Boon Duration %
If I remember right, it rounds to the nearest quarter.
Not sure if this helps, but here is what the wiki says about duration:
’Absolutely no rounding happens for duration totals (tooltips only round for display) but it is unknown what happens at certain split seconds for tick based effects. ’
10s & +66% —> 16.6s
only the tooltip rounds to the nearest quarter
16.6s —> 16 1/2s displayed
Protection is not a tickbased one. Regeneration, Bleeding, Poison and such act “each second” (or similar) which is a tick. And there it’s not known (by players) how exactly 6.5s bleedings work.
Can Giver’s armor do 2%+ per piece… or can we have an infusion with % Boon Duration.
Casting Stand Your Ground and Save Yourself gives 16s of Regeneration * 66%BD = 26.56s * 20% Rune Duration = 31.872s.
Obviously, any decimal to regeneration duration is going to become some random number that ultimately comes down to losing 1 tick of regeneration. Or does it? I am assuming that these like boons combine;
Expected Conclusion: Duration to ticking effects will add to continuity, but only apply per intervals.
I contest with this;
“10 seconds of regeneration are applied to a target from a level 80 player with 1500 Healing Power. 5 seconds later, 10 seconds of regeneration are applied to the same target from a level 80 player with 2000 Healing Power. The target will experience 317.5 health per second for the first 5 seconds, then 380 health per second for the next 10 seconds, then 317.5 health per second for the next 5 seconds.”
What if this was now 16.6s?
Would we lose every last tick off every single cast application?
Thanks all for replies thus far.
As the wiki said, that is unknown to players.
I’ve heard of two different possibilities (ignoring tick based duration stacking):
- Each condition ticks once a second. If the duration is x.9, it ticks x times, ignoring the .9.
- Once any tick based effect on the player starts, it starts a ticker. This ticker affects all tick-based effects. Meaning, you apply kitten bleed and 0.5s later kitten poison. The poison will then tick together with the bleeding at the time of 1s (instead of 1.5s). The ticker itsself continues until every tick-based effect is worn off. So in the example it’ll last 5.5s. During this time, it’ll tick at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, so in this case the poison ticks 0.5s sooner, but keep all the ticks. But due to placing of the timings fractional durations might lose one tick or gain an additional.
So, now for tick-based-duration-stacking effects (poison, burning, regeneration).
No clue here, but the second one of the above makes more sense here. You wouldn’t lose the 0.9s when overwriting the regeneration at time 5.9s.
Let me put it this way, per the first possibility;
16.6 seconds of regeneration(R1) are applied to a target from a level 80 player with 1500 Healing Power.
5 seconds later, 16.6 seconds of regeneration(R2) are applied to the same target from a level 80 player with 2000 Healing Power.
The target will experience 317.5 health per second for the first 5 seconds, then 380 health per second for the next 16.6 seconds, then 317.5 health per second for the next 11.6 seconds.
There would be a cut off to both the 16.6s and 11.6s, and there would be a lag time between R1 and R2 of 1.6s(time time it takes for R1 to fall off + the time it takes for R2 to tick once). That same .6s cut off would occur again at the end of R2.
If we are bound to a universal ticker, like the game clock, it would explain how skills like Symbol of Swiftness applies its effect. At times walking through this ground cast may apply its effect right away, or later, or not at all.
Usually this is attributed to “lag” or latency, but I prefer if there is an internal ticker we are always on, and effects are either on or off, but always in sync. This gives the game more randomness.
The reason players don’t know is because testing doesn’t produce reliable results.
If, as in the above example, you have a bleed for 6.5s, sometimes you’ll see 6 bleed ticks, sometimes 7….and sometimes 5. No, I have no idea how that happens either. No amount of mental gymnastics can explain when you get one more or one less tally mark in testing than any logical explanation can account for.
Protection, and other stacks-in-duration boons/conditions are easy. They last as long as you’d expect them to based on the math. So, if you have 16.6s of protection based on boon and boon duration%, you’ll see the boon icon for 16.6s.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?