some WvW has skyrocketed after reading this, and my general disdain for the new maps won’t stop me from at least looking in them again to see if it’s become more appealing to lone wandering.
Well, it is nice to give us a Shared Inventory Slot for free. So thank you.
But can you please give us an option where these slots should be, like moving them like the bags? There was a reason why I didn’t buy any. Because for me it is totally annoying to have that at the top of the inventory.
The Spring Quarterly Update is now available to play! You can visit the release page for more details and read the complete release notes on our forums.
Click on the ‘release notes’ and get: The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
Not surprised…..
Should be working now. High level of traffic knocked everything out
Been clicking (periodically) for the last several minutes. No change. The ‘release page’ loads just fine, just not the ‘release notes’
so did you guys only fix fireball? or is the LOD bugged? non of my skills seem to be flashy
Well, it is nice to give us a Shared Inventory Slot for free. So thank you.
But can you please give us an option where these slots should be, like moving them like the bags? There was a reason why I didn’t buy any. Because for me it is totally annoying to have that at the top of the inventory.
I would add to this that I would appreciate if these kind of things were usable item so that people could avoid it if they want to do that. It looked to me that this is only for expansion buyers, if so, I successfully avoided it, but at any case, in the event that there ever are surprises like this again.
Thank you for the shared inventory slot you gave all of us for free.
The Spring Quarterly Update is now available to play! You can visit the release page for more details and read the complete release notes on our forums.
Click on the ‘release notes’ and get: The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
Not surprised…..
Should be working now. High level of traffic knocked everything out
Been clicking (periodically) for the last several minutes. No change. The ‘release page’ loads just fine, just not the ‘release notes’
I’ve been using the forum notes for 15-20 mins w/o issue, but try Dulfy since she has them up too
Wow, just spent half an hour reading through all the changes. I admit, I’m impressed, though I won’t be able to try them out tonight. But on paper, almost everything sounds good and the few things that don’t do instantly I’ll file under “gotta try them out first”.
Also thanks for the free shared inventory slot!
And on a side note- I guess I should start a career as a fortune teller :P
Anyway, no speculation about the teaser pics yet?
[…] that red portal in LA… since I doubt we’ll get another raid (wing) yet and still it seems to be assoiciated to raids… maybe it’s the entrance to some kind of raid lobby? […]
(edited by Nash.2681)
Definitely a solid update. Having dungeons back will be nice
On paper, this definitely looks promising if not great. Although all I’m worried about is PvP and how the nerfsto Engi, Rev, And Necro will do. But from reading the Mesmer notes, it seems they did nothing but buff an already OP class. Shame.
Players can now specify a quantity when purchasing items from a vendor.
Like, any items from any vendor in any quantity? My fingers thank you.
Thank you for the shared inventory slot you gave all of us for free.
You’re welcome! I think it’s going to be a lot of fun to try out professions that I normally wouldn’t choose. Who knows, I may develop a ~gasp!~ non-ranged character after all!
These changes to make everything give more experience sounds great. Unfortunately, it does absolutely nothing for me considering that I already have my Core Tyria and Heart of Thorns masteries completed.
I am extremely impressed with the quality of patch notes, first of all.
I haven’t logged in yet (but I’m about to!), I just wanted to deliver compliments where they are due.
Shared inventory slot- thanks! This hearkens back to the company that made me want to support them!
Specifying an amount at vendors? Priceless!
Launch pads at teq no longer require gliding- Extremely happy-making.
Dailies rework: On paper, this sounds like extremely good news!
Tweaks to Spirit Watch and Skyhammer: I might actually vote for these maps now!
Foefire lord rush tweaks: I do agree it needed some fine-tuning, but I hope it’s not an over-correction. I will reserve judgment until I’ve experienced it, of course.
HoT maps now sound like someplace I might like to explore.
The return of dungeons: Glad to see this.
There’s a lot I’ve either just skimmed over or am not thinking about right now, but those are the things that stand out from my first pass. Off to try live!
Great update! I am super happy about the dungeon reward changes, and am looking forward to seeing more people doing them!
Every time ANET does a good update I buy 10 dollars of gems… and when they do a bad one (based on my opinion) I penalize by not buying anything for 3 mo…
…Let me be clear… I really… really… Really… LOVE this patch.
… Soo I will forgive the penalty I had set for past patches and the constant ele nerfs… and I will buy 30 dollars in gems… as a ty to the ANET team.
I understand that developers and designer, etc don’t care about the money I give, they only care about that the content they create gets acknowledge and accepted, but Mr.Admin always care about money and this way I say ty to the team that did the great job and ty to Mr.Admin for allowing them to do so.
And always ty to Gaile for being awesome!
Wow, lot of unexpected QoL stuff, plus another shared inv slot, and a free lvl 80 char:D (not that I need it lol, tomes for days!)
Can’t wait to try stuff out.
Personally, this update alone was worth the legendaries cancellation. This was a HUGE improvement to HoT areas, especially regarding to rewards and meta event chains.
Dragon’s Stand
- Increased the timer after victory from 15 to 25 minutes.
- Noxious pods now have a glow that is visible through terrain.
- The Whispers Keepers now also sell boxes for each of the Leystone armor pieces in exchange for Ley-Line Crystals, Piles of Auric Dust, Airship Parts, and Crystalline Ore.
- Noxious pods now spawn near the forward camps and advance camps when they are captured by allied forces. Additional pods will become available for each additional group of allies that the players obtain.
Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. Everything else is wonderful too, but this just knocked out a lot of painful grinding.
Guhracie — There’s a lot to like, I agree with you. Thanks for the specific notes, and I hope you enjoy every element!
Fluffball – That’s the exact word I used when I saw the update notes.
Rsjakubra — I think we will see more player diving into dungeons (or returning to them) and I’m happy for that, too.
Jhoul — Thanks for making that exception. Believe me, we do care. It’s not what drives us, you’re right, but it’s what keeps the lights on, and that’s important. (And thanks for the kind words.)
Ven Zehn — Hope you love it!
Jake — I’ve liking those changes, too. I have a char I’m currently moving through HoT and I believe this will make that experience even better.
Tapioca — good to hear!
Good job. You’re on the good way IMO. This is a big patch to “clean” out things, and to make the game just better. Although, there will be a hard moment soon as there’s … Nothing new to do ( i’m talking about new maps, events, 4-5 new legendaries). People are gonna be happy for a few days and then realize that they are at the exact same stage they were before this patch, but in a better game.
So now I think that it is a hard priority to focus on new content, you made the game better with this patch, time to add new things in that better game!
It also makes people forgetting about legendary weapons cancelation, and that’s good, not a patch that will make ancient players come back, but definitely a patch that will delight players who play every game and every kind of content.
Thank you Mike O’Brien, Gaile Gray and all the people at GW2 who have worked so hard to make our game better. This has made my day, so thank you.
xrayane — We’ll be entering Season 3 of Living World, and Living World definitely will have new content. It’s my belief that most players were not expecting new content in this update, but were looking for exactly what was provided: substantive changes to the game that make it more fun, responsive reaction to player input, and that sort of thing. (I don’t presume to speak for players and their expectations, but that’s my observation, if that makes sense. )
I think you hit it exactly: with all the changes, just about every area/mode of the game sees improvement, and that’s a really positive thing.
This is a spectacular update, Gaile. Please pass on my thanks to everyone. I’m so looking forward to getting home tonight that it’s hard to concentrate on work.
Everything was great until I saw my Reaper getting trashed again for PvP. Why do you people constantly have to kill PvE skills to balance PvP, why not split the skills, you’ve done it in the past. Infuriating. The patch as a whole was great but once again your balance team is just not up to snuff!
i didn’t read the patchnotes … might be something good in it … the only thing i recognized: the shared slot might be nice – but if i can give it back please – it’s messing up all my bags – i had a nice 20×8 raster without bags shown, it fitted on screen and all was properly sorted – now everything is messed up when hiding bags and if i show bags the window not longer fits to my screen … i can’t pull this slot down so … meh – nice idea but at the moment it just makes me unhappy …
trying to calm myself with a bit of skyhammerfarming … now i am completely disappointed .. XD .. so you want to add more rewards and fun in the game … perhaps ppl had fun with farming this map … perhaps some ppl really played it like it was designed once – now none of them has fun in this map anymore XD … but yeah – that’s just my thoughts … hopefully i will find some of those amazingly new things from patch when i play tomorrow – for today i am just disappointed …
(still like the game and thanks to developers and stuff XD ) …
I will devour Hot xD! Thx dev for making a good game greater! I actually got a small tear in my eye when I read about the update. I love you all. Vet gamer
(edited by paperclip.7014)
Even though I haven’t been able to play the Spring patch yet on either my Mac or PC (due to “Unable to verify the Guild Wars 2 executable” error, messaged on PC only) I find the text covering the patch very reassuring.
So far, I’m very happy with the direction Mo is taking the game.
Until I’m able to launch the game again, I’m patiently waiting to enjoy less waiting have fun in GW2.
Chalk up one for the white knights. Good job Anet!
Fixed a bug that prevented Old Tom from dropping loot.
And here I all along thought it was a nerf to the rewards from that fractal.
Just read through everything relevant to my play-style… Lots of great things, indeed.
Thank you guys for listening to your player-base, and for all of the hard work!
I gotta be honest, I’m cautiously excited to try this when I get home from work tonight. I’m one of those longtime players that just… disappeared shortly after I realized what HoT really was.
From reading the patch notes it seems like all my contention points have been alleviated. Here’s me hoping I can come back and once again enjoy the game I’ve sunk years into!
Thanks for completely gutting chill reapers – the whole elite spec was based on chill and you’ve completely gutted it so well done. Glad i spent 1000 gold gearing out this character. You could have shaved the damage or duration, but why do that when you can completely ruin it.
xrayane — We’ll be entering Season 3 of Living World, and Living World definitely will have new content. It’s my belief that most players were not expecting new content in this update, but were looking for exactly what was provided: substantive changes to the game that make it more fun, responsive reaction to player input, and that sort of thing. (I don’t presume to speak for players and their expectations, but that’s my observation, if that makes sense.
I think you hit it exactly: with all the changes, just about every area/mode of the game sees improvement, and that’s a really positive thing.
Just to confirm, it’ll be another 3-4 months before Living World arrives with new content, yes? It’s coming back after the next quarterly update and the next raid wing, yes?
Speaking for myself I was not expecting new content with this update but that’s not to say that I didn’t want new content or wouldn’t have some preferred new content rather than all these changes. It doesn’t have to be an either-or. It doesn’t have to be tweaks to existing content or new content. You could have mixed both but chose not to.
While these changes certainly seem positive it remains to be seen if you guys can actually deliver new content.
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